2020 Library User Survey
Tuesday, 24 March to Thursday, 23 April 2020
Library services have been affected to different degrees by various unexpected situations in the 2019/20 academic year, including the recent COVID-19 pandemic. To safeguard the health and safety of users and staff, the Library has implemented special opening hours and special service arrangements, which we hope will support online teaching and minimize disturbance to library users. Although we are unable to resume normal services at the moment, we would still like to know your satisfaction level, experience and opinions on the Library, especially on the new facilities and services implemented this year. Your feedback will help us to understand the quality of our resources and services, and to identify areas which may need improvement.
We cordially invite you to log into the following URL https://edulib.me/survey and take a few minutes to complete the questionnaire, which has been re-designed this year so that you can easily read and answer the questions on any desktop or mobile device. Upon completion, just click “Submit” and no need to provide any personal information. Please complete and submit your questionnaire on or before Thursday, 23 April 2020.
Thank you for your ongoing support to the Library. Results of this Library User Survey will be collated and published on the Library Website.