Total 133 written comments received.
Breakdown by below categories
- Collection: 22 (16.5%)
- Compliments: 7 (5.3%)
- Environment: 15 (11.3%)
- Facilities: 35 (26.3%)
- Public Area Management: 14 (10.5%)
- Services: 40 (30.1%)
Remarks: Users’ comments are transcribed without editing
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– 教育類藏書很多很好 | Comments noted with thanks. |
– 電子期刊不足夠,而且有一些關於期刊的資料不準確(例如:期數、或上旬寫成下旬等等) | Comments noted with thanks. Over the years, we have been rapidly expanding our electronic resources. We have also been an active participant in various local and regional e-book and e-journal consortia, enabling us to attain continuous growth in our electronic collection cost-effectively. As of June 2015, the Library has subscribed to 195 databases, 52,740 e-journals titles and 664,390 e-books. We encourage users to contact the Library Information Counter or Academic and Learning Support Services colleagues (2948 6653 / directly and provide concrete examples so that we may find out how to enhance the search results and to follow up with the vendor on improving the accuracy of the data. |
– 膠卷館藏:建議增購膠卷,特別是《華僑日報》、《香港時報》、《文匯報》等香港報紙,另外能在內地搜購與香港相關但未見本地館藏之報紙膠卷,如《大光報》(香港版)、《天光報》等等; 期刊資料庫:建議增強「全國報刊索引數據庫」,新馬及南亞華文資料庫需要受到重視; 數碼化01:可考慮與香港《成報》合作數碼化1938至1990間的報紙; 數碼化02:可考慮設計簡單的server,讓學者及研究人員捐出數碼化資料及版權資料,並開放予圖書館使用者在館內儀器上閱讀。 | Comment noted. Most of the proposed items are available for public access in various academic / public libraries in HK. In view of the high cost and availability, we do not have plans to purchase them for the moment. |
– 本人修讀中文課程,有關的藏書不全面,建議多構買相關數量的書籍。 – 增加幼兒教育書籍書量 擴大圖書館面積 – 報紙雜誌種類不夠多,請添加 – 圖書館館藏很少,哲學類書本不足;文學類書本不齊全 – 而中文文學藏書太少,建議購入多些種類。 – 希望能增加藏書量及種類 – 作為一所將「正名」的「大學」,教院圖書館的藏書量和質都還是遠不足夠。很多本地和外國的「經典」我們都還未收藏。 不過,對同事們提議購書(book recommendation)的反應速度算不錯,值得一讚!請繼續努力! – Please contribute greatly on improving Serials collection, Electronic Journals, Electronic Books up to University standard/level to support teacher and student research activities. We are far behind comparing with any local universities on these library facilities. – 圖書館館藏很多都過時,沒有更新部分已經過時的書藉。而且,存放樂譜的圖書架太少和擺放凌亂,很難找到所需。加上,太少有關音樂的CD等,帶望能改善。建議可以設立機制,由同學提出所需的書藉資料,經過館方評估再購買,這能確保館藏能合乎同學所需。 – 可增加多些消閒書籍,例如小說。另外,e-journal也需要增加,因為有很多也找不到,阻礙做功課。 | Comment noted and will be followed up. The Library has implemented an e-priority policy under which a higher priority is given to acquiring electronic books and electronic journals than print ones. Priority will also be given to materials related to academic programmes. All HKIEd students and staff are also welcome to make specific purchase suggestions to the Library by using the Online Recommendation Form at the Library Website: |
– 書籍年份太舊 | According to our records, over 60% of library materials were published after 2000. Recently we have implemented an e-priority policy under which electronic copies will be acquired whenever appropriate. Please check Library Catalog, as many titles published in the past few years are available in electronic format. |
– There is too little journals/articles available on the library website. Also, sometimes I find only the journal name on the website but cannot get access to it. (The link is not accessible) | Students are encouraged to make use of the Library subscribed databases and the “EdLINK” function to check whether online access to the full text is available. In addition, students can also request electronic copies of articles not available in our library through the Document Delivery Service. Please contact the Information Counter for assistance if necessary |
– I see the need to increase the amount of e-Journals and assess to articles online, maybe increase subscription or joint with other institutes in HK. – 參考書數量可增加,因功課期有時未能借到參考書 – 很多书籍建议增加数量以供大量需求。 | Comments noted. Library users are also welcome to make specific purchase suggestions to the Library by using the Online Recommendation Form at |
– 應購入更多電子資源 | Both staff and students are encouraged to send specific recommendations, including databases, e-books and e-journals, to the Library any time. We shall evaluate the product and arrange for trial testing. Cost, benefits and quality of the product, as well as user needs and feedback and all other factors will be thoroughly considered before we make the purchase / subscription priority and decisions. |
– As a research staff, it is always very difficult to search and read the jounal freely searched. I do think that the library should purchase more copy right of the jounal to faciliatate the research development and knowledge transfer . The HKIED ILL system somehow is too slow in response as researcher would like to read the searched journal paper immediately. This slows down the resarch output definitely. | The Library will continue to evaluate the electronic resources subscribed by the Library. |
– 圖書館購書建議,由填表建議至可以外借的期間太長,應予縮短 – The order time for recommended book is too long. | Library materials recommended by users will be considered accordingly to the Library’s collection development policies. Priority will be given to materials related to academic programmes. Also, some publications may require longer time for sourcing and ordering. |
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– I am grateful for the excellent service provided by the library and its staff; thank you very much indeed and keep it up … | Comment noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff. |
– You are doing fine; keep up the good work! – 能感覺圖書館在不斷完善服務,謝謝。 – The Library is doing a wonderful job overall. Keep up the good work. – 本人即將畢業,我謹代表幼兒教育系十多班同學們感謝圖書館長及其他圖書館職員在過去五年用心、認真及友善地我們服務,當我們在使用圖書服務遇上困難時,圖書館職員總會友善及有耐性地為我們解答問題及給予幫忙。每當考試時期,圖書館會安排延長開放時間,這對我們十多班的兼讀生非常重要及有很大幫助,我們能順利畢,有賴圖書館每位職員為我們用心服務,借書服務能讓我們順利完成每份功課,並讓我們知識增長,畢業後能為社會作出貢獻。再次多你們為學生們提供優質的服務及學習上的支持,在此,祝願圖書館每位職員身體健康及工作愉快! – Thank you for providing a wonderful service, I am proud of our library holdings and services. – Providing professional and high quality SERVICE and assistance. Thanks. | Comments noted with thanks. |
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– 請多消毒打掃圖書館桌椅 – 望多加留意公共電腦和座椅的衛生情況 – 自修室清潔情況很差,椅子很多時是破的或有積,枱面及keyboard 經常鋪滿塵埃。是定期有人清潔的嗎? | Cleaners do the cleaning every morning. However, if the seats are being occupied by users during the cleaning period and the cleaners do not want to disturb the users. Thus, some seats could not be cleaned from time to time. Users may report to library counters anytime for assistance. |
– TOILETS R CLEAn. GOOD | Comment noted with thanks. |
– 安靜環境: a. 工作人員在圖書館內工作時,談話聲過大。例如整理書本的時候,清潔人員清潔的時候,安靜的圖書館就蕩漾著工作人員的聲音。工作人員應該以身作則,保持安靜。 B. 學生及外來人員圖書館(非學生和工程人員)內,包括7*24 內隨意聊天,在自習區討論,接電話,吃東西打擾到其他同學學習。 雖說這事情需要自覺意識,館內亦也溫馨提示,但自覺沒有用的時候,為學生提供安靜學習環境,圖書館需要加強宣傳及管理,例如工作人員可以定時巡查,發現以上現象可以提醒該同學保持安靜,也可設置投訴熱線,如果同學發現館內有人打擾到其他人學習可以撥打該電話,工作人員前往處理。雖然會增加工作人員工作量,但是,圖書館最大的宗旨就是為同學提供優質的學習環境。如果連這個也保障不了,圖書館不是失去它的應有作用了嗎? C. 館外廣場搞起活動來真的轟天動地,館內聽得一清二楚。當然,因為學院面積問題,廣場是最適合學生活動的場所。二者需求取個平衡,可以不可以考慮,只能在特定時間內才能搞活動,例如星期幾的幾點。 – 應該多提醒同學在圖書館安靜,如貼上logo – 经常有同学在非讨论室大声讨论,影响其他同学的学习。希望经常有图书馆工作人员巡视,由他们出面指正。 – Users in the library are always noisy. | Comments noted and we have arranged regular patrols of the Library. Library staff will warn users who are found making noise inside the Library. However, maintaining a quiet study area will require cooperation and self-discipline of all library users. When assistance is needed, users can contact Library Staff immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. Library Management Committee has also endorsed related amendments to the Library Regulations (effective 1 July 2015) for better management of library facilities. Long-term acoustic improvement will also be implemented in Phase 3 of the MMW Library Spatial Reorganization Project, and shall be completed in September 2015. |
– 打掃嬸嬸時常大聲交談和打掃時發出大聲響,圖書館內請保持安靜。 – the clean staff or other staff working in library, always crazily talking very loud, but library should be a quiet place for study. also, students should be reminded to be quiet in some restricted talking area. | Comments noted and have been followed up. |
– Can the staff in the library be more quite when they work? I have no idea why they speak so loud in the library. They make so much noise also. Is that the reason they neglect people who talk in the library? If this is not the noisiest library in the world, it must be one of the noisiest libraries in the world. – 圖書館自動門開關時發出聲音稍大,對其他圖書館使用者略有滋擾 | Comments noted and will be followed up. |
– Split up the computers and study spaces; move them away from the stairs. This will reduce noise from foot traffic and group activities. Introduce a signboard, similar to car parks, that shows workspace availability | Comment noted. Long-term acoustic improvement and zoning for different levels of activities will be implemented in the MMW Library Spatial Reorganization Project. |
– 晚上閉管後7X24的冷氣太強,很冷。 – 7×24的冷氣系統會吹得使用者頭痛,但同時感覺侷促,容易令人昏昏欲睡. 希望有鮮風系統,減少冷氣的電力消耗,同時令舒適度提升. | Comments noted. Enhancement of air-conditioning is included in the Spatial Reorganization Project. |
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– 增設熱水機後很方便! | Comment noted with thanks. |
– 建議在7×24增設彩色影印機,更加方便學生做完功課後列印交功課,因為ITS的電腦十分緩慢和殘舊,當有較多圖片要彩色影印交作品時,往往電腦都會發生故障和一直停留在同一畫面,但7×24的電腦質素比較高,相信列印效果會更佳。 另外,整個圖書館只有二樓一部彩色影印機,數量不足,加上它的列印質素很差,往往等了超過15分鐘都未連接到要列印的檔案,阻礙交功課進度,建議查出其未能連接的原因。 而地下print N Go的列印機亦再出現問題,一時故障,印出來的功課有些字體被無故變粗,紙張上更出現一點一點的墨水,本人對其列印質素實在感到十分失望⋯ 最後,本人明白圖書館希望響應環保所以影印和列印機都採用環保紙,可是這些紙質偏黃,當有重要文件或功課(比賽或作品集)要列印,偏黃的紙令人看上去十分殘舊和不得體,建議採用正常純白色A4 紙。 謝謝你聆聽我的意見!希望圖書館能有更好的改善措施! | Comments noted and will be followed up. Replacements of new copiers are arranged in regular interval every year. Maintenance will be arranged immediately whenever a photocopier is out of order. |
– 推出更多便于使用的措施 | Comment noted. |
– 四樓播新聞的電視為何消失了? | Will be set up again on G/F. |
– No nearby female toilet around 7*24 learning center after the main library closed ! | The nearest female toilets are located at B4 and D1. When the renovation is completed, the whole G/F, including the two toilets, will operate on a 24-hour basis. |
– 蒙伟民图书馆LP层出口多次无法通过,建议日常注意维护。图书馆内,冷气过冷。另,能否于1/F及以上楼层标注用电脑打印的方法。 | Library users are welcome to contact library counters whenever they encounter any problems. |
– The tables are not high enough. – 7*24 可不可以添加多點高桌子,像現在7*24 那些圓桌子。靠窗的那些沙發和桌子太矮了,沙發和桌子沒有高低差,看書做作業的時候就要俯著身子,很累耶。再者,在7*24的同學一般都是學習做作業,這樣的沙發和桌子很不適合啊。這樣的沙發桌子適合放在高樓層,讓同學看書的時候坐。 | Sofas and coffee tables in the Library are set up for casual reading purposes. The Library and the Estates Office are studying other furniture which is more suitable for notebook users. |
– 希望可以多開放一點不需要電腦較為封閉舒適的7*24小時區域,比如像圖書館4樓。 | Comment noted. |
– 7×24電腦的電視接收不良及頻道太少,對讀者不便。 | Digital TV tuners have been installed in PCs at the 7 x 24 Learning Centre. |
– 7*24规模可适当扩大,影印服务可适当降价。 | Comments noted. After the completion of the MMW Library Spatial Reorganization Project, we shall be able to expand 24-hour service to the whole G/F, as well as to 1/F and beyond if necessary. |
– I always use the computer service of 7 x 24 Learning, there are so many headphones being unworkable, please fix them. Thank you. | Due to high usage rates, especially at the 7 x 24 Learning Centre, some computing facilities may break down from time to time. Users are encouraged to contact us for all problems with computing facilities or faulty equipment. We shall fix or replace them as best as we can. |
– 1. The number of the computer in the library is not enough. 2. The hardwares of the computers should be upgraded. – place more computer – upgrade computer software and hardware | Over 200 PCs are set up inside the Library, and they are updated according to a 4-year cycle, i.e. around 60 new PCs will have to be acquired every year. |
– Wifi connection is extremely bad in 3/F, 4/F and LP section. – WiFi is quite weak and unsmooth!! | There may be a physical constraint as Wi-Fi signal may be blocked or interfered by library bookshelves which are made of steel. Nevertheless, our Systems colleagues will monitor the situation and report to OCIO whenever there is problem with the network. |
– 輪候print and go的時間過長,print and go 電腦不足 | We will review the availability and arrangement of Print-N-Go workstations with OCIO in the MMW Library Spatial Reorganization Project. |
– Please upgrade or buy a new photocopier to replace the one which is farther away from the entrance on the ground floor in MMW Library, NOT the one in 7X24. | The Library in fact always purchases the latest model of photocopiers centrally selected by the Institute. However, the model will change every year whenever the Institute issued a new tender. |
– Install more computers in the library and install more print-and-go printers. – The colour photocopier on the 2/F is often out of order, but nobody discovers that. It is not enough to have only one colour photocopier in the library. Also, the scanners on the 1/F and 2/F sometimes do not function properly but nobody reports that to the librarians. Finally, I find that some users are not considerate enough. They are not using the scanners but they still use the PCs connected with the scanners (i.e. the PCs near the staircases on the 1/F and 2/F). Maybe some notices should be posted to remind the users. – Please get improvement on quality and quantity of printing services. How come printers are often out of order and cause inconvenience to me seriously. – 設置彩色列印的print-n-go,方便同學使用(不需到ITS或2樓用八達通付費) – 增設掃描及影印設施 – 印野只能在G/F, 不太方便 | Comments noted. There are over 200 computers and more than 20 notebooks on loan at the counters and we will review the situation from time to time. Although computers in certain popular areas such as the 7 x 24 Learning Centre are highly used most of the time, users often can find idled computers in other areas of the Library. Currently there are over 20 printer/copiers available at the MMW Library. We shall keep monitoring the usage and condition of the machines and add or replace them as appropriate. About 1/5 of the machines are already 3-in-1 machines equipped with network scanning functions. We shall consider further increasing the number of machines with scanning function when old machines are being replaced. We will review the availability and arrangement of Print-N-Go workstations with OCIO in the MMW Library Spatial Reorganization Project. |
– It is suggested to provide more printing quota for students. | Printing quota is assigned by OCIO. |
– 釘書機問題:圖書館服務台和Its都有可以訂20張紙以上大釘書機,但是,圖書館10點關門,ITS 6點半關門,那就是說,10點以後學生用不到這種釘書機。 | Comment noted. 24-hour service will be provided once the Spatial Reorganization Project is completed. |
– 四樓自修室環境不錯,但座位太少 | There are 62 study carrels available. According to our usage report, usually only 20% of carrels are being used. |
– 四樓自修室的環境優美寧靜,提供舒適的個人空間,非常好。 | Comment noted with thanks. |
– 自修室太少,亦因冷氣粳而十分通聲,希望可改善這兩個問題。 | Comments noted. The enhancement of the air-conditioning is included in the Spatial Reorganization Project. |
– 自修室是很重要而且很好用的圖書館資源,如有機會,圖書館或應增加自修室。因為一到考試前夕,想用自修室的人士必須在每夜的凌晨十二時準時登入圖書館的預約網頁,並要於一分鐘之內完成預約,否則便會預約不到,而且預約的更不是明天的房間,而是下星期同一天的房間,可見自修室嚴重供不應求的情況。 | The 62 Study Carrels in the Research Commons have been set up to replace the existing 25 Study Rooms located on 1/F and 2/F. These 25 Study Rooms will only be available for booking via the Institute’s iBooking system until they are demolished in the second half of 2015. |
– 增置自修室 4/FD自修設備可增置電腦 宜使用4/F的大量空間 | All-in-one computers have been installed at 20 study carrels. |
– 可增設更多間學生討論室,容納2-4人,方便討論功課 | Comment noted and will be taken into consideration. |
– 將軍澳學習共享宜增加打印機及電腦數量 多加一些幼教及教材等刊物以供外借 | Comments noted. We will continue to work with the Study Centre Office and Estates Office to improve library services at TKOSC. |
Public Area Management
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– Adults should take care of the child users in the library. – 很多同學在圖書館高聲談話、打電話、吃東西、瀏覽與學習無關的網頁、觀看影片並哈哈大笑、用物件霸佔座位等,嚴重影響其他認真的同學。 – 應增加巡邏學生討論及進食問題 | Comments noted and we have arranged regular patrols of the Library. Library Staff will warn users who are found making noise inside the Library. However, maintaining a quiet study area will require cooperation and self-discipline of all library users. When assistance is needed, users can contact Library Staff immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. Library Regulations have also been revised for better management of library facilities. |
– 圖書館可以設立一個小飲食空間,讓同學能夠稍作休息時不用特地離開圖書館空間。 | A breakout area will be set up in the last phase of renovation on the G/F where light refreshment will be allowed. |
– 經常有人霸佔電腦,以一樓為嚴重,有些人更在電腦桌上睡覺,以致他人不能使用 不只是一人,是幾個人,不只是一日一兩次,乃是一日頻密出現此情況 – 每層設一個櫃檯並有職員駐守,處理長期霸佔位子的物品/每兩小時,職員用推圖書的車去每層處理有關物品; – 占位現象。 7*24 位置數目少,但占位置情況很嚴重!圖書館工作人員,和晚更的保安可否每半個小時處理一次占位無情況? – 7*24 座位比較少,而且用書籍或者私人物品占位子的比例太大了!~~ 有時候看似很空的7*24,其實都被用書占了位子. – 有時候 7×24研習中心24點後人會很多導致座位不足,希望可以多開放一小塊區域 – Please arrange some staff to seriously deal with those students who have left their belongings for a long time but not using the computers in 7×24. Thank you. | Comments noted and will be followed up. While our staff will conduct more regular patrol, users’ cooperation and self-discipline are also required. Please inform Library Staff immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. As mentioned earlier, Library Management Committee has also endorsed related amendments to the Library Regulations for better management of library facilities. |
– 非常重要的意見:圖書館開放的時間以及樓層數。我和我的同學,以及大多數使用圖書館的同學,都一直覺得,7×24研習中心位置非常有限,裏面不足三十餘檯電腦。雖然有蘋果電腦室和電腦機房24小時開放,但是由於不是在圖書館內,這些電腦機房的學習環境非常差,每晚蘋果電腦機房都有同學搞活動,根本不能夠讓學生們學習。因此,圖書館是我們可以學習的最佳地點,因此道門非常希望,圖書館能做出以下調整便於我們學習: 1. 建議圖書館全部樓層開放,平日延長開放至00.00點。借還書檯可以於正常時間關閉。 2. 建議考試period 圖書館全層開放,延長至凌晨03.00點。 借還書檯可以於正常時間關閉。 | Comments noted. After the completion of the MMW Library Spatial Reorganization Project, we shall be able to expand 24-hour service to the whole G/F, as well as to 1/F and beyond if necessary. |
– 7*24 的座位太少了,有些时候想比较晚的时候在学校学习,就没有位置了,学校的其他地方没有这么安静的环境了,很不方便。图书馆因增设开放时间更长的地方和座位。 | The 7 x 24 Learning Centre will be expanded and the number of computers will be increased after the Spatial Reorganization Project is completed. |
– 將軍澳圖書館職員應該積極少少,主動要求使用者保持安靜。職員往往不要會大聲談話的使用者 | Comment noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff. |
– 將軍澳教學中心學習共享館藏,學生經常大聲討論,但工作人員毫不理會 | Comment noted. We will monitor the noise level more closely and will take action accordingly. We are also working with the Study Centre Office and the Estates Office on improving the acoustics of the TKOSC LCs. However, users’ cooperation and self-discipline are still required in maintaining a quiet reading environment. |
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– The ILLiad service is more efficient and helpful than the relevant unit in CUHK libraries in general. But I think if ILLiad can expand the range of service, such as helping research colleagues obtain local or overseas multi-media resources (with charge if necessary), than it will be excellent. | Comments noted. |
– The interlibrary loan services are excellent and all collegues in that section should be credited. | Comments noted with thanks. |
– to organize more diff sorts of lib courses, such as NVivo (I cannot learn it from no dept, even in ITS courses) | Students may express their needs to their lecturers. Software instruction is beyond library’s expertise. |
– Better instructions for using the various printers throughout the school, as each seem to require different procedures. | Instructions to network scanning are usually posted on the wall or column near the 3-in-1 photocopier / printer / scanner. Users are welcome to contact counter staff for assistance as well. |
– 我是就讀教育輔導碩士課程的學生,平日在九龍真光學校讀書,有時預約了圖書,到可在教院取的時候,可能只有數天時間內要取,有時會錯過了取書時間。想問一下,能否把預約的書可在真光學校取?或把預約的書的取書日延長一點?因我知道真光也有個還書箱的,所以想建議預約書也能否在真光取?謝謝。 | This suggestion is under consideration. |
– 1. Self-service machine for returning or borrowing books. 2. Renew should be allowed in the on-line system after due date (as what HKU does). 3. Fine generated after first three days of overdue should be waive (as what HKU does). | Comments noted. 1. Two Self-service Borrowing Stations are installed on G/F of the Mong Man Wai Library and in the Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons. 2. Renewal for the overdue items would not be considered in this stage due to technical restriction. We will revisit this when the new library system is installed. 3. Borrowers should return their loans on or before the due dates and overdue fines are introduced to discourage any late return of items. Moreover, a courtesy notice will be emailed to alert users 3 days before the loan due date. |
– 如果圖書館設有自助借書機/站,會更方便快捷。就算circulation counter放工後,同學仍可借書。 | Comments noted. Two Self-service Borrowing Stations are installed on G/F of the Mong Man Wai Library and in the Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons. HKIEd Staff, Students and Library External Members holding “IEdSmart” Staff Cards, Student Cards or Library Borrower Cards can check out library materials quickly and easily by themselves. |
– 應該要吸還書日期印,方便讀者。 | Borrowers can check and monitor the latest due dates under their own circulation records on the Library Website. Students are also encouraged to register for the SMS Alert Services so that they can receive courtesy notices on their mobile phones. |
– 上次到圖書館替別人拿預約了的書, 職員強硬表示不能替我辦理這行為, 我明白這跟私隱及安全有關, 但當我能把書目資料及學生證本人的資料說出時, 是否該讓我辦理?因為我的朋友有要事未能回校, 到她有空的時候, 圖書館已經關門, 是否能讓學生在安全情況(能把書目資料及學生證本人的資料說出時), 酌情處理這些事宜?希望圖書館服務能夠更近人情, 謝。 | For the benefit of our users, we cannot accept someone verbally claiming to represent a user without any proper proof or authorization. |
– BOOK左係將軍澳既書,但問返都一直話本書未到~! | Please report the case to the Circulation Counter for follow up. |
– I suggest to increase the loan quotas from 40 to 50 for staff. Thanks. – 建議過期後仍可續借,續借前的天數可紀錄計算罰款,方便未能回校續借的同學。 | Comments noted and will be taken into considerations. |
– 圖書館借書還書沒有單據證明!明明是已歸還的書籍,只因為系統沒有記錄,學生無法證明已歸還,被迫交罰款!!! | Students are reminded to check their circulation record. |
– 九龍塘還書應延長開放,方便讀者。 | The opening hours of KTSSC are in line with the school days. |
– 希望把四樓的開放時間變成24小時,因7×24常常沒有空位.另外衞生方面希望有改善,例如自修位,討論室等,以及電腦的鍵盤. 星期六日及公眾假期的開放時間太短,希望可與平日一樣開至十時.另外建議圖書館把考試的開放時間提早, 因為很多課程已在 exam period 前已開始考試,但圖書館當時仍維持正常開放時間, 同學都不能在圖書館長時間溫習 – 希望一樓和二樓圖書館的開放時間可以延長。 – 圖書館應該開放更長時間至12am – 應該考慮24小時開放4樓自修室供同學使用以解決7X24沒有座位的問題! | Comment noted. The 7 x 24 Learning Centre will be expanded and the number of computers will be increased after the Spatial Reorganization Project is completed. |
– 借書服務時間應該加長,可以延長服務時間,提供有限度服務,有限度服務只需保持圖書館開放以供學生借書。伸長服務台y運作時間應不用太多資源,人力資源可考慮iwork學生helpers. | Students can use the self-check machine to borrow books after the counter closed. |
– 我絕對不贊成”催還制度”,我認為如果有其他讀者預約了,圖書館可以不給予借書者繼續續借,但不應中斷借書原本的歸還日期。 例如我借了一本書,原打算在假期後歸還的,但因為中途有其他讀者續借便要我刻意拿書回學校歸還,這是極度 – 應取消催還制度,方便讀者。 – 取消催還系統 – 不應實行recall制度 – 為甚至有人催還一本書後,歸還日期會突然提早半個月?「歸還日期」是圖書館和借閱者的約定,突然要求人提早歸還是破壞約定之舉,亦打亂了借閱者使用該本書的計劃! | The Recall System is in place to speed up the circulation of seasonally high demand items, and is a common practice in local university libraries. It is a fair system as all students and staff will have the right to recall any items already on loan, and have chances to have their loan items being recalled by other users. Students can also make use of the Library’s HKALL and Inter-Library Loan services to request for books not available in the Library from the other seven UGC libraries. |
– Single study room can be booked on-line for a month period. | Comment noted. The study carrels in the Research Commons are going to replace the existing 25 study rooms. |
– 學生討論室經常有學生離開很久而空了房間,但職員沒有及時跟進,重開給別的學生用 | Comment noted. In order to ensure effective use of resources, booking will be cancelled by Library Staff if a room has not been checked in within the compulsory check-in time. The room will then be released for booking by other users within that timeslot. Users can contact the Circulation Counter for assistance. |
– Study room/discussion room最近經常已book但開不了門(準時使用),必須要親自走到地下櫃枱再走上自修室才能開門,使用其間不能離開房間,否則門不能重開,令我造成許多不便,請盡快改善。 | Comment noted and follow up action will be taken. |
– 自修室好少 book 小組討論室程序太點複雜和不太人性化(e.g. 一定要人齊才能開到討論室,但有時同學居住較近,或有急事趕不到準時回校,同組book了討論室的同學就只能放棄使用) | Comments noted and the number of quiet study spaces will be increased substantially after the Spatial Reorganization Project is completed in the future. |
– student study room既門鎖,當同學離開後,會大約15秒才自動鎖上。 一般學生都會一開門就會離開,而不會等待門鎖上才離開。 如果有不法人士知道及利用呢個15秒真空時間,絕對可以看上時機,當學生離開,用呢15秒進入房間偷野。 所以這一點必須要注意。 ps,我宜家係會等到門鎖上才離開的。 – 討論室的預約系統不便使用,預約程序繁複且無效。多次預約失敗,即使在圖書館職員協助下成功預約,也未能進入討論室,討論室形同虛設,期望早日改善。 | The current iBooking system will be replaced by the in-house booking system after the Spatial Reorganization Project is completed. |
– 自習室的預約。 自習室預約後,很多時候被空置了。對於這些濫用資源的學生,難道不需要採取措施嗎?例如一個月不能預訂了 | In order to ensure effective use of resources, booking will be cancelled by Library staff if a room has not been checked in within the compulsory check-in time. The room will then be released for booking by other users within that timeslot. Nevertheless, the existing 25 study rooms will be demolished in the second half of 2015. Students are encouraged to use the study carrels on 4/F for private study. |
– 音樂性質書籍(如樂譜)不應放入oversize書區之中 加上分類混亂,不能正常尋找 建議設立音樂角落,管理一切音樂書籍 方便學生借闊,參考 | Comment noted. All library materials are classified and arranged by “Library of Congress Classification” which is widely used by university libraries. We will try to accommodate needs of different user groups. But please also understand that unlike a departmental resource room which focuses only on a particular subject area, it is impractical for us to set up “corners” for each and every single subject inside the Library. |
– Textbooks in the Central Teaching Resources collection (3rd fl) are not well maintained. Some look very shabby and the most updated textbooks are often not found. | Comment noted. Users may approach our counter staff when they have difficulties in locating the materials. |
– 新增短訊提示還書的服務很好。 | Comment noted with thanks. |
– 有個男職員好好人,佢係經常坐係諮詢服務台,而且經常係F/1電腦房搞library workshop,[personal description removed]!佢好在好仔細咁為學生解答問題,好nice,好欣賞佢咁有耐性!! 🙂 | Comments noted with thanks. |
– 工作人員的態度不十分友善,尤其在我們需要他們幫忙找書時。 – 大埔圖書館的工作人員,部份態度甚差,不願意提供協助。 – 请咨询服务台的女员工([personal description removed])注意对待询问者的态度!工作时打电话,无视咨询者!另外,请4楼一名[personal description removed]男员工也注意一下态度!学生在4楼遇到问题向他求助,他假装没看见! 另外,图书馆占座现象严重,请管理员不要只盯着G楼,多上楼去看看!有的座位被一占一整天! | Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff. |
– 特別生氣於有不少的教參及練習都被人塗寫過,嚴重影響下一個借閱人使用,希望圖書館在還書時,能檢查借書狀況,減少同學借了書後在上邊塗寫的情況,本人對身為大學生的人在公共圖書上塗寫的缺德行為十分不滿!!!!!! – teaching material always being written, maybe the stuff can check before and after lending the material to see whether which student have such irresponsible behavior | Comments noted and will be followed up. Users may report to our counter staff if they found that repairing is required for a library item. |