The Collection Development Policy of the Education University of Hong Kong Library is formulated to establish management guidelines for the continuing development of the library resource collection, including selection, maintenance and evaluation.
The Library aims to develop a leading university library collection in education and complementary disciplines within the Asia-Pacific Region. The library collection is set up to meet the learning, teaching and research needs of the University in all related disciplines. The library collection contributes to the advancement of the University’s vision and mission and supports the realization of the University’s goals and strategies.
An extensive and dynamic collection of resources is collected reflecting the diversity of education and complementary disciplines, and without prejudice or limitation to language and contents. The Library provides support for degree and non-degree programmes at undergraduate and postgraduate levels to prepare teachers and other educators for the teaching profession. Emphasis is given in collecting materials which support the University’s strategic goals. The Library collects materials to provide support for research, lifelong learning and professional development as well as materials that will provide enrichment and will contribute to the spiritual, moral, and cultural needs of students and staff.
Resources are collected in a wide range of formats including electronic materials to best meet the needs of students and staff. E-Priority Policy: To achieve better accessibility of resources, and to support e-learning of the University, electronic formats of resources are preferred. If purchase of the materials in print format is required, the Library will consider the request on a case by case basis.
Primarily Chinese and English materials are collected. Materials in other languages are collected as appropriate.
Most materials collected will deal with contemporary issues and current research. Historic resources which support research activities of the University are also collected.
Primarily Chinese and English materials are collected. Materials in other languages are collected as appropriate.
The Library will not collect or provide materials which may violate laws of Hong Kong (including the National Security Law and the Safeguarding National Security Ordinance) as well as materials of the following nature: i) provocative; ii) defamatory; and iii) spreading hate speech will not be collected by the Library. In addition, to maintain a permanent and diversified collection which is accessible to all library users, the following categories of materials are generally not collected by the Library:
- Equipment and tools
- Consumables
- Items that are difficult to shelf and/or to circulate
- Items with similar duplications in library collection
Gift Policy
- Gift items will be added to the Library Collection if they suit the Library’s General Collection Development Policy and support the teaching, learning and research needs of students and staff of the University.
- There will be no conditional terms of acceptance. The gifts must be free of restrictions and the library has the total right to handle gifts received according to its needs, including retention, location, exchange, etc.
- The Library in general will not accept duplicate copies and non-print materials in formats which are not readily supported by existing library facilities.
- The Library will not offer appraisal of the gifts for tax purposes.
- All gifts received will become the Library’s property.