Latest Updates to New Library System

As announced earlier on 21 April and 2 June 2017, INNOPAC Millennium, the current library system which has been in operation for over 20 years since 1995 will be replaced by Ex Libris’ Alma, a new library system, and Primo, a new library resources discovery tool, in July. The new library system will be shared by all eight UGC-funded university libraries including CityU, CUHK, EdUHK, HKBU, HKU, HKUST, LU and PolyU.

Due to underestimated complexity of the project, the 8 libraries have agreed to revise the new system launching schedule to allow for additional testing to ensure a successful implementation. Below please find the updated important dates:

Important dates What will happen
19 May 2017 (Friday)
  • Last day to make library material recommendations for 2016/17 academic year.  (Completed)
5 June 2017 (Monday)
  • Last day to request HKALL books via existing system. (Completed)
  • If you need books from other UGC libraries after this date and before the new library system is available, please use Inter-Library Loans Service ( instead.
15 June 2017 (Thursday)
  • Last day to return HKALL books. (Completed)
4 July 2017 (Tuesday)
  • Last day to request EdUHK Library materials or inter-campus delivery.
11 July 2017 (Tuesday)
  • Last day to export and save “My Reading History” from the existing library system.
  • Last day to pay all your fines and to check the details of your fines accrued under existing library system.  Otherwise, your total outstanding amount will be transferred to the new system but details of fines may not be available.
  • Last day to pick up items requested by you under the current library system, after which you have to request the items again under the new library system.
12 July 2017 (Wednesday) to
17 July 2017 (Monday)
  • Library system and related services* become temporarily unavailable.
  • Borrowed items cannot be renewed during this period but borrowing and returning can still be handled in person at library counters during their opening hours.
17 July 2017 (Monday) (Tentative)
  • New library system in operation.

* Certain online library services, e.g. MyLibrary, library material recommendation, Library SMS Alert, request to place library materials on reserve, Library facilities booking system, JULAC Card registration, etc. may be affected and not immediately available after the new library system is in operation.

For further information, please contact the Information Counter at 2948 6653 or Circulation Counter at 2948 6658.

21 June 2017

Circular No. 8/2017

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