New Services and Facilities @ EdUHK Library

Welcome back to the Campus! The Library is delighted to introduce the following service and facility enhancements in the new semester.

Discussion Booths
Five new Discussion Booths have been installed to facilitate group discussions. Three 6-seat booths have been installed at The Lounge on G/F of Mong Man Wai Library which opens 24 hours each day. Two additional 4-seat Discussion Booths have also been set up at Discussion Zone on 1/F. Advance booking can be made online by groups consisting of at least 2 to 3 EdUHK students or academic staff.

Study Booths
Four single-seat Study Booths have been installed at Discussion Zone on 1/F of MMW Library. Advance booking can also be made online by individual EdUHK students and academic staff.

New High-end Notebooks
New high-end notebooks with AI boost NPUs are being installed at e-Learning Studio and STEM Room on 2/F. In addition to AI applications, these new notebooks are also suitable for coding and content creation.

Projection Systems Upgraded in Three Future Classrooms
New theatre-grade 4K projectors supporting edge-blending technology have been installed at Special Education Room on 1/F and e-Learning Studio on 2/F. The new projection systems provide superb images of video and computer graphic on the 32:9 ultra-wide projection walls in both rooms, making them the perfect venues for classes, events and other learning activities.

Theatre-grade 4K projector and a larger projection screen have also been set up at Creative Arts Room. Together with the multichannel audio system, students will be able to experience high quality audio-visual contents in this room specially designed for learning and teaching of creative and performing arts.

scite: an AI Research Tool
“scite” is an online platform that employs AI to check the credibility of academic papers by showing whether a particular article has been supported, contradicted or mentioned by other research. It aims to help students and researchers assess the reliability and impact of academic papers by analyzing the citations and references associated with them. To learn more about scite, please visit the guide prepared by the Library at

Library Chatbot
The new Chatbot on Library Website is designed to answer your queries on library services and facilities. It can communicate with you in either English or Chinese, and supports written Chinese characters input (but not Cantonese). The Chatbot is currently in its pilot phase, continuing to learn and improve its capabilities. During this initial period, if the Chatbot is unable to provide the correct answer to your query, please feel free to redirect any unresolved queries to our Information Counter for further assistance.

EdU LibMap
Version 2.0 of “EdU LibMap” has been released. It is a major update to the Library’s indoor positioning and navigation mobile app which supports both iOS and Android devices. EdU LibMap v2.0 with enhanced navigation features will guide library users step-by-step from their current locations in Mong Man Wai Library to any point inside the Library with real-time updates. UX/UI design of the app has also been upgraded.

Me Space
Me Space is a new single-person mental wellness facility operated by the Counselling Services Section of SAO and supported by the Library. Located at The Lounge on G/F of MMW Library, it opens 24 hours daily and provides a private space for EdUHK students and staff to experience a mental wellness journey. Please note that Me Space is not set up as a personal study space and advanced booking is required.

For further information, please contact our Information Counter at 2948 6653 or e-mail

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