VR-AR-Media Equipment for Loan

360 Cameras, Action Camera, Audio Mixer, Audio Speaker with Stands, Camcorders, Desktop 3D Scanner, Drone, Foldio 360, Gimbal, LED Lights, Microphones, Portable Projector, Tripods, Vlogging Kit


EdUHK students and staff

Loan Period

7 days, not renewable


Please submit an online equipment loan form for booking.

  • The loan form should be submitted at least 3 working days in advance
  • Equipment is available for pick up and return at  Mong Man Wai Library Circulation Counter on weekdays from 08:30 to 17:00

Overdue fine

$2 per day (Maximum Fine $14 in 7 days), not renewable

When an overdue fine of any individual borrower reaches the Maximum Fine, or his/her total accumulated library fines exceed $100, the following privileges of the borrower will be suspended until payment is made: loans, renewals and recalls of library materials; access to Library’s online resources; booking of library facilities; requests for HKALL books, interlibrary loan and document delivery services. (see Library Regulation 4.8.2).

Responsibilities of Borrowers

  • To ensure that all equipment is complete and working before leaving the Library
  • To use the equipment at their own risk
  • To ensure that they have sufficient training and knowledge to correctly operate the equipment borrowed from the Library
  • To use the equipment carefully and to minimize wear and tear
  • To notify a Library staff immediately if the equipment is not working properly
  • To ensure that all equipment is returned on time and to pay any overdue fines

Damage or Loss of Equipment

The borrower will have to pay a fine for any item damaged or lost when on loan to him/her, amount of which is equivalent to the full replacement cost of the item plus a processing fee of $80 (for each item) and any outstanding overdue fines (see Library Regulation 4.9.1).

Enquiry and Assistance

Please contact our Library System Support at 2948 6661 or email libsys@eduhk.hk for details or make special request in advance.

Please see also Video Production Facilities Provided by OCIO and LTTC.

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