
(Revised 3 July 2023)

  1. Opening Hours
    Opening hours are displayed on Library Website.
  2. Admission
    1. Admission of library user to EdUHK Library is conditional upon presentation of the original of their valid EdUHK Staff/Student Card or EdUHK Library Borrower/Reader Card, photos or other copies of which will not be accepted.
    2. Visitors are admitted only with the permission of the Librarian, Access Services Librarian or the most senior library staff on duty.
  3. Membership
    1. EdUHK Library Membership

      EdUHK Library Membership includes the following categories:

      1. EdUHK Council Members
      2. EdUHK Academic Staff and Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status (Band B or above for Administrative Staff) – including Regular and Honorary Staff
      3. EdUHK Staff Other than Academic Staff and Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status
      4. EdUHK Students – excluding students of self-funded non-credit bearing programmes
      5. EdUHK Alumni – graduates of EdUHK and alumni of the former colleges of education registered with the Alumni Affairs and Development Office, excluding graduates of self-funded non-credit bearing programmes
      6. EdUHK Retired Staff – EdUHK Regular Staff retired at age of 60 or above
      7. EdUHK Departed Long-serving Staff – EdUHK departed Regular Staff who have served the University continuously for 15 years or more
      8. External Members (see 3.5 below)
    2. All EdUHK students and staff members should obtain the appropriate EdUHK Staff/Student Cards from the Registry or Human Resources Office respectively for entry into the Library, for borrowing library materials and for using library facilities.
    3. All EdUHK part-time staff members employed on a monthly basis as well as all part-time Academic Staff and Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status can enjoy the same library borrowing privileges as their full-time counterparts. Part-time staff other than Academic Staff and Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status employed on hourly or daily basis are not eligible for library membership.
    4. EdUHK Staff/Student Cards or Library Borrower/Reader Cards are not transferable. Any change of address or loss/damage of Library Borrower/Reader Card must be reported to the Library’s Circulation Counter immediately. There is a charge for processing of card replacement.
    5. External Membership

      With the exception of current EdUHK Library Members as described in 3.1, the following categories of persons are eligible to apply for Library External Membership:

      Free Membership:

      1. Holders of JULAC Cards
      2. School Members (Free) – schools participating in official collaborative programmes with EdUHK
      3. Honorary Members – individuals who have major contributions to the University and at the discretion of the University
      4. Spouse Members – spouses of EdUHK Regular Staff
      5. Dependant Members – child dependants of EdUHK Regular Staff (child dependants below age of 12 must be accompanied by their parents in order to access library and use library facilities)
      6. School Teachers (Reader Cards) – practising school teachers in Hong Kong, without borrowing privileges

      Membership Requiring Payment of Annual Fee:

      1. Students of EdUHK self-funded non-credit bearing programmes
      2. School Teachers (Borrower Cards) – practising school teachers in Hong Kong, with borrowing privileges
      3. School Members (Paid) – schools not participating in official collaborative programmes with EdUHK but recommended by a Head of EdUHK Department
      4. Senior teaching professionals of government or other non-profit organisations with a letter of introduction from their senior responsible officer. Such persons must demonstrate a serious need to use the resources of EdUHK Library other than for studying for examination
      5. Visiting scholars or faculty members of overseas tertiary institutions who are staying in Hong Kong for research or official business
      6. Organisation Members – organisations which demonstrate a legitimate need to use the resources of EdUHK Library
      7. Other individuals recommended by a Head of EdUHK Department or above
    6. The Librarian reserves the right not to approve any membership application.
    7. Annual fees for EdUHK Alumni and External Members:
      Borrower Card Reader Card
      EdUHK Alumni (non-EdUHK affinity card holders) $250 Free
      EdUHK Alumni (EdUHK affinity card holders) $125 Free
      School Teachers $500 Free
      School Members (Paid) N/A $100
      Other External Members as appropriate $2,000 $500
    8. Members applying for free Reader Cards under categories 3.1.5, 3.5.2, and 3.5.6,  EdUHK Retired Staff and Departed Long-serving Staff applying for Borrower Cards are required to pay a one-time EdU Card production fee of $50.
    9. Request for refund of annual fee and EdU Card production fee will not be considered once payment is made.
    10. EdUHK Retired Staff and Departed Long-serving Staff are required to pay a one-time deposit of $500. EdUHK Alumni and External Members applying for Borrower Cards under categories 3.5.8, and 3.5.10 to 3.5.13 are required to pay a one-time deposit of $1,000.  Upon expiration or termination of membership, any outstanding payments due to the Library will be deducted from the deposit. Balance of deposit will be refunded to expired members upon request. All requests for refund of deposit must be made within 36 months from membership expiration or termination, after which requests for refund will not be entertained.
  4. Loan Rules
    1. Borrowing
      A valid EdUHK Staff/Student Card or Library Borrower Card must be produced when checking out library materials.
    2. Loan Quotas and Loan Periods
      Member Category
      A B C D
      • Council Members
      • Academic Staff & Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status
      • Departmental Library Card Holders
      • Students (Postgraduate Degrees)
      • Honorary Members
      • Staff Other Than Academic Staff & Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status
      • Students
      • Retired or Departed Long-serving Academic Staff & Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status
      • Spouses of Regular Staff
      • Child Dependants of Regular Staff
      • Alumni
      • Students of EdUHK Self-funded Non-credit Bearing Programmes
      • Retired or Departed Long-serving Staff Other Than Academic Staff & Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status
      • JULAC Borrower Card Holders
      • All Other External Members with Borrowing Privileges
      Loan Quota 80 items 50 items 15 items 10 items
      Hold Request Quota 20 items 20 items 5 items N/A
      Loan Period1, 2, 3
      Type 1
      • Circulation Books
      90 days 30 days 30 days 30 days
      Type 2
      • Teaching Resources
      • Children Books
      • Taiwanese Children’s Literature Special Collection
      14 days 14 days 14 days 14 days
      Type 3
      • Media
      • School Textbooks
      • EIH Collection
      14 days 14 days 14 days N/A
      Type 4
      • Reserve Books
      • Reserve Media
      7 days 7 days N/A N/A
      Type 5
      • Bound Serials
      3 days N/A N/A N/A
      Type 6
      • Serials Current Issues
      1 day N/A N/A N/A
      Type 7
      • Closed Reserve Books
      3 hours4 3 hours4 N/A N/A


      1. The initial loan periods of 14-day, 30-day and 90-day loan items will be reduced to 7 days, 15 days and 30 days respectively if the items have been held by other users when the items are being checked out.
      2. Borrowers must return their loan items before the expiry of their library membership.
      3. Please refer to Library Website for details of materials included under each type of loan items.
      4. Three-hour loan items are for in-library use only. Some 3-hour loan items are restricted to specific types of library users. Please contact library counters for details.

    3. Returning
      1. Borrowers must return their loans to the Library on or before the due dates.
      2. All loans must be returned on recall.
    4. Renewal
      1. All loans with a loan period of 14 days or more may be renewed up to the maximum loan period specified below unless a hold or a recall has been placed.
        Initial Loan Period Maximum Loan Period after Renewals
        14 days 56 days
        30 days EdUHK Staff Other Than Academic Staff & Administrative Staff of Equivalent Status, EdUHK Students (excluding students of self-funded non-credit bearing programmes): Unlimited
        Other library users under Member Category B, all library users under Member Categories C and D: 240 days
        90 days Unlimited
      2. Borrowers can renew their loans in person or online via the Library System anytime before the due date.
      3. The new due date is calculated from the date of renewal.
      4. Overdue items are not renewable.
      5. Telephone and e-mail renewals will not be accepted.
    5. Recalls and Holds
      1. All loaned items with a loan period of 14 days or more are subject to hold requests (original loan period will not be shortened) placed on them by another user.
      2. All loaned items with a loan period of 30 days or more are also subject to recall (original loan period will be shortened) if requested by another user.
      3. Items with holds pending cannot be renewed, and borrowers are required to return these items by the due dates.
      4. Recalled items must be returned on or before the revised due date.
      5. Late return of recalled or held items will be treated as overdue and liable to a fine. All borrowing privileges of the borrowers, including loans, renewals and recalls, will also be suspended until the recalled items are returned.
      6. All recall and pick-up notices will only be sent by e-mail.
    6. Overdue
      1. Overdue notices will be sent to borrowers by e-mail.
      2. Non-receipt of such notices will not be accepted as an excuse for waiving or reducing fines.
    7. Overdue Fines
      1. Fines are charged for overdue loans.
      2. All overdue fines will be calculated according to the official library opening hours/days:
        Loan Period Period Overdue Fine Rate Maximum Fine
        30-day and 90-day loans 1 day or more $1 per day $30 in 30 days
        14-day, 7-day, 3-day and 1-day loans 1 day or more $2 per day $40 in 20 days
        3-hour loans 1 hour or more $2 per hour $60 in 30 hours
    8. Payment of Fines
      1. All fines should be paid at Library counters or online if applicable.
      2. When an overdue fine of any individual borrower reaches the Maximum Fine, or his/her total accumulated library fines exceed $100, all borrowing privileges of the borrower, including loans, renewals and recalls, will be suspended until payment is made.
      3. Students with outstanding library loans and fines will not be permitted to collect any academic documents until payment is made and all overdue items are returned.
      4. Fine disputes should be brought to the Access Services Librarian for investigation. Unresolved disputes are referred to the Deputy Librarian, and, if necessary, to the Librarian for final decision.
    9. Loss or Damage of Library Materials
      1. A borrower will have to pay a fine for any item damaged or lost when on loan to him/her, amount of which is equivalent to the full replacement cost of the item plus a processing fee of $80 (for each item) and any outstanding overdue fines.
      2. Request for refund will not be considered once payment is made.
      3. If a lost item is later found or returned to the Library, it is considered to be officially returned on the day it is found or returned. “Maximum Fine” will not apply and overdue fine will be calculated up to the day the item is officially returned.
      4. All lost and damaged items remain the property of the Library.
    10. Assumed Loss
      1. Any overdue material reaching the Maximum Fine will assume to have been lost by the borrower.
      2. The borrower will have to pay a fine equivalent to the full replacement cost of the assumed lost item plus a processing fee of $80 (for each item) and any outstanding overdue fines.
      3. Request for refund will not be considered once payment is made.
      4. If an “assumed lost” item is later found or returned to the Library, it is considered to be officially returned on the day it is found or returned. “Maximum Fine” will not apply and overdue fine will be calculated up to the day the item is officially returned.
      5. All assumed lost items remain the property of the Library.
    11. Claimed Returned
      1. All items claimed to have been returned by borrowers but have not been checked into the Library System are defined as “Claimed Returned”.
      2. If a “claimed returned” item is later found or returned to the Library, it is considered to be officially returned on the day it is found or returned. Overdue fine will be charged if the item is found or returned after its due date.  “Maximum Fine” will not apply and overdue fine will be calculated up to the day the item is officially returned.
      3. If a “claimed returned” item cannot be located within 3 months from the date of the first reported claim, the item will be assumed lost by the borrower.
      4. The borrower of the assumed lost item will have to pay a fine equivalent to the full replacement cost of the assumed lost item plus a processing fee of $80 (for each item) and any outstanding overdue fines calculated to the date of the first reported claim.
      5. Request for refund will not be considered once payment is made.
      6. All assumed lost items remain the property of the Library.
    12. Departure from the University
      1. Library materials must not be taken out of the HKSAR without permission of the Librarian.
      2. Students must return all library loans and settle all outstanding payments due to the Library before withdrawal or graduation from the University.
      3. Staff members are responsible for returning all library loans and settle all outstanding payments due to the Library on or before cessation of employment at the University.
  5. Conduct of Library Users
    1. All library users must enter and leave the Library through designated entrances and exits unless directed otherwise by a library staff member.
    2. All library users must show the contents of their bags, cases, and other kinds of receptacles when they activate the security alarm at the library exit or upon request by library staff.
    3. All library users must present their EdUHK Staff/Student Cards or EdUHK Library Borrower/Reader Cards for inspection upon request by library staff.
    4. The Librarian may from time to time designate specific areas of the Library for consumption of food and drinks by library users. Subject to conditions as stipulated in the Library’s “Food and Drink Policy”, drinks are allowed in all areas of the Library. Food is only allowed in area(s) designated by the Librarian, and must not be brought into other areas of the Library. For details, please refer to the “Food and Drinks Policy” posted on Library Website.
    5. No wet umbrellas or raincoats may be brought into the Library.
    6. Photo taking, video shooting or audio recording which may affect other library users or library staff cannot be conducted in the Library without permission of the Librarian or his delegate.
    7. Except in designated discussion areas, library users must keep silent inside the Library, and must not cause disturbance to other library users or library staff.
    8. Tables and chairs may not be moved to other locations.
    9. No seats may be reserved by placing materials on the desks or chairs. Any books or personal belongings left unattended on unoccupied tables or carrels may be removed by library staff without prior notice to the owner.
    10. Personal belongings should not be left unattended anywhere in the Library. The Library does not accept responsibility for any loss of personal belongings unattended in the premises.
    11. Mutilation or theft of library materials is a serious offence. Penalties include fine equivalent to full replacement cost, suspension of library privileges, etc. For students, the cases may also be referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee for further action.
    12. Borrowers will be held responsible for mutilations found on return of any materials loaned to them. They are advised to check and report any mutilations found in the materials before borrowing.
    13. Copying and use of library materials must comply with the Copyright Ordinance. Library users are fully responsible for legal consequences arising from their infringement of applicable copyright laws.
    14. Reproduction or duplication of audio-visual materials or computer software without permission from the copyright owner is strictly prohibited.
    15. In case of a fire alarm, all library users should leave the Library via the designated emergency exits immediately. All library materials should be left inside the Library.
  6. Violation of Library Regulations
    1. Library users violating any Library Regulations are required to provide their names and EdUHK identity information to library staff for records and further actions.
    2. Library users violating the following Library Regulations may be subject to actions by the Library.
    3. Cases and Actions by the Library
      Case I
      Case Description Actions
      (a) An EdUHK library user found leaving the library exit with uncharged library material(s), either in hand or in a bag, for the first time within an academic year; or

      (b) Lending/borrowing of Library Card between two EdUHK library users for gaining access to the Library and/or borrowing library material(s) for the first time within an academic year.

      (i) A record to be filled by a library staff member; and

      (ii) Reminder to be given to the offender(s) by the library staff member.

      Case II
      Case Description Actions
      An EdUHK library user found committing two Cases I within an academic year. (i) A report to be filled by a library staff member; and

      (ii) All library privileges* of each offender will be suspended for one month; and

      (iii) Each offender will be charged a fine of $50; and

      (iv) A warning letter to be issued to the offender(s), and for EdUHK students, the warning letter will be copied to:
      Registrar (for recording in personal files)
      Dean of Faculty/Graduate School to which the student belongs

      Case III
      Case Description Actions
      (a) An EdUHK library user found committing three
      Cases I
      or more within an academic year; or

      (b) An EdUHK library user found leaving the Library exit with uncharged library material(s) concealed on his/her body at any time; or

      (c) An EdUHK library user found mutilating library material(s) at any time; or

      (d) An EdUHK library user found lending his/her Library Card to an outsider for gaining access and/or borrowing library material(s) at any time.

      (i) A report to be filled by a library staff member; and

      (ii) All library privileges* of each offender# will be suspended for three months; and

      (iii) Each offender# will be charged a fine of $100; and

      (iv) A warning letter to be issued to the offender(s)#, and for EdUHK students, the warning letter will be copied to:
      Registrar (for recording in personal files)
      Dean of Faculty/Graduate School to which the student belongs

      (v) For EdUHK students, the case may be referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee for further action.

      * including access and borrowing privileges
      # EdUHK library users only
      i. For Cases I(b), II and III(a), both holder and borrower of the Library Card in question are subject to the prescribed actions.
      ii. For Cases I(b), II, III(a) and III(d), holder of the Library Card in question is liable for any loss and damage of library materials which incurred as a result of illegal transfer of the Library Card, and the Library Card in question is to be retained by the Access Services Section for collection by the card holder.
      iii. For Case III(c), in addition to the fine listed above, the said library user is required to pay a fine equivalent to the full replacement and processing costs of the item(s).
      iv. If an outsider is found using an EdUHK Library Card which has not been reported lost by the card holder, the holder of the Library Card in question is considered as committing a Case III(d) and is subject to the prescribed action.
    4. Repetition of Cases
      If a library user is found committing Case III repeatedly, in addition to the actions listed for the cases, the Librarian shall have discretion to suspend all library privileges of the user for a period of twelve months or longer, depending on the seriousness of the cases. For students, the cases may also be referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee for further action.
    5. Illegal Acts involving Non-EdUHK Library Users
      If an outsider is involved in any illegal acts, e.g. using a stolen Library Card to gain access to the Library and/or to borrow library materials, mutilating library materials, etc., the case may be reported to the Police.
  7. Special Rules
    1. Cancellation of Library Privileges
      Breach of any Library Regulations may result in the suspension or cancellation of library privileges. Any student infringes any Library Regulations may be referred to the Student Disciplinary Committee.
    2. Exclusions from Library
      1. Library users who refuse to pay for the library materials lost while on loan to them or to pay fines accrued on overdue items or who consistently refuse to observe Library Regulations will be excluded from the Library for a period of time set by the Librarian.
      2. The Librarian, Access Services Librarian or the most senior library staff on duty may exclude from the Library for the rest of the day any user who violates any of the Library Regulations or acts in any way which may interfere with the convenience of other library users or the work of the library staff.
    3. The Librarian may from time to time make special regulations regarding admission to and use of particular areas of the Library.
    4. The Librarian may make any special rules or amend any of the Library Regulations as deemed appropriate for the proper management of the Library.
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