EdUHK Research Repository

What it is

The EdUHK Research Repository collects, manages, preserves and showcases the research output of EdUHK staff in one digital location. Records can be browsed by Researchers, Research Units or Research Outputs, and searchable by keywords or phrases. The Research Repository also provides access to an electronic copy of the material when available. It represents a major knowledge management resource of the University and demonstrates the range and level of research achievement of EdUHK staff.


The EdUHK Research Repository contributes significantly to the development of research capacity of the University by providing a single bibliographical database of staff research output. The key objectives of this single repository are:

  • To provide EdUHK community and the public with immediate and convenient online access to the bibliographic citations and, where available, the full-text of the published works;
  • To strengthen research capacity by providing a reference database of research publications of EdUHK staff and students, as well as theses and honours projects of EdUHK students;
  • To enable staff members to share their published, pre-published and unpublished research works with colleagues as well as external researchers;
  • To demonstrate the depth of the University’s research attainments to stakeholders, such as external funding bodies, UGC and RAE; and
  • To provide staff a convenient platform for “self-archiving” their research and scholarly outputs.

What are included in the Repository

Citation records of books, book chapters, journal articles, conference papers, creative and literacy works, consulting reports, patents, etc. Full-text will be provided if available.

Call for Submissions

To enhance staff to self-archive their research output in the EdUHK Research Repository, the Library invites all EdUHK staff to submit their research output records and where available the full-text version. Colleagues can submit their records through email or contact us for details.

Submission Guidelines

Copyright Issues

Staff are welcome to deposit a full-text version of their research output to the EdUHK Research Repository. Currently, most publishers will accept and allow authors to deposit papers published in their journals in open access repositories, subject to certain conditions. The SHERPA RoMEO database ( provides a summary of copyright and archiving policies adopted by major publishers in the world. Staff are advised to read the publisher copyright policies on self-archiving and allowing use of their published materials in Repositories. You are most welcome to contact the EdUHK Research Repository team and we will be happy to check the copyright agreement related to any materials that you would like to deposit for you.


For enquiries on submitting records or about the Research Repository, please contact the EdUHK Research Repository Team at or by phone on 2948 6575 or 2948 6697.

Last Updated: 19 March 2019

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