Written Comments

Total 187 written comments received.

Breakdown by below categories

Remarks: Users’ comments are transcribed without editing except for privacy concerns. Users are welcome to contact us in person at the Information Counter on G/F of Mong Man Wai Library, by calling 29486653, or by email at libinfo@eduhk.hk to send us further feedback or to follow up with the Library responses.

Collection & electronic resources

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– 很多数据库都显示“已过期”,并不能正常阅读。尤其是研究生阶段需要大量阅读的文献,而学校电脑亦不能获得授权进行阅读。
– 經常不能查閱
– 電子資源比較難用,限制多
– Electronic resources is not user friendly
We have adopted an e-priority policy and most of the Library’s funding resources have been used on improving electronic resources over the years. In March 2017, we have also upgraded the “Academic Search Elite” multi-disciplinary database to “Academic Search Ultimate” which added over 4,000 new e-journals to EdUHK users.
At present, the Library has purchased or subscribed over 200 electronic databases, providing access for EdUHK staff and students to some 60,000 full-text e-journals and 1.4 million e-books. Staff and students are always welcome to send specific recommendations, including databases, e-books and e-journals anytime to http://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/.
If you encounter difficulties in finding what you need, please seek assistance from the Information Counter as soon as possible so that we can take immediate actions if necessary.
– Library website is hard to use, please re-design a user-friendly interface.We are redesigning the Library Website to enhance its functionalities, user-friendliness and visibility. Library users’ view are being collected during the redesign process. The new Library Website will be launched in September 2017.
– 圖書館的網頁不好用,介面難看、難操作、不人性化。
ProQuest Dissertations & Theses” is the world-leading, and the largest, dissertation database which is subscribed by all UGC-funded university libraries. We believe its contents should be of acceptable quality and standard.
Titles in the “Children’s Literature Collection” on 1/F are jointly selected by academic and Library colleagues. In recognition of the importance of Hong Kong Children’s Literature, a new sub-collection “Hong Kong Children’s Literature Collection” has also been set up in 2016.
Limited by the relatively short history of the Library, we are also aware that we may not have a sizeable collection of children’s literature titles with historical value, and we will continue to work in this area.
– 學校教科書本應當更新,有些書本已太舊及已改編. 兒童藏書,近年來甚少新的中英書籍上架. 喜洋洋小說版,福爾摩斯及魔幻偵探小說再沒有新的書籍在館內.School textbooks are updated annually based on EDB’s most current recommended list. Some older editions which are still on EDB’s list will continue to be kept in the School Textbooks Collection.
Comments on children’s literature noted, and will be followed up.
– Buy more copies of subject textbooks
Some electronic database are hard to open
Depending on the known class size, the Library is already buying 2 to 10 copies of course textbooks and 2 to 5 copies of course recommended readings. Buying excessive copies of textbooks is not a cost-effective use of the limited library resources. Besides, students are expected to acquire their own personal copies of course materials. Copies provided by the Library are mainly for quick reference and not as substitutes of students’ personal copies.
– 缺少很多文學作品,希望擴大館藏。
Comments on literature titles noted and will be followed up.
While we have adopted an e-priority policy, please understand that not all publications are available in electronic formats.
– 資源應增加10倍,應展示從開辦羅富國教育學院起的所有藏書,以供全面參考研究。Comments noted but not practical nor achieveable under current level of resources.
All publications by EdUHK and its precedessors kept by the Library can be found at “EdUHK Collection” (http://libdr1.eduhk.hk/dspace/).
– 有些書經常被人備用 例如 Ielts 練習 課程參考書
Comments noted.
– Inadequate coverage of essential database, e.g. no database on laws and regulations
Terribly inadequate coverage of essential journals, even in fields of education
All selections and de-selections of databases and e-journals have been carefully reviewed by academic colleagues. Please inform us which essential databases and which essential journals especially in education which have not been collected and we will be happy to follow up.
– The database should be enriched to include more fulltext journals. Even though the fulltext of some journals can be found through interlibrary loan, it hinder the process of doing research.Comments noted. However, even with more funding available, no single library could guaratee that it could collect everything. Inter-library collaboration on resources sharing, including inter-library loan and document delivery are therefore important supplement to on-site collection, and will only take 2 to 3 working days for delivery.
– Buy more DVD movies for teaching and learning especially those classic rated high in the IMBD Website http://www.imdb.com/movies-in-theaters/
– Should able to provide more updated DVD and books for borrowing. Too old for those DVD at 4/F.
Comments noted and will be followed up.
– 電子書就本科方面甚為不足,現有書本亦過舊,就習作上極少能提供幫助。
– Electronic resources are vastly lagging behind compared to other institutions. There are not many electronic books available. Some books only have the content and bibliography available as e-resources. That does not help at all.
I understand that our library is small that we are not capable of holding a vast collection of books. However, if by all means possible, I hope that the books in the reserve collection could have one more copy for people to borrow home
– 電子資源應增加,很多文章都搜尋到但無法下載或觀看全文
– 有些文獻不能直接從網上下載pdf,希望可改善這點
– Too little electronic resources, we could not find and see full version of research studies
– More full-text articles
– 希望可以增加一些电子资源
– 應增加更多電子期刊,以覆蓋更多不同範疇
– more journal articles can be read for free (more subscriptions)
– 提升館藏數量
– 電子館藏嚴重不足,經常找不到有關的論文資料。而且網頁經常down機,令人很苦惱及費時
– Should add more resources as a lot of useful resources are not available
– Please provide more Collection & Electronic Resources
– Can include more journal papers
– I cannt read some of the sources found in the internet through the school library wedsite, as I am mot the user or do not have the ID of that website(which the source in).
– Subscription to major journals can be increased, as it is difficult to access some top journals that are necessary for research work.
– It is supposed to be more.
– 不足
– I am very impressed of the amount of electronic journal article publishers that we subscribed, but books are definitely not enough.

Comments noted. Please see replies to earlier comments on electronic resources.
– 希望能收進一些平時的閱讀書目。例如:各類型小說。
– 請購更入更多本地圖書。作為圖書館,除了學術圖書外,亦應備消閒圖書。特別是近年受歡迎的本地小說和年輕作家的書。
另外,社會科學的學術期刊不夠。政治、經濟、社會、環境等社科期刊往往需要到google scholar 找,若然本校是一所綜合型大學,請務必購入更多非教育學術期刊,輔助學生學習。
– More online reference books and online resourse, especially on non-eduactional topics
– the university still has a limited collection of books / materials that are non-education based.
– enrich the collection especially in fields like sociology
– 希望除了教育學相關書籍及資料庫外,多顧忌其他非教育專業同學的需要。
– 加快更新速度,有些新出的書很好很優秀,但往往要幾年以後圖書館才會購買,希望對新出的書多加關注,
– Some of the books are a bit outdated and old, should add newer books for more updated info.

Comments noted and will be followed up.
– 太多參考書籍均為reserved ,應該增加額外可外借書籍。Please see earlier replies to comments on course textbooks and readings.
– 可有多些相同書籍,例如那些與某課堂直接相關的書籍
– 可增加多些與幼兒教育有關的文章和書籍
– 可以增加有關研究本土意識、香港政策的書籍
– IT programming related book not enough.
– 新書太少,未緊貼出版速度。文學類藏書可再增加。
– 館藏中運動科學的藏書並不足夠,因為運動科學是不斷革變,希望有機會能咨詢運動科學及體育的學生以更新有關運動的書目。
– Articles and books under the topic of Sustainability/Education for Sustainable Development are rather limited in EdUHK.  Though I can find more at the HKU library, I am always not permitted to download indeed. 
Comments noted and will be followed up.
– 多點教科書
– hope to provide more e-books of required reading of as many course as possible
sometimes all the books are borrowed by others and cannot read the required reading within the week
Please see earlier replies to comments on course textbooks and readings.
– more titles of journal shall be acquired. thanks
– 優閒或雜誌書目很少。
Comments noted and will be followed up.
– 兒童文學特藏區的書藉十分凌亂,好像沒有人整理似的
Commented on shelving condition noted and will be followed up.

Some publishers refuse to offer or sell “teachers’ editions” of their school textbooks to the Library.
– 中國知網非常不穩定,經常無法進入
– 中国知网的有些文献没有阅读的版权?
– 中文類電子期刊太少,登錄CNKI經常進不去,耽誤時間。
Please contact the Information Counter as soon as possible so that we can take immediate action.
– 強烈建議本校購買「獨秀學術搜尋」資料庫,以便跟本地其他大學看齊。Comments noted with thanks.  We have acquired “Chinamaxx” in Oct 2015.   Free trials for 《读秀中文学术搜索》 has already been arranged but it was not supported by library users.
– 東亞古典研究類的數據庫,近年各國發展迅猛,但圖書館在購買相關資源的投入程度明顯不夠,亟待加強。舉例而言,讀秀知識庫是相關領域中的翹楚,但圖書館未曾購買;愛如生的一系列古籍數據庫,品類極其豐富,至今已發展出十餘種,而圖書館僅僅購買了其中的中國基本古籍庫一種,且只有一個並發賬戶的數量,遠遠不夠;台灣、日本、韓國的古典學術數據庫亦品類豐富,其中也有大量免費資源,但圖書館的試用、推介、購買,都遠遠不夠。
In the past few years, we have arranged trials of various online resources in Chinese studies as well as other subjects.  Based on feedback collected and advice from academics, a number of major Chinese studies databases such as 《中國基本古籍庫》, 《民國時期期刊全文資料庫》, 《晚清期刊全文資料庫》, 《文淵閣四庫全書》, 《漢籍電子文獻資料庫》, 《漢達文庫》, 《Chinamaxx Digital Libraries 中文集獻》have already been added to the EdUHK Library collection.  We will continue to enhance its collection in all areas by working closely with the academics and making the best use of the funding resources available.
– 在Google scholar 找到的Journal article 及pdf書,有很多時候在EdUHK Library 網站搜索到但沒有存檔,而很多科目core 的Journal Article 及書籍EdUHK Library 也沒有,這是十分諷刺及離譜的,作為學生,交了學費,理應擁有完善的服務,縱然圖書館職員態度一流,不錯,是大學職員應有的服務水平,學生交了6位數字的學費,但是要學生經常依賴HKALL 借書及借其他院校的同學account 獲取EdUHK Library 沒有的Journal Article,實在無法忍受及包容,不是一所大學應有的水平。雖說圖書館每年都有與任教科目的老師詢問有否更新書籍及論文,科目的老師沒有回應,是溝通不足,圖書館有責任為學生爭取更高質素的圖書服務,望 貴館能作反省並作出改善。As replied earlier, no single library could claim that it collects every publication available.  Inter-library collaboration and sharing of resources is therefore an essential mechanism to ensure that students and staff of every institution could have access to resources which they need, and when they need them.  We would like to empahise that “HKALL” and “RAPID Document Delivery” are in fact joint-effort of all 8 UGC libraries and are the results of the hardwork of all 8 libraries.  They are integral parts of the library services and are by no mean one-way.  While other UGC libraries supply resources to EdUHK students and staff, we also supply resources to students and staff of other UGC libraries on a reciprocal basis.

For course textbooks and readings, please see our earlier replies.  We will continue to work closely with academics to achieve better availability of course reading resources.
– Good:)
– SCOPUS is very useful and user friend, and should be continued.
Thank you.
– 希望能購入更多學系的參考書目,一到功課期和考試期就俾搶借一空Please see earlier replies to comments on course textbooks and readings.
– 電子書不能複印,又不能記筆記,難以記錄可用材料Since e-books are provided by different publishers on a number of e-book platforms, restrictions and functions may vary a lot with some publishers allowing the whole e-book to be downloaded while others will install very tight usage restrictions.  However, downloading / printing / copying up to a certain portion is still permitted for the vast majority of ebooks acquired by the Library.  Annotation is also available on most of our e-book platforms after users set up their individual accounts.

Please contact Library staff for assistance if you have difficulties using ebooks or other Library resources.
– 館藏量小,不能滿足中文系的閱讀需求。是否可以加入一個學生推薦書目系統?有需要的書直接推向學校圖書館,學校圖書館根據需求量選擇性購入部分書籍。Both staff and students are welcome to make specific purchase suggestions directly to the Library by using the Online Recommendation Form at http://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/
– The isearch result page needs to be refreshed if there is no action for more than around 20 mins. The refresh is frustrating as the documents saved are all gone and users need to relocate where he stopped.Comments noted with thanks.  The iSearch provider is aware of the idle time reset problem and this problem is related to the software and it is not unique to EdUHK.

Although this problem has not been completely resolved, please note that a new library system shared by all 8 local university libraries will be launched in July 2017.  iSearch will also be migrated to a new platform and we are hopeful that the new interface will provide a better search environment to EdUHK users.
– 位於LP部份的雜誌區, 雜誌的更新每況愈下。雜誌更新緩慢, 甚至令人懷疑已停止更新。不少雜誌架的雜誌從缺,或一整個月沒有更新的狀態。
此外,此區亦屬於圖書館範圍, 但同學進入此處等電梯時,經常大聲喧嘩, 建議在入口及電梯處張貼”保持安靜”的告示。

欣賞圖書館引入電子期刊和電子書。本人有購買電子閱讀器材(i.e.kindle, i-pad), 卻不太知道有甚麼資源可以多加善用。希望辦一些講座,多推廣這方面的資源應用。
Comments noted and will be followed up.
– A new collection of material normal takes reasonably longer duration of time while in transit. The can be possibly shortened.Comments noted.
– More leisure reading and enhanced DVD collection would be welcomed. Also, how about an area for board games (as some cafes have) for more socialising? This might encourage more library patronage.Comments noted and will be considered.
– 圖書上架效率明顯提升,藏書量增加,尋找書籍的水牌已安裝好,回復裝潢前的面貌,比舊有更容易、更方便尋找書籍。網上的期刊藏量豐富,可以找到所需的資料
– I used to access a lots of journals and sometime I do need to have the assistance from library staff, they are all very professional and nice. Always provide prompt assistance!
Thank you.

Space & facilities

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– 應增設碎紙機Comments noted and will be considered.
– 希望能把三樓的自修坐位例為24小時開放區Comments noted. We will review the 24-hour opening arrangement on different floors based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
– Printer 數量不太足夠
– 宜增加打印機
Comments noted and will be followed up.
– I find the quite workstation with computer on 4/F is rather too full to secure 1, especially after 3.30 p.m. on weekdays and Sat.We deliberately do not provide too many PCs at the Research Commons for two reasons: a) most users will bring their own notebooks; and b) the area is mainly for deep quiet study and should not become another PC lab.
– 四樓的自修間(with PC)需求甚高,建議在現時未有PC的自修間加設PC。因為2/3樓已有大量自修間。
另外,影印機服務欠佳,4樓更是欠列印服務。1樓、LP層有部份影印機長期out of service,我認為是有需要正視的。
Please see replies above.
– 增設四樓自修間的數量,或限制每位使用者的預定數量,避免一位使用者佔位的現象。Each eligible users can book no more than 6 sessions. Bookings can be made on a first-come-first-basis which is equal and fair.
– 2、3層椅相較於桌過高,夏天冷氣過冷Comments noted. Tables and chairs on 2/F and 3/F have been used for 20 years and we have not received any similar comments in the past 20 yeares. We will keep on monitoring.
– 冷氣溫度太低了,又冷又不環保,尤其晚上十點以後,人很少但開同樣的風力,沒必要,還會更冷,可以把溫度調高一些Comments noted. A lower temperature is required for better storage of library collections. The current temperature is already higher than international standard and we have found a large number of molded books most likely because of the higher than standard temperature.
– The air-conditioning services on 4/F of WMM Library is rather not reasonably accepted. Sometimes, it is rather too hot, sometimes, it is rather too cold.Comments noted. We will work with the Estates Office to maintain a more constant temperature.
– 請預備外的電腦配件(keyboard/ mouse) 曾經因為預約4/F的自修間(with PC) 設備壞了,同時4/F 又爆滿,而被逼遷往G樓。
其實只要換掉keyboard 就可以解決的問題,但整座圖書館大樓卻一點額外的設備都沒有。
Comments noted and will be followed up.
– 1st floor is too noisyComments noted and will be followed up. However, please note that it is a designated Discussion Zone. If you need a quiet study place, please go to 2/F or above.
– There can be more signs asking students to keep their voices down on the ground floor. Comments noted and will be followed up. But please note that discussions are allowed in the Lounge and the Creative Lab on G/F.
– Please keep LP/F in its current situation, but the photocopying machine there has been out of order for a long time.Comments noted and will be followed up.
– 影印機、列印機經常都是壞的狀態(尤其是LP層的那一部)。掃描機而且數量不足,經常要輪候很長的時間才可使用。
– Some broken printers are often left unfixed for a long time. They should be fixed sooner.
– 影印機經常出現漏印的情況
– The printers and photocopiers are always out of order.
Inadequate scanners and printers.
– 圖書館的影印機不足。
– The printers are often out of service. Sometimes I can rarely find even one that works.
Comments noted. We will replace old photocopiers/printers by batch every year.
– 明白圖書館的自修服務應先給學生和教職員使用, 可是在圖書館大量加設自修空間後, 卻發現行政人員完全沒有使用權。 希望圖書館考慮行政人員能使用一小部份的自修間, 讓我們也有安靜空間在工餘自修或閱讀。如擔心同事利用這些空間於工作時間偷懶,大可將預約時間設於5:20PM後。Study spaces are primilary set up to support learning and teaching needs of students and academic colleagues. Non-academic colleagues are free to use any library facilities which are not booked or in use at anytime.
– Desks , toilets and water fountain can be cleanerComments noted and will be conveyed to Estates Office. However, cleanliness of library facilities still requires the cooperation of library users.
– 滿意。
– Very nice
– 不錯
– 滿意
– 相比大學,edu圖書館有很多空間可使用
– 很好
– I m so impressed by the resting seats!!!! I hope the library can increase the no. of this 🙂
– 足夠
– 24小時圖書館自習區非常適用於似我這種兼讀制學生
– There is a significant improvement in the facilities, perhaps because of the renovation. Please keep it up.
– I enjoy the upgrading of the library!
– 2/F – 4/F 樓層的電腦數目減少,在繁忙考試時段不方便,難以使用電腦,建議多增設電腦或電源插頭供自備電腦的學員使用
Thank you.
– I hope to improve the quality of computersDue to resource constraints and environmental concerns, we adopt a 4-year replacement cycle for its public PCs. New PCs are generally installed at more highly used areas.
– 希望提供更多討論室。
– the discussion room on 1/F in fact more or less similar to discussion table
it is better to increase the width of the room so that it looks like a classroom which can be used for micro-teaching. Many courses needs micro-teaching or practices on how to teach. It is nice if the library can provide us some bigger rooms
– Would appreciate to have more discussion rooms.
– More seats for students self study
– 增加自修間
– More study carrels (like those on 4/F) to replace the normal study spaces
Printers to be maintained more frequently to improve printing quality
– 希望可以提供更多圖書館四樓之類獨立的自修位置;
– 座位及温習室應遠離學生活動廣場,好嘈和好曬。
– 自修空間不足
– More space like 4/F self study area.
– It is supposed to be more bigger.
– hope the physical space of the library could be expanded
– It would be good to have other spaces available besides GF and LP areas for the late night studying in the library.
– 太多空曠的地方,可使用的平面面積但,反而壓縮了可存書的空間,是否合理?
– 圖書館應遠離學生活動廣場,好嘈,隔音差,可設於地底及靠近車站。
– So many desk and chairs and unnecessary facilities like laser-cut, but limited Collection & Electronic Resources
Comments noted.
We need to balance the needs and to provide sufficient seating, shelving space and various facilities for quiet studies, group discussion, teaching and relaxed reading, and it is difficult to meet all user needs at all time. The Library will continue to monitor the needs and usage on different areas and make adjustments as necessary.
Please also note that space for library collections has not been reduced after the renovation project.
– The lobby floor should be used exclusively for reading and studying. It is not a common practice for University libraries to provide resting (sleeping) and eating facilities for users. Some users mentioned that they slept in the MMW library instead going home. Perhaps this should not be the purpose of the 24-hours opening services.It has become more and more common for academic libraries to provide facilities supporting different needs of students in addition to reading, e.g. http://www.cmu.edu/homepage/beyond/2007/summer/need-a-nap.shtml, http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/british-columbia/bcit-sleep-pods-library-1.3704552. The new arrangement is highly appreciated by our students who live far away and simply cannot travel home in late evening after working in the Library.
– G層的開放座位常常被書本及雜物霸佔整天但都沒有同學使用,尤其是一些卡座的霸佔情況更為嚴重,阻礙其他同學的使用機會,所以建議加強管理霸佔情況,例如離開座位的同學需要登記離開時間,若果離開超過半小時,座位上的雜物將被移放至其他地方。
– PC stations upstairs are often occupied by unknown people with unattended bags and library books.
Library staff will remove personal belongings which were left unattended for a long period of time. Please approach counter staff immediately so that appropriate action could be taken.
– 應增加供電插座之數目,以自修座位猶甚
– It is good at all but I think more electronic plugs since it is quiet difficult to charge the notebook when all the seats with plugs are full.
Power sockets have already been installed on almost every study tables on all floors after the completion of the Spatial Reorganization Project.
– 廁所紙巾容易破損
Comments noted and will be conveyed to Estates Office.
– G層應增設更多洗手間位子,因為總是很多人在排隊Comments noted. We will investigate further with Estates Office.
– the chair on the 4/F are too advanced
sometimes do not know how to use it
can you provide a guideline?
– some photocopiers cannot print 2 sides to 2 sides
or thoguh I press very hard on the button of 2 sides to 2 sides, the photocopiers reject me
Please approach Library staff for assistance if you have problems using any library facilities.
– 電梯太慢Please consider using Lift No. 9 at the Lounge area to reduce traffic and waiting time at Lift No. 8, especially during busy hours.

Services & management

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– 滿意。
– 不錯
– 圖書管理人服務很好
– 很好
– Staffs are super ! 24 hrs study area is awesome ! Thanks
– Julac card 政策十分方便,使我們並不住在新界的學生可以隨處學習,效率非常滿意
– 圖書館服務整體大致良好,能夠提供舒適的環境學習
– ILLiad is very useful, thanks.
– Great service from circulation counter. Staffs are generally helpful..
– 圖書館職員服務態度誠懇,每次詢問借書、列印等問題都樂意回答及盡力幫忙。
– 圖書館服務員態度友善,樂意解答問題
– The librarians are rather helpful and polite. I really like their service.
– 所有職員都十分有禮,樂於協助,希望在此表揚。
– Generally improvement in service provided, particularly appreciate the help from [personal description removed] at the Information Counter. He is self-initiated in following up the enquiries. He is very helpful and patient.
– 圖書上架效率明顯提升,藏書量增加,尋找書籍的水牌已安裝好,回復裝潢前的面貌,比舊有更容易、更方便尋找書籍。網上的期刊藏量豐富,可以找到所需的資料
– I used to access a lots of journals and sometime I do need to have the assistance from library staff, they are all very professional and nice. Always provide prompt assistance!
– 很好
Comments noted with thanks.
– The Courtesy due date reminder system occasionally fails to send reminders (while overdue item reminder systems always work)Comments noted and will be followed up. Should similar cases happen again, please contact Library colleagues and provide more details for our investigation.
– More spaces open for 24 hours, especially during examination and assignment periodWe have extended opening hours for all floors until mid-night during examination periods. Based on the usage data, we currently have no plans to further extend 24-hour opening to more floors.
– It is more convenient to allow staff to use the printing serviceOctopus printers and photocopier are provided by the Library on all floors for use by both students and staff. Print-N-Go service is operated by OCIO. The comment will be conveyed to OCIO for their consideration.
– More printer is needed. Please offer color printer in library. Two Octopus card operated colour printers with photocopying function are available on G/F and 1/F of the MMW Library.
– 圖書館列印可用學生的列印限額,黑白無需付費Print-N-Go (i.e. OCIO Print Quota System) stations are available in both Mong Man Wai Library and TKOSC Learning Commons.
– Primary kids (with their parents) are found running in the library, as well as writing on library books and talking loudly. As your staff see they are with their parents, they choose not to handle the problem.Please report immediately to counter staff if you come across any inappropriate or disturbing behaviour by any type of library users. Our colleagues will then take appropriate actions.
– 某些區域(如兒童文學特藏區、四樓存放dse past paper的書架)十分凌亂,好像長期沒人整理一樣
– the arrangement books in Children literature Collection is quite messy and not organised well
– The staff at the Circulation Counter are also more polite now, but the [personal description removed] at the Information Counter is not very considerate.
– There is basically no surveillance on the LP floor, so people could do whatever they want without being warned.
– Some Library Staff are found to be talking on their own mobile phones loudly in QUIET areas.
Some chat noisily with each other in QUIET areas.
– Service Attitude of Library Staff is impolite and rude.
Comments noted and will be followed up.
Campus Staff and students are NOT allowed to eat and drink, but your Library Staff ARE EATING AND DRINKING in areas that eating and drinking are not allowed.
Same as colleagues in other departments of the University, Library colleagues may choose to have their meal break inside their offices or our staff common room. But they are not supposed to eat and drink in non-designated public areas. Please inform us the details (who, when and where) for our follow up.
– 一些由學生所設計的圖書館海報,好像很差。Comments noted.
– Wonder if the “quick search” skills is part of the library services to be provided.Please provide further details for our consideration.

Borrowing & other library policies

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– 不錯
– 很好
– 借書時發現原書本已破損,前台都能理解,在發現同款書籍不在櫃的情況下,簡單處理後仍可借出,非常貼心~不允飲食的政策表示持續支持!
Thank you.
– 借閱期限混亂,當進行借閱程序時,圖書館職員間中不說書本到期日期Please feel free to ask our colleagues regarding due dates and any other related questions during the borrowing process or afterwards. You can also check the details of all the items checked out and their due dates anytime via Library Website.
– Some library staff are reluctant to provide return-book service to us. They ask library users to put the books into the book-drops.During normal service hours our colleagues should not ask users already arrived at the counter to leave and use book-drops instead. It may happen if the counter is already closed and our colleagues have already turned off the workstations. Please provide details (where, when, how) for our follow up.
– 如果可以的話,希望 貴館在解決自身書籍論文不足前將 HKALL借書期限延長,以便學生獲得足夠時間閱讀吸收相關書籍。
– Really appreciated the inter=-library loan systems. But, if the loan period for books from other universities can be extended to be the same for EdUHK library own books. That is a very good news! Also, I find quite a number of updates articles cannot be downloaded from HKU Library, esp. on the topic of sustainability/Education for Sustainable Development. Though I can ask for them via the inter-library services, it takes a longer time to get the article on hands for an urgent reference.
Loan periods of inter-library loans and HKALL items are mutually agreed among all 8 UGC university libraries on reciprocal basis. Inter-library loan and document delivery are provided through collaborative efforts of all participating libraries based on the principle of resources sharing. They are therefore integral parts of library services which supplement the limited collections of any individual library.
– 借閱數量和期限可以提升
– 由於教科書比較多同學需要借閱,同學都需要預約教科書及輪流借閱用來溫習,但有些同學預約教科書後會在預約借閱限期(7天)最後一天才借書,借閱限期因此被推遲,令其他同學只能更遲借閱,所以建議如果教科書已有多人預約,同學預約圖書後的借書期限應該縮短至兩至三天,或者將預約借借書限期計算於借閱限期之內,讓同學提早借閱及以免推遲還書限期。
– 建議租借教科書的時間可延長,2星期的期限太短
– the cost of overdue is too high
once I forget to renew the books on Friday, then I have to pay more as I will not go to school on Saturday and Sunday
– 希望即使圖書在大埔圖書館,也能預約圖書
After wide consultations with students and staff representatives of individual programmes, and as endorsed by Library Management Committee, we have already increased loan quotas for students and academic staff in 2016. It was also agreed that there was no need to change the loan periods. Please note that we need to balance the needs of different types of users including part-time students who may come back to campus only once a week. Any changes that seems beneficial to a user may cause inconvenience to other users under different circumstances.
– 如果可以在欠還書的第一天發出EMAIL提醒會更好。When the new library system is in operation in the coming July, we will be able to send one more reminder to the borrower the day before the item is due for return. Please also sign up for our Library SMS Alert service so that you can receive a SMS reminder in addition to the e-mail notices.
– Even it is late return the books, but we can still renew our books online like the public library.Comments noted and will be considered.

Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– 建議藏書量增加
– 蔣軍澳教學中心館藏不足
– 資源不足
Due to limited space, the Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons Collection is designed to meet the basic needs for those students with classes at the Study Centre. Please make use of the electronic collection and the inter-campus delivery service as much as possible. If there are specific subject areas that are urgently needed for students there, they are welcome to send their suggestions to the Library at libinfo@eduhk.hk or talk to Library colleagues directly.
– 可增設影印機(將軍澳)There are currently two photocopiers (one black & white; one color) at Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons. Based on the usage data, we currently has no plan to add any more photocopiers there.
– The stationeries are not well functional. Would the library please provide more staplers 🙂Comments noted and will be followed up.
– Inadequate PC and short operating time.Similar comments had been forwarded to Estates Office (EO) who manages TKOSC last year.
EO replied that in view of existing manpower and effective management of resources, the current official opening hours of TKOSC remains unchanged while designated venue such as Learning Commons (Leisure and Discussion area) could be extended to 10:30p.m. on weekdays and 6:30p.m. on Saturdays for accommodating after-class group discussion on a need basis.
– 滿意。
– This is a great place for me to borrow and return requested books since I live next to the TKO Centre.
Thank you.
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