Amendments to Library Regulations


The Library Management Committee has endorsed the following amendments (in red) to Library Regulations for better management of loan activities.  The revised Library Regulations will become effective on 1 January 2025. 

4.2.      Loan Quotas and Loan Periods

    Member Category / Loan Period
    A B C D
Type 7
  • Closed Reserve Books
  • Notebook Computers and Accessories
3 hours 3 hours N/A N/A
Type 8
  • VR-AR-Media Equipment
7 days 7 days
(students and staff only)

Late return of recalled or held items will be treated as overdue and liable to a fine.  The following privileges of the borrowers will also be suspended until the recalled items are returned: loans, renewals and recalls of library materials; access to Library’s online resources; booking of library facilities; requests for HKALL books, interlibrary loan and document delivery services.

All overdue fines will be calculated according to the official library opening hours/days:

            Loan PeriodPeriod OverdueFine RateMaximum Fine
30-day and 90-day loans1 day or more$1 per day$30 in 30 days
14-day, 7-day*, 3-day and 1-day loans
(*excluding VR-AR-media production equipment)
1 day or more$2 per day$40 in 20 days
3-hour loans1 hour or more$2 per hour$60 in 30 hours
7-day loans of VR-AR-media production equipment1 day or more$2 per day$14 in 7 days

When an overdue fine of any individual borrower reaches the Maximum Fine, or his/her total accumulated library fines exceed $100, the following privileges of the borrower will be suspended until payment is made: loans, renewals and recalls of library materials; access to Library’s online resources; booking of library facilities; requests for HKALL books, interlibrary loan and document delivery services.

For more details, please visit or contact our Information Counter at 29486653 / e-mail

23 December 2024

Library Circular No. 8/2024

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