Total 311 written comments received.
Breakdown by below categories
- Collection & electronic resources: 110 (35.37%)
- Space & facilities: 88 (28.30%)
- Services & management: 56 (18.01%)
- Borrowing & other library policies: 43 (13.83%)
- Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons: 10 (3.22%)
- Others: 4 (1.29%)
Remarks: Users’ comments are transcribed without editing except for privacy concerns. Users are welcome to contact us in person at the Information Counter on G/F of Mong Man Wai Library, by calling 29486653, or by email at to send us further feedback or to follow up with the Library responses.
Collection & electronic resources
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– Inter Libraries loan web platform has become far more complicated and tedious to use. Whichever university led this project, it had very little understanding of smooth new technology adoption by introducing non-intuitive features and far longer and many clicks to get a loan | Comments noted with thanks and we will follow up with the service vendor. |
– Book acquisitions should be considerably stepped up. There are a lot of books that are not available in your library. i have to request from HKALL. | Both staff and students are welcome to make specific purchase suggestions directly to the Library by using the Online Recommendation Form at |
– 目前限制了同事建議書藉必須由部門同意, 但是有些建議書藉是跨學科的, 因此部門未必會同意, 建議可否開放多些彈性, 以該本書的性質和分類為考慮? | Multi-disciplinary recommendations or suggestions that are not related to individual departments can be indicated by choosing the “Recommendations not department-related” checkbox in the Online Recommendation Form. Please contact for further assistance if necessary. |
– 外借數量多的圖書建議多購幾本。 | With a limited budget, the Library is always trying to maintain a balance between buying more different titles and more copies of the same book. Under the current policy, the Library is already buying 2 to 10 copies of course textbooks and 2 to 5 copies of course recommended readings for courses of different class size. Students are encouraged to discuss with their course instructors on specific needs such as the distribution between 7-day loans and 30-day loans. Staff and students are also welcome to make purchase suggestions to us at |
– 增加教學資料指定參考書籍借出的數量和不可外借的數量 … – … 堵加教學資料指定參考書籍的電子版… – …其他中文參考書籍出版年份太舊,新書籍太少 … | Library has adopted an e-priority policy and many titles, in particular reference titles, are collected in e-format. |
– …將軍澳圖書參考書籍量數量更新,參考書籍不足和舊,新書籍太少 | The physical collection at the Tsueng Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons (TKOSCLC) is limited by space constraints. Most new additions are in fact in electronic format which can be accessed anywhere at all time. |
– Severe lack of coverage in academic journal subscription Poor and inconvenient system of accessing academic journal user unfriendly website design | Users are welcome to contact the Information Counter if they have difficulties in accessing specific e-journals or using the new Library Website. |
– Waste!!!!!!!!!! you should provide as much as possible international journals for all students and staff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! | Even with a very large material budget, no single library could guaratee that it could collect everything. Inter-library collaboration on resources sharing, including inter-library loan and document delivery are therefore important supplement to on-site collection, which will only take 2 to 3 working days for delivery. |
– 1. 不滿3樓媒體部的光碟要上鎖,次次都要落樓解鎖,太麻煩 | Due to incompatibility issues between DVDs/BDs and our RFID system, we have to store them in boxes until the technical issues can be resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience caused. |
– The media, and books are too old and outdated | EdUHK staff and students are welcome to send their recommendations directly to the Library using the Online Recommendation Form at Since the Library has its e-priority policy, most of the new books including reference materials acquired in recent years are only available in electronic format. Therefore users should also check iSearch to find out if a newer version or similar items are available online. |
– …另外,圖書館的DVD很多都被括花。 | Damaged items, including DVDs, will be replaced as necessary. Please contact counter staff for such cases so that we can follow up accordingly. |
– 1. 需要經常搜購新書,某些常用書籍应添至少兩本 … | Depending on the known class size, the Library is already buying 2 to 10 copies of course textbooks and 2 to 5 copies of course recommended readings. |
– 希望更多書籍提供網上電子書 | Comments noted. The Library has already adopted an e-priority and most of the new acquisitions are in e-format. |
– 希望能提高推薦購書的速度(因先前試過推薦購書等了近一年才購入);… | Comments noted and will be followed up. For specific cases, please contact us directly so that it can be handled promptly. |
– more resources, especially electronic database and journals – 很多新書都沒有!! – 如果有條件,可以增加些流行的新書。 另外,關於教材,學生用書不用太多,可以增加教師用書。 – put more online resources accessible – 建議增加電子書藏量。 – … 希望可以購入多些與人文學科有關的數據庫、書籍及期刊。 – 希望可以多一些可使用的database,online books. 圖書館的書可以再更豐富更新一些,目前大部分圖書時間久遠,對於學生來說使用價值不高 – …2. 太舊的書可继續存借,但借用價值較少,因给學生的參考書目多是近10年間出版, 故此添購新書是必須的。 – buy more books and online resource eg. e-journals, e-book – Lack of collection | Comments noted. The Library has already adopted an e-priority policy. Most of the new acquisitions are in e-format. Both staff and students are welcome to make specific purchase suggestions directly to the Library by using the Online Recommendation Form at |
– 1.指定參考資料書籍數量太少… | Comments noted with thanks. Depending on the known class size, the Library is already buying 2 to 10 copies of course textbooks and 2 to 5 copies of course recommended readings. |
– … 3.電子書只能供一個人瀏覽,不能同時很多人瀏覽這本書 … | Comments noted with thanks. Depending on the known class size, the Library is already buying up to 3 licences for course textbooks and up to 2 licences for course recommended readings. |
– 中文繁體字書數量嚴重不足,亦不夠新書,大部分還停留在20-30年前學術研究 中文電子工具書數量不足,無法查看古籍的電子版 電子資源有再圖書館搜尋器中出現但總是” No full text available” | EdUHK staff and students are welcome to send their recommendations directly to the Library using the Online Recommendation Form at Meanwhile, the Library has also acquired or subscribed to various Chinese digital collections from major Chinese vendors such as 同方、方正、萬方、超星、華藝、Hyread、五南, etc. as well as a number of major Chinese research tools such as 中國基本古籍庫、文淵閣四庫全書電子版、四部叢刊電子版、漢籍電子文獻資料庫 、晚清期刊全文數據庫、民國時期期刊全文數據庫、漢達文庫, etc. Users are welcome to contact us directly for assistance if necessary. |
– 蒙民偉圖書館館藏太少,部分參考書未有,而其他大學都有。部分參考書僅有一本,而且常常被借走。而將軍澳卻有大量書籍未有人借。故此,我建議蒙民偉圖書館擴大館藏和數量。而且,作為教育大學,學校圖書館的參考用中學小學教科書常常不足。對學習做成莫大影響。故此,我建議圖書館把部分的教科書和教師用書列作不能借出館藏(如中文大學崇基圖書館的政策),以留書於圖書館內,便於廣大同學使用參考。同時,坊間的中小學補充練習數量亦遠少於中大。 電子資源方面,教大的電子書館藏不足。未見有Chinamaxx。 | A set of in-library-use-only HK school textbooks is kept at the Mong Man Wai Library indicated as “MMW Teaching Resources Non-cir Book (1/F)” in the search results. Library has acquired Chinaxaxx ( since Oct 2015. |
– 可以參考教授、老師們列出的書單,圖書館進行購買,方便同學們借閱。 | Library starts to contact departments in May every year to collect the course outlines and reading lists for the upcoming academic year. |
– …4.藏書量少,有很多教學的書,分薄左學術的書,有,都很舊. | Most of the new acquisitions are in e-format. As an education university library, we need to supporting teaching and practicum of our staff and students. |
– I understand that Library has adopted an E-priority policy i.e. to purchase e-books for wider access whenever it is available. However, personally, a print version of the title is preferred especially when I would like to read the whole book. Reading habit on print version is still the majority. I wonder if E-priority policy will be reviewed regularly. | We adopted the e-priority policy because of the cost-effectiveness, 24-hour accessibility and availability of e-books over print books. Based on e-book usage, data and comments from Library User Surveys, e-books are actually in high demand, especially among our students. |
– 電子書應該是可讓大部分人同時看的,現在的做法本未倒置。 – should make all books downloadable in good quality PDF (with no ceiling number of pages) | Since e-books are provided by different publishers on a number of e-book platforms, restrictions and functions may vary a lot with some publishers allowing the whole e-book to be downloaded while others will install very tight usage restrictions. However, downloading / printing / copying up to a certain portion is still permitted for the vast majority of ebooks acquired by the Library. Annotation is also available on most of our e-book platforms after users set up their individual accounts. Subject to cost restriction and vendor’s pricing model, we are already purchasing multiple licences or even site-licence for e-books with high demand. It should be noted, however, that some publishers may charge a lot more for unlimited access by all staff and students which the Library cannot afford. |
– more e-version textbook please – 電子書要更多一些 | The Library has adopted an e-priority policy since 2013. If a book is available in electronic format, e-book will be purchased instead of the print version. |
– 網上資源較舊的版面難查閱 | We have organized a number of focus group meetings with staff and student representatives on the design and layout of new Library Website. Users are welcome to contact the Information Counter if they have difficulties in searching resources on the new Library Website. |
– Sometimes it is difficult to spot the paper. May be there could be little popping up windows guiding through the search and suggesting the options, like download or read online. These popping messages could also give advice on how to use this paper, like you can/can’t download, read only online etc. | Users are welcome to contact the Information Counter if they have difficulties in searching resources. |
– 因館內參考書數量不足或被人借閱,期望有更多書藉可有電子版,避免以上情況。 | The Library has adopted an e-priority policy since 2013. If a book is available in electronic format, e-book will be purchased instead of the print version. |
– More commonly used databases such as ScienceDirect, IEEE Xplore, Springer are important to be subscribed. | Since we have to take consideration of both the cost and the user population size, we cannot always purchase everything. But we have been subscribing to both Science Direct and Springer Online Services providing access to thousands of ebooks and ejournals already. |
– The electronic resources makes it convenient for me to look for data when I am not in the library. However, please fix the problem to direct to certain data base that can only accessed with VPN so far. If this problem is not fixed by August, then I would not be able to access certain data bases as I cannot enjoy the VPN service after I graduate. | The technical problem has been resolved in April 2018 and remote access to certain online resources are no longer restricted to VPN services. We appreciate your interest with Library service in the future as an alumnus. But please note that due to licence restrictions, not all online resources are available for alumni via remote access. Please refer to for details. |
– subscribed electronic journals are not enough; we cannot cancel a journal even its using ratio is low | Comments noted with thanks. We shall continue to enhance the Library collection in all subjects. Both staff and students are welcome to send specific purchase suggestions directly to the Library using the Online Recommentation Form at The Library and academic departments will also review the costs and usage of individual journals on an annual basis. Journals will not be renewed automatically. |
– Journal subscription in some specific areas is inadequate. I cannot remember which journals, but I commonly come across cases in which there is no full-text available. | Please inform us the specific journal titles for our follow up. |
– 1 雖然明白圖書館為節省資源,有些journal有紙本就不訂電子版了,但還是希望學校能cover已有紙本的電子版 … | The Library has adopted an e-priority policy since 2013. If a journal is available in electronic format, e-version will be subscribed instead of the print version. |
– … 2 上次調查圖書館解釋了為何不訂「讀秀」,理由是擔心版權問題,但我不明白為何如港大都可以用,為何我們不可用 – 敬請盡快購買「讀秀學術搜索平台」,以跟其他七所大學看齊。謝謝。 | Free trial of 「讀秀學術搜索平台」has been arranged before and it will be further reviewed this year. For further information about the copyright issues, please contact us directly. |
– 新圖書館系統諸多不便,特別是目錄,難以檢索有用資料。 – Difficult to search under the new search system with many mistakes in various reference styles. Told your staff about this quite a while ago but no improvement has been made. – There are many problems with the new library website. 1. After I login on a certain page of library website, I need to refresh on the page of a new search all the time, which is a bit bothering. 2. The pages load a lit slowly. 3.In the result of searching, the same resources are repeated and listed for several times, and I have to click “load more” for more than three times to see other different results. It would be better if repetition can be avoided. 4. The way how citation is formed needs revision.In some automatic produced citations of academic books, the publisher’s name are included as authors and then I have to revise. The citations for journal articles are more accurate in the new library website. – Sometimes, it is confusing to get online documents from the library system. – 電子資源檢索引擎可能需要改進。通常情況下,若只輸入書名的幾個關鍵字甚至一半字詞,卻無法在靠前的檢索結果中找到想要的書籍。 – When searching for psychology articles, students often have a hard time figuring out what to do when the text needs to be requested through iLLiad. Can this option be made more visible or taught more frequently somehow? – 新的圖書館系統很不好用,表現在:1 雖然整合了不同類型的資源,但出來的結果實在太亂了;2 有些journal的的篇章,通過圖書館主頁搜索顯示不能下載,但如從該數據庫在圖書館的特定鏈接,如eduhk的springer鏈接是可以下載的,這顯示這個系統根本不完善; – 1) the new library website is more troublesome (request from EdUHK and HKALL , check the availability and location) … – 新的圖書館網頁界面指示不清晰,反而舊的界面更容易使用。 | Comments noted with thanks. When staff and students enconter any problem, they can contact us for immediate assistance at the Information Counter / by phone (2948 6653) / email ( The Library System installed in July 2017 is a new do-it-all integrated library system selected and shared by all 8 UGC-funded libraries in Hong Kong. Its user interface, provided by a different vendor from our previous one, can sometimes be quite different from the previous one. In order to enhance its usability, the 8 UGC-funded libraries have formed a Steering Committee to work with the vendor. Users are welcome to send comments and suggestions to us via |
– 可以SEARCH到很多資料,但,很多是圖書館沒有訂到,看到標題十分合用,卻無法開啟和閱讀 | By default, iSearch will return all relevant results regardless whether full text is available online. Users can still request for materials via ILLiad (Inter Library Loans) not available at EdUHK. Users can also select the option to restrict the results to “Full Text Online” (see For assistance or further information, please contact us at the Information Counter / by phone (2948 6653) / by email ( |
– 有些外文文献阅读不了,但是图书馆链接里显示有全文可以阅读。 – 有部份journal不能完全閱覽。另多次登入比較繁複。參考書藉數量可否提升? | Please report the case to Information Counter or email us ( so that we could investigate the problem immediately. Users may also request an article from Document Delivery Service if the journal article is not available in our collections. |
– The website is not easy to use (not intuitive) The search new facility does not allow for search of specific media as before (eg. CD, DVD, Blu-ray etc) | Users can restrict iSearch results to media items using the Resource Type option under Advanced Search or using the Collection filter. Please contact us directly for assistance or further information. |
– 網上找書,希望可加入以「出版社」搜查一項 | Suggestions noted and will be followed up. Users can also enter the name of the publisher as free text search words in iSearch. |
– … 2) is it possible to put a machine that adds the printing quota inside the library? | The Print-N-Go system is provided and mangaed by OCIO. Users can find an Octopus Payment Machine just outside the Library on LP/F to refill the print quota. |
– 部分電子資源有連結,但卻不能閱讀或使用,使讀者有搜索疲勞。 更多的是新圖書館網站,有部分館藏不能被搜索,但明明該館藏在架上。 | The results were set to show all no matter the library has subscription or not. Users could narrow down the results by choosing the options provided at the right hand side. |
– Please sign out of Thompson Reuters service, in part. the journal ranking database. They are stealing…! When providing service to RDO with rankings etc, you should not use Thompson Reuters ranking. It has only about top 20-25% of Scopus in the field of education | Comments noted. Subscription and renewal of electronic resources are regularly reviewed based on various factors such as usage statistics, cost, contents and user feedback. |
– Library App ? | The new Library Website has adopted “Responsive Web Design” and most of our resources and services can be used seamlessly on mobile devices. |
– Some reserve items should have one copy for more than 7-day loan period | In general the loan periods of individual copies are determined by the course instructors. |
– it is said that there is online version journal. However, when I click it, it does not have any articles. Very misleading. – shelving of monthly journals is slow. Sometimes the current issue is not available at 4/F even by middle of the month. – 知網經常失靈,常常發生無法進入的情況;而萬方數據等網一就是沒有想找的論文,二就是所需的論文要付錢才能看。希望能繼續增加電子書的數量 – 好多電子書竟然係連結外面啲網站 好多都係死link 或者可以圖書館買咗版權之後就長期save as PDF for同學使用 | Please contact the Information Counter or email us ( as soon as possible so that we can take immediate action. |
– collect some wealth management and investment books – 可以訂購更多的電子期刊,特別是有關中國的! – should have more journals and books in philosophy and Christianity such as Journal of Beliefs & Values (ranked A but not found in our database) – 有關政治制度、神話學、香港文學的館藏不太足夠 – I suggest library to import more varieties and updated children literature books, because some of them are too old and some are not interesting to read in this era. As an Education University, I think there is the need to renew the books on shelf and facilitate the learning and teaching of students and staff in this university. – 所有幼兒教育系的中文書籍太舊太過時、數量亦不足、分類及擺放指示亦不清楚、部分教材套只供教師借閱,學生卻不能外借閱,未能支援學生的學習需要。希望圖書館能作出改善。 – many books relating early childhood education are outdated. – 希望可提供更多新版的幼兒園教科書及有關的教學資料,因現時能借的版本大多是舊版,以教育出版社有限公司的教材書為例,已是2007年版,即11年前了…部分內容已不合時宜,未能作參考之用。 – 提供更多兒童書籍 – 提供更多資訊科技科的參考書籍如 app inventor 2, scratch 希望能時常更新有關書籍 – 圖書館的文學類藏書量不夠,時常需要透過HKALL從其他大學的圖書館借閱。而且中學教科書的版本和可供借閱的DSE試卷也不夠多、不夠新,不利於學生到中學實習教學。 – Not enough on guidebooks of MS Office Word. – 希望增多關於STEM教育領域的學術書籍 目前這個領域發展迅速,很多新書問世但是圖書館並未添置 – Teaching materials (i.e. textbooks for primary and secondary schools) can be more comprehensive and updated. – 內地、台灣中小學各科教科書收藏不全,特別是當前使用的最新版本的教科書 | Comments noted and will be followed up. |
– Excellent – good. enough. – 已很完備了。 – 很棒 – 很满意 – the amount of journals can be increased greatly – Journal articles are still not very enough for research students, but the inter-library loan service is good and quite fast for use. – The Library is very efficient in purchasing the recommended new materials. Very much appreciated. – 圖書館收藏了很多兒童圖書,十分好! … | Comments noted with thanks. |
– 藏書不太足,需要做功課時要用hkall較不方便,電子資源很多論文都沒有電子版本,對於資料搜集亦是不便。 – Still i hope your book bank could be updated and expaned considerably. – Resources are not diversified but luckily the HKALL services bridge the services gap. – 有部分資源在圖書館檢索不到,希望進一步擴充最新文獻和經典文獻 – 館藏及電子資源可以再盡量更新,與時俱進 – … 2.參考資料書籍小部分舊版e.g 已經有2017版,但學校只有2014年版 … – 多人借的書籍可增加數或增設上網流覽,讓更多人受惠。 – Hopefully the database can be enlarged so that more journals can be accessed. – It’s always difficult to build up a good collection. But the changes towards electronic resources would help us to catch up. – 不時有些電子項目不應便用或過期 – 可再增添電子資源,有部分文獻未能檢閱。 – 有些電子資源已過期不能使用,希望盡快更新 – 有些书籍和期刊文献仍无法找到和使用,有些书籍只有一个不可外借版本,不够用。 – 可增加較常用館藏或教學指定參考書的中譯/英譯本,以便利不同學生參考 – The website search function is not up to date like the rest of the web, but it works ok. – Very useful, suggested be more user friendly, such as providing “how to use” self-learning ppt when encountering difficulty in searching electronic article /resources | Comments noted. |
Space & facilities
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– 於全部電腦安裝搜狗拼音輸入法(繁體版),有很多同學使用拼音輸入法但電腦內置的輸入法只支援簡體字版本,要另外再轉為繁體才能應付功課要求。 | We decided not to install some popular input methods such as 搜狗輸入法 because of security concerns and the adware often packaged during the installation. |
– 釘書機十分重要但質素十分差劣!根本無法使用!建議更換! | Staplers are being replaced quite often especially during high seasons. Damages caused by improper usage are commonly found. Please report problems to counter staff so that appropriate actions can be taken immediately. |
– quite good. The system of booking study carrels can be improved. The system shows the carrels are in used. However, there isn’t any belongings indicating that there is some using the carrels. In that case, I don’t know if the user has left already or will to come back to use it. | We are making some changes to our Booking System and allow users to release their bookings if they have finished using the facility. Hopefully this will better serve other users’ needs. |
– 1. too many pests (spiders and cockroaches) can be found on self-study desks and chairs. the bin is not cleared in a timely manner. (and cleaners seem to be having idle moments most of the time) 2. cleaners should start cleaning the desks within the 30 minutes after the library is open (let say 8:00-8:30 OR 8:30-9:00) instead of doing it at 10am, in which some desks are already occupied by users; thus cannot be cleaned) 3.cleaners should clean the toilets more often and more seriously. the female toilets are usually dirty 4. there is much dust on the the edge of the desks on the 4/F and around the cables that attached the computer and the mouse. cleaners should do the cleaning with a sense of responsibility. | Cleaners have a very tight schedule starting from 7:30 am everyday. Please approach counters for assistance if special attention is required. |
– 圖書館的洗手間的清潔問題嚴重,無論在氣味和廁格的清潔,均有很大進步空間。 – 女廁沖水馬桶,有的總是水很小,沖不下去。希望改進。 – Improve the washroom | All toilets in MMW Library will be renovated and facilities will be improved in 2018/19. |
– Sometimes tables with PC are not clean enough after several visitors – 部分電腦桌欠清潔 | Tables and PC’s are generally cleaned once daily in the morning. Cleaning alcohol is provided at the the Information Counter on G/F (near the staplers area) for self-served cleaning. |
– … 2. Some of the chairs in the library are dirty. It seems like there is drink spill on them. – 1. 可書寫桌面,不衛生,非常污糟,請在櫃檯提供消毒濕紙巾 2. 請提供耳塞卡消毒濕紙巾 … | All desks and chairs are cleaned once a day in the morning. Please approach counters for assistance if additional cleaning is needed. |
– (1)G/F的洗手間一到晚上就沒有清潔姐姐做清理,但因為系G/F系24小時提供服務,所以一到深夜,洗手間就會因為沒有及時清理而變得十分污糟及不衛生,令使用者覺得十分之不便。故提請增加相應措施,保持其衛生整潔。 (2)自修座位的空間有限,而學生書包比較大,若將書包放上桌面,攤開幾本書,加上Keyboard及Mouse,會令人覺得好擠逼。能否參照坊間餐廳,在桌面下方增加掛鉤,可以讓學生掛上書包,以相應增加桌面的使用空間? 感謝! | Comments noted. When library counters are closed, please seek assistance from the security guard stationed at the Library foyer or call 2948-8000 to reach the campus management. |
– 電腦設施可以增加多一些full version,打印機及影印機教程可以具體一些, | Comments noted and will be followed up. |
– is it possible to put a “book cleaning machine”(洗書機) in the library? (It is just a suggestion. Because books might get dirty when they are borrowed, so I think maybe it is good to “clean” them before returning them to the library) | Book sterilizers will be installed soon at both MMW Library and TKOSC Learning Commons. |
– 1. I hope the self-service borrowing stations can be used for borrowing CDs(CDs inside the book)… | Due to technical constraints, certain items such as DVDs and CDs may not be processed at the self-service stations. We shall continue to work with the vendor to seek for a solution. |
– 討論桌可書寫桌面的筆時而沒有墨水,列印機經常 jam paper,另希望改善圖書館列印系統,因為有時按了列印要等好久才出,有時又不知甚麼原因又無法列印 – 討論桌的marker筆經常沒有墨水,白板擦非常舊,桌面書寫後無法用白板擦擦走,留下痕跡 – 討論桌的可書寫桌面所提供的白版筆經常無墨 – 在桌面上寫字,就算擦掉了桌子上還是有點髒。放桌上的東西會沾上一些黑色顆粒。 有幾次遇到前一次用的同學寫完沒有擦桌子就離開了。 – 討論桌和討論室的marker經常冇墨,應定時更換… – 可書寫桌面非常有助於討論和腦力激蕩!可是白板筆常常沒有墨水。建議每三日檢查/更換一次,或設無墨棄置箱及新筆箱,讓同學自行更換。 – 討論桌可書寫桌面 – markers always no ink. Shall check the markers twice a week? – 建議常檢查和更換討論桌上的筆, 常常無墨 … | Comments noted. Please report problems to library staff for our follow up actions and assistance. |
– 討論桌可書寫桌面整黎做咩? 依家好少係要用畫嘅方式解釋一樣野,我上次畫係因為貪得意,唔怪得D人畫到張枱咁Dirty….. | Comments noted. Results from this survey have indicated that this new service is highly appreciated by our users. |
– … 希望延長1/F開放時間 | We will review opening hours on regular basis. |
– 有些同學很喜歡拿自己的生活用品在G層休息區長期佔位, 導致固定的一些座位很亂很髒全是她們的生活用品(甚至有面膜⋯) – G層coffee旁d枱d人日日都霸住,又有衣物又有食物,唔講以為佢地係度居住,而且佢地用到好唔衞生。唔該跟進下。 – 图书馆G层占座现象太严重了,总是有学生把个人物品堆积在G层休憩区的座位上霸占位子,即使晚上回去了也不收拾长期堆放在座位上,望解决 | Library staff will remove personal belongings which were left unattended for a long period of time. Please approach counter staff immediately so that appropriate action could be taken. |
– 四楼自修室环境卫生不太理想。G层7/24电脑使用区域常有同学讨论。建议印刷打印机使用手册在打印机旁,介绍如扫描、复印、保存文件等操作。 | Comments noted and will be followed up. |
– 休息躺椅不适合休息,周围咖啡机及自由区噪音分贝过高。 图书馆G层的宁静区经常有人大声喧哗,大多为local学生,严重影响专心写paper做研究的同学及老师,希望图书馆能经常请老师巡视并监督及加以改正他们的不良环境,教育他们如何才能具有良好修养从而进一步为人师表。 感谢图书馆老师们的辛苦付出!感谢! 祝好!祝福! – … 咖啡機經常沒有咖啡 – … 3. 地下咖啡機,請免費提供熱朱古力及阿華田等,非咖啡類飲品 … | Comments noted. Please approach counter staff immediately so that appropriate action could be taken. |
– 電梯速度真的特別慢!!!! 真的特別特別慢!! | Please consider using Lift No. 9 to reduce traffic and waiting time at Lift No. 8, especially during busy hours. |
– Lack of space – 空間不足。 – 缺乏私人空間,大部分玻璃門,較沒有私隱度 – 自修座位不足 – 1樓討論室太少了,希望有更多私人空間。4樓自習空間空調太強,太冷了。24小時座位希望可以增多一些,並配有插座可供筆記本電腦使用。 – 4F的環境很適合學習研究,但是在考試期間座位緊張,3F的舒適度不如4F。 – 增設多點讓人小睡的傢私 – 多提供些躺椅予中午需要休息的學生。 – 希望可以增加休息區的座位、枱和沙發 – 希望圖書館桌子能安排的再合理一點 … – … 4樓的自修間連電腦的數量太小,經常滿,難預約。 – 如果有以前的房間自修室會更好,也可作為小型討論室 – 小組討論室數目太少,難以讓同學有機會借用 – I think that there should be more discussion rooms because they are easily filled – 自修間(蒙民偉圖書館四樓)座位太少,經常Full Booking – have to substantially improve – 在G層最好也設有像3/F 那樣的自習座位,並且是寧靜區。 – 建議多設像4樓那些提供很多私人空間的自修間,並增加帶有PC的座位 建議於每層增設至少一張像G/F 能平躺的休息椅子 在4樓放置一瓶鍵盤消毒酒精/噴霧 於2樓全面改用電子書架以代替手動的資料庫 | Comments noted. We need to look after the different needs of users and to provide sufficient seating, shelving space and various facilities for quiet studies, group discussion, teaching and relaxed reading. It is not easy to meet all user needs at all time with limited physical space. The Library will continue to monitor the needs and usage on different areas and make adjustments if necessary. |
– Appreciate that 1/F provides enough space for open discussion! | Comments noted with thanks. |
– … 5. 地下的電視,不要cctvb是但新聞,請轉播有線新聞台 | iCable News and TVB News are scheduled in different timeslots. Please refer to the time table posted under the TV for details. |
– Electricity charger can be increased. | Except for areas such as the Flexi Zone where movable furniture is installed, power outlets have already been installed on all study tables. |
– 傢具較舊,沒有1-2人沙發位 | 2-seat sofa are available on 4/F and single-seat sofas are available on different floors. |
– 考試期間可以考慮全棟圖書館24小時開放,其他大學亦有如此政策,提供更多座位更安靜空間予學生,以方便他們閱讀分佈於1-4樓的書藉 | We have extended opening hours for all floors until mid-night during examination periods. Based on the usage data and environmental concerns, we shall further review opening additional floors during examination periods. |
– 小組討論室增加電腦數量,一部電腦不夠使用開會,而且只能使用大電視操作不方便,若用1個正常size營幕器和大電視同時輸出會方便使用和開會 | Comments noted and will be considered. Students may also consider borrowing a notebook computer from the Circulation Counter as a second computer. |
– The lounge makes the library no longer a library. The new library system and website are disaster. I’m no longer find the books/journals easily. Colorful, but not friendly! | Please contact the Information Counter or email for assistance in searching library resources. |
– 近玻璃窗的範圍於夏天時比較熱。 及輔助攀爬的移動小梯數量比較少。頂層的藏書不能輕易閱覽。 | Comments noted and will be followed up. |
– Some computers on group discussion tables do not work well and need to be fixed. | Please contact counter staff for immediate assistance. |
– 好奇四楼的储物柜怎么申请 | The pedestals at the Study Carrels on 4/F are provided as temporary storage for users using the Study Carrels. EdUHK staff and students may bring their own pad-locks to lock the pedestals during the sessions booked by them. No prior application is required. |
– 椅子不太舒服,不可随意调节高低。 | Comments noted. All old study chairs will be replaced by height-adjustable models in 2018/19. |
– 增加冷熱飲水機數量 | Except for LP/F, drinking dispensers providing both hot and cold water are available on every floor from G/F to 4/F. |
– 非考試時間如果可以延長開放就更好了。24小時區域覺得不太喜歡,多是圓桌,但是沒插座,有插座的地方又不方便書寫,對於我來說覺得比較不方便。休憩廊的卡座每次經過那裡都覺得烏煙瘴氣。 | Comments noted. We will review the set up of different areas regularly for further improvement. |
– The air conditioning facilities in 4th floor is insufficient. – 大埔圖書館二樓好焗 | Please notify counter staff so that we could inform Estates Office to take immediate action. |
– Thank you very much to give me such a good place to stay for my studies. I especially appreciate the 24hrs night shift guards at the library. One of them has helped me out when I lost my cellphone during new year time. She is friendly and helpful, may God bless her! | Comments noted with thanks and have been forwarded to Estates Office. |
– Loundge咖啡機常常壞。建議多設一部,即使一部壞了仍然有另外一部。即使要付款我亦沒有所謂,可是熬夜沒有熱咖啡很傷心。另外,現在咖啡機不能單選牛奶。我要牛奶。希望能回復牛奶的選項。謝謝。 – The coffee machine seems to always be out of service – 三楼自习区靠近窗户边的位置有时会有蚊虫,如蜘蛛。希望可以定时除虫 – … 圖書館太侷, 不是指太熱, 而是空氣過份不流通… | Comments noted and have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up. |
– 既然有媒體工作坊和3d打印室了 相對而言數據分析區域應該更加重要和緊急吧? 尤其是做honors project的時候 很多軟件我們學校都沒有買 但是单个学生去买又真的很贵而且只用那么几次 所以建議弄一個數據分析區域 裡面的電腦除了SPSS, R等软件外,再加上eprime, mplus, Matlab等,这样也许就不用花很多钱而大家都可以来图书馆用了~ 谢谢~! | Comments noted. Since the contents of the Network Teaching Software including data analysis software such as SPSS are provided by OCIO, these comments have been forwarded to OCIO for their follow up. |
– 圖書館內打印機需收費 建議可設有每月列印quota ,供學生使用,不只是在LP的電腦資源中心才可享用此服務。… | Print-N-Go printers supporting print quota are provided and managed by OCIO. Six computers providing 24-hour access to Print-N-Go have already been installed on G/F of the Library. Please contact counter staff for assistance if necessary. |
– 打印機有時候會缺紙,已經減掉了打印的費用,但是沒有完成打印,也無法撤銷操作。 | Please contact Library counter staff for issues such as paper jam, paper outage, etc. Since the printing quota of the Print-n-go system is provided and managed by OCIO, students can seek help from OCIO at their Support Counter on LP/F for printing quota deduction issues. |
– … 影印機/打印機/掃瞄器等設備太舊 特別是影印機, 尚要使用者每print一份就要去拿, 使多次幾位使用者的文件混在一起, 錯誤拿走. 建議參考其他院校 , 更新影印系統. 例如影印機連上一裝置, 負責辨識學生ID, 學生只需在school電腦按Print, 影印系統就會記住學生文件資料, 學生只要到影印機旁, 利用辨識裝置拍卡, 影印系統就會print出文件 這樣學生可不用每print一份就要去影印機, 同時加快排隊速度. | Comments and suggestions noted. |
– 影印設施不足,輪候時間長 – the printer is always out of serivce (esp the TKO center, print-n-go) – Loads of paper print-outs remain unclaimed and unmanaged. | Comments noted with thanks and will be followed up. Comments related to Print-N-Go have been forwarded to OCIO for their follow up. |
– Please update printing system a d renew printers. For example, student can use SID card to select the documents they want to print out without mixing with the pther documents of other users. – Can the copying fee include in the printing quota ? | Comments and suggestions have been forwarded to OCIO for their consideration. |
– Excellent – Good, spacious – Good. The self-service borrowing stations are excellent addition to the library. – Really happy to see how dramatic the improvement of the library is. – Very nice. – 周邊設施很舒服,謝謝你們的用心。 – 欣賞大埔的設施,環境舒適。 – 非常好,地下的24小時開放區,以及可以看電視新聞的區,都是極好的。 | Comments noted with thanks. |
Services & management
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– 需要預定的自修閣與討論室等,建議針對未Check in亦未主動取消的連續預定的數個時段進行一次性取消。比如,連續預定三個時段的討論室,第一個時段未Check in且預訂者亦未主動取消(或確認保留餘下時段),則可以一次性取消之後的兩個預定時段。如此可以將預定機會提前釋放給有需要的用戶。或者,對於在預定時間開始后5分鐘仍未Check in者,自動發送郵件提醒并內置一鍵確認和取消的鏈接,方便操作。 | Thanks for the suggestion. We would review the feasibility, the pros and cons of sending a reminder e-mail. But it may cause confusion and disputes if we cancel all consecutive sessions when the user fails to show up at the beginning of the first session. |
– Satisfied with the facilities reservation services. Better to give three weeks’ advanced reservation right for doctoral students. Also 6 block love are too short for doctoral students too. | Suggestion noted and will be considered. |
– 本人經常會一些小學練習和DVD, 所以較常會使用櫃檯借書。現時櫃檯同事都會使用新的借書機, 但相比以前借書時間較長, 而且眼見同事亦需站立才方便把書打開再作紀錄 (我不清楚借書機原理, 是靠書的那一個位置SCAN), 同事經常站立或要伸手較遠才可使用,似乎對同事健康不太理想! 反觀自助借書機用量較少, 可考慮多推廣. | Comments noted with thanks. Since the RFID collection management system was only launched in Dec 2017, we shall continue to work with the vendor to fine tune and enhance the performance and efficiency of the system. |
– 24小時開放的部分區域同時為可進食區域,座位會有食物碎屑,可能需要加強清潔 | We will further review the cleaning schedule with Estates Office. However, cleanliness of library still requires the cooperation of library users. |
– 圖書管理員都很好人,很熱心 給到我們很多幫助. 不過G層[personal description removed]開門關門的聲音非常大聲. 希望能注意些. | Follow up action has been taken. Estates Office has adjusted the door closer and the noise has been reduced. |
– Really hope Library can make the exam period longer, or set daily opening time till 11:00a.m. because there are lots of courses ending at 9:30p.m. in EdUHK and I really hope to use library after 9:30p.m. Moreover, it would really be nice if the library opening time can extend on weekends. For some mainland students like me, it’s common to go outside for activities or seminars on weekends. After back school at 5:00/6:00/7:00p.m., it’s not strange to find that there is no vacancy on G/F & LP in library and I have to go to areas around ITS and shared same places with danso(no offense to danso and give full respect to them but it is really hard to concentrate when sharing a same place with them because of the limited opening hours of library.) Many thanks. – 希望能延长图书馆1F,2F,3F,4F在周末的开放时间。 – 大埔延長平日、星期六、日的樓層的開放時間,對PT學生來說平日9:20放學/星期六5:20放學後,再到圖書館找參考書籍,2200/1900 樓層關閉,不夠時間找到適用書籍做參考 – discussion room can open a little bit longer. – Study carrels at 4/F should be opened longer at weekend also for part time students to do assignments | We have extended opening hours for all floors until mid-night during examination periods (for a total of about 17 weeks in 2017/18 academic year). Based on the usage data and environmental concerns, we shall further review opening additional floors during examination periods / weekends. |
– print n go service in the LP floor always have technical problem | Comments noted and have been forwarded to OCIO who provides and operates the Print-N-Go system and all Print-N-Go stations. |
– 希望能更加及時的整理館內還書車上的圖書,以便學生借用。感謝工作人員的辛苦付出。 | Returned items will normally be shelved back within 3 days’ time. Users may approach counters for assistance if “available” items are not found on bookshelves or sorting shelves. |
– 期刊上架太慢,尤其是資訊性的需要盡快上架,否則失去意義。 | Basically, current issues will be shelved within 3 working days upon receipt. However, some journals such as those from overseas may arrive late and thus cause the delay of shelving. |
– 經常在圖書所屬的位置找不到想要的圖書,向圖書管理員求助卻得不到有效的幫忙。需要花費很多尋找圖書的時間,最後卻一無所獲! | Users can request for a “tracing service” at the Circulation Counter and they will be informed once the requested item is found. |
– have to substantially improve | Please feel free to contact us for comments and suggestions. |
– 職員對規則理解嚴重不足!已經事先詢問在館內借的電腦該如何續借,貴館職員表示會‘自動renew’,但卻要向我收取4元罰款表示遲了2小時還電腦,我實在不能理解!還望貴館的職員能夠訓練有素才出來服務。 我不希望貴館職員的錯誤引致有下一位要交無需繳付的罰款的無辜人士。 | Comments noted and we are sorry for any inconvenience caused. Staff concerned will be reminded to prevent similar cases from happening again. |
– 借/還書處的個別職員,態度極差,極不負責任。 – 借還書職員態度較差,經常怠慢學生 | Commented noted. Please contact our Access Services Librarian and provide more details so that she can follow up as appropriate. |
– 部分圖書館管理員在推出自助借書機後,有時會無禮地要求讀者自行借館藏,而不提供服務。(但當時流通櫃台是沒有人排隊的) | When the new Self-service Stations were first launched in Dec 2017, we encouraged users to check out library books at these stations in order to promote this new facility. If users do not feel comfortable about it or prefer to borrow items via the Circulation Counter, we are happy to provide services at the counter. We shall also remind counter staff and workshops will be organized for all library staff to enhance their communication skills. |
– Can you please don’t wake students up before 8am thanks | We understand the needs and difficulties of students working overnight and thus we allow them sleeping inside the Library at late evening and early morning if they do not cause disturbance to other library users. We must take care of the regular use of library facilities (i.e. reading and studying) by other library users during normal library opening, which is the main purpose of library services. |
– More training about researching skills and up-to-date workshops like the ones in CUHK Digital Scholarship and Research Data Workshops IT Skills workshops in Qualitative and Quantitative data analysis e.g. NVivo, R-programming, Rasch, AMOS, etc… Data Visualisation in Action – Gephi (Hands-on) Tableau Hands-on Workshop (Mar) Many thanks | Comments noted with thanks and suggestions on IT-related workshops have been forwarded to OCIO for their follow up. Various workshops covering a wide range of library skills and research-related topics are being organized during the academic year ( |
– 1. Most of the time, Library colleagues are very professional and helpful. However, I have one experience that the colleague at Information Counter is not familiar with the library facilities and resources. She needed to go to the circulation counter to seek help from other colleagues. Guess some more training for new (?) staff will be better. | Comments noted with thanks and will be followed up. |
– The library is unhelpful with new staff, their orientation and information usage services. Despite requests to show me electronic journal access, this has never been provided and no lessons on accessing electronic information has been made available to staff in a user friendly way. While there are officers/librarians whose task is to educate information literacy, they hide and are performing well below expectations. | Comments noted and will be followed up. E-mails are being sent to all new academic and research staff on monthly basis with details and contact information so that briefing and orientation sessions could be set up. Please feel free to contact us at the Information Counter / e-mail ( / phone (29486653). |
– 建議允許學生帶子女或家屬進圖書館 – 希望年幼的嬰幼兒(在學的弟妹)能跟著父母進入圖書館, 因嬰幼兒不能進入而同樣父母也不能同時進入圖書館. | Library facilities are set up for use by students and staff of the University. Considering the potential number of family members, we cannot allow students to bring their children and family members to use the Library. |
– 2. When it is at night, some people talk loudly in the 24-hour zone even use mobile there for a long time…… | Please contact the security guard stationed at the library foyer for assistance when library counters are closed. |
– 希望可以增添借充電器的服務 | We are planning to install mobile charging stations on different floors of the Library. |
– 希望圖書館電腦可以使用登錄製,這樣每次就能存儲自己的文件在已登錄的電腦裡,這樣也便於學生在學校的學習 | Comments noted with thanks. Requesting users to login before using the computers at the Library has both pros and cons and will be further reviewed. |
– … 3. When it is at night, usually no paper in one of the printers. Can the staff check and fill the paper trays before they leave? or leave some papers to the security guard? | Comments noted and will be considered. |
– 图书馆工作人员习惯说粤语,而非普通话及英语。 | Comments noted. |
– 儲物櫃的每小時收貴太貴,對PT學生,想存一晚已借的參考書籍數量,第二天再回校使用,收費儲物櫃沒有用途,都是要搬來搬去,如能有方法廷長免費租借小時/半日收費幫助PT學生寄存已借的參考書籍會更好 | Comments noted. Please note that the Octopus-operated self-service lockers are set up as temporary storage for library users and thus the first two hours are free of charge. They should not be treated as subsitutes of student lockers. |
– Patrons are often found talking on their mobile phone inside the library (at individual computer stations). More patrol by staff are necessary. – 從前在安靜區域總是有同學講話,希望增多關於 安靜區域 請勿大聲講話 的標語 – Students are a bit noisy. – 地面休息區的管理可以再嚴謹些少,特別是佔座情況嚴重 – 1. 兒童在圖書館喧嘩 2. 考試期間不應讓同學長期以物品佔用座位,例如一小時內座位無人,應予清空 – 1. Some people use their personal belongs to occupy the seats for a long time (almost one semester) but no one cleans up these things. Sometimes there are even candies’ packages and other rubbish on the table, which harms the image of our library. | Comments noted with thanks. Please approach counter staff immediately so that appropriate action could be taken. |
– 主要填寫這次問卷,是要對一眾優質的圖書館館員致謝。您們真是做得很好,令我們都很滿意!感謝! – Automatic renewal and additional reminders of the new library system are very useful and convenient. I am very pleased with the quality of service that library provides. I sincerely appreciate the responsiveness, e.g. purchase suggestions. Thank you for the politeness, smiling faces and excellent service. – Excellent – Good – good. – Good. – Great staff – i appreciate your whatsapp enquiry system. It is v helpful. – Overall, very good. – satisfactory – The Library is one of the best units of this University. Thank you so much for the excellent service. – 不錯! 有問有答! – 很满意 – 服務很好。 – 這圖書館的館員都是極為樂於助人,尤其是入口的大堂資詢部、館際互借、流通處,每位都是尊業及高效的員工,這些好的支持令我印象非常之好。 – The service in G/F counter is very nice and the staff are helpful as well! – very efficient and quick response. i would like to thank you for the circulation staff for helping me fetch some journal articles while i was out of campus and had no access to vpn – 借還書及接聽電話的工作人員態度很好,很熱情,又盡責。 – 圖書館管理員的態度良好,能快速回應並協助解決問題。 – 大埔和將軍澳的工作人員服務態度都很好! | Comments noted with thanks. |
Borrowing & other library policies
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– For member category B, I suggest to increase the loan quota to 60 items. I also suggest that all loans with a loan period of 14 days may be renewed up to 70 days unless a hold or a recall has been placed. – Longer borrowing duration for staffs – 增加對某些常用書籍的借書期限 – 可考慮增加教學人員借書上限,特別是要同時教三至四科的教師,平均各科可借的書籍不太足夠 | After wide consultations with students and staff representatives of individual programmes, and as endorsed by Library Management Committee, we have already increased loan quotas for students and academic staff in 2016. There is no plan to further revise the loan quota or renewal policy at the moment. |
– 借指定參考資料書籍的期限太短(只有7天) – Reserve book 的时间只有一周,时间较短。 | Books at the Reserve Collection are course-related readings and usually in high demand. Extending the loan period to over 7 days will further reduce the number of borrowers for the reserve materials. Users may check if other copies are available at the Circulation Collection or from other UGC libraries via HKALL. |
– 希望兒童館藏的max loan period可以更長些,現在兩個月太少了 | Comments noted and will be considered in future review. |
– 建議增加HKALL外借數量及日期。 – Very good, except that the loan period for HKALL could have been extended. – 希望延長HKALL 借書期限 | Loan periods of inter-library loans and HKALL items are mutually agreed among all 8 UGC-funded university libraries on reciprocal basis. For loan quota of HKALL services, it has been reviewed in 2015 and 5 more loan quota has been increased for students with effective from January 2016. |
– 專業發展課程的學生應該也可申請JULAC及使用csl university wifi – 希望成功爭取自資學生申請使用八大圖書證! | The eligibility for applying JULAC cards is governed by the mutual agreement among all 8 UGC-funded university libraries. Under the current agreement, only students of Doctoral, Master programmes, UGC-funded undergraduate and PGDE programmes are eligible. |
– 希望能延長討論區和二樓自修區的開放時間 – 自修室开放时间希望能延长 | We have extended opening hours for all floors until mid-night during examination periods. Based on the usage data, we currently have no plans to further extend 24-hour opening to more floors. |
– 催還書制度,不如把外借時間縮短,如外借書時,人在外地或放假,如催還書,現時機制,遲還每天二元,本人亦不會於放假時回來歸還的。 | Borrowers should note that according to Library Regulation 4.12.1, library materials must not be taken out of Hong Kong without the permission of the Librarian. To avoid keeping the items idle and cannot be used by any users, borrowers should return library materials before taking long vacation or leaving Hong Kong. |
– 如果可以像公共圖書館一樣網上預約借書,直接到前台拿就好了。 | Considering the limited number of copies, the potential idling time casued by items waiting to be picked up, plus the need to serve users who prefer browsing items on bookshelves, pick-up reservation for items not checked out will not be considered at the moment. Loans of items on shelf will only be entertained on a first-come-first-served basis. |
– 若可以自由選擇是否需要自動續借服務會好一點,因為自動續借服務變相縮短了外借期限 | Maximum loan period will not be shortened under the auto renewal function. Please contact library staff for further clarificaiton. |
– 線上預約圖書,圖書需要等候多時才抵達。 若能改進則會更便民。 – 催還慢 | When the requested item is returned, the requester will be notified immediately if the chosen pick-up location is the same as the return location. If the return location and the chosen pick-up location is different (e.g. the item is returned at Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons but the requester prefers to pick up at Mong Man Wai Library), it will take one or two working days for transportation. However, if the item is already on loan when the request was made, sometimes it may take much longer depending on the number of requesters on the hold queue and how long does it take for the current borrower to actually return the requested item. |
– 希望九龍塘衛星中心也設借書服務 (即:在網上預約了書籍後,能在九龍塘衛星中心取書)。 – 在真光書院提供取書服務 | Due to limited spaces available at the KTSSC, the library book pick-up services can only be provided to students attending classes at the KTSSC. |
– 1. 請宣傳九龍塘分校的還書方式 | We will work with the Study Centre Office and the programme colleagues on conveying and promoting the information to students who attend classes at KTSSC. |
– 如果自助借書機可以增加還書功能,那會更好 – 希望有自動還書功能 – 自助借書機很好用很方便。建議可以添置自助還書機。 | Thanks for your comments. The book return function of the Self-service Stations will be released soon. Smart book returns will also be set up later in 2018/19. |
– The design of the Self-Service Borrowing Stations did not adequately consider how users put their books on the sensor. Users often have to bend down or kneel down so to put the items in. | Comments noted and will be taken into consideration in the future review. |
– I do not understand why part-time research staff members are not given staff cards to get access to library resources. I previously worked at other local universities such as PolyU and they are kind enough to let part-time staff members enter the library and use the facilities. The EdUHK is so mean in this regard and perhaps the University thinks that part-time research staff members have no need to read monographs and journal articles! | Comments noted and have been conveyed to HRO for their consideration. Part-time staff should seek assistance from their Department if they have to make use of the library resources for their work. |
– For those thick book, it is so complicated to borrow every month. | Please feel free to contact counter staff and provide additional information so that we can follow up as appropriate. |
– have to substantially improve | Please feel free to contact us for comments and suggestions. |
– Already a lot of improvements. – Appreciate the weekly automatic reminder for returning books ! – Excellent – Good – Good loans and inter-library loans. – Good to have book return facilities – The automatic renewing system can bring a lot of convenience to readers. – 不錯! d書可以借好耐! – 基本上都很好了。 – 好好 – 很满意 – 繼續保持 – 自助借書機幾好用。 – I like the new system of automatically renewing books. | Comments noted with thanks. |
Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– 增加開放時間,例如假期及紅日。 – 延長開放時間,例如星期六和開放星期日 – 期望星期六可延長服務時間至晚上十時。 | Similar comments had been forwarded to Estates Office who manages TKOSC in previous year. EO replied that in view of existing manpower and effective management of resources, the current official opening hours of TKOSC remains unchanged while designated venue such as Learning Commons (Leisure and Discussion area) could be extended to 10:30 p.m. on weekdays and 6:30 p.m. on Saturdays for accommodating after-class group discussion on a need basis. |
– 試過一次,我大老遠想去列印一些參考資料,但是影印機壞了!並且似乎已經壞了一陣子了,但卻沒有維修。詢問了圖書館的職員,得到的回應是:「是啊!故障了!不知何時會來維修」。 這樣基本的圖書館設施,希望能夠時常保養,令使用者能在有限的時間內,完成列印的工作。 謝謝。 | Altogether there are 4 printers/copiers at TKOSCLC, including two Print-N-Go printers operated by OCIO. According to our records, one of the Print-N-Go printers is out of order for sometime and will be replaced. The other 3 printers are still available for users’ use. Your comments have been conveyed to OCIO for their follow up. |
– 希望在將軍澳資源中心增設雙面列印的列印機。 在真光中學,也增設雙面列印機。 | Printers/copiers at TKOSCLC support two-sided printing/copying. Please seek counter staff for assistance. Comments on facilities at the Kowloon Tong Satellite Study Centre have been conveyed to the Study Centre Office for their considerations. |
– 催书时间太紧,还要折算在借书时间内。 | Borrowers should have at least 7 days to return a recalled item. |
– 電腦擺放是否太密集?另部分插座不能使用。本人不能用無線上網協助做功課。 | Comments noted. We will review the layout and install new furniture at TKOSCLC in 2018/19. |
– 將軍澳的圖書館藏書量太少! | Additional bookshelves have been set up and new acquisitions have been made for TKO in the past few years. However, its shelving capacity is still limited by physical space. On the other hand, most new additions are in e-format which can be accessed anywhere at all time. Users can also request for items available at MMW Library to be delivered to TKOSCLC and return at either MMW or TKOSCLC. |
– 如果圖書館借還書的櫃檯可以提早開始服務,方便一些早起的使用者,能夠於上午10:30前完成借還書籍的事宜。 或可考慮兩班制。 謝謝。 | Comments noted with thanks. We shall continue to monitor the usage statistics and review the services provided at TKOSCLC.
At present, users can use the self-service station installed in the TKOSCLC to borrow library books when the TKOSCLC is open and a number of new self-helped services are scheduled to be rolled out in Semester 1 of 2018/19:
User’s comments | Library’s responses |
– 大概介绍一下书籍的摆放规律,或者制作一张位置总表,如某个区域会有某个编号(LB)的书籍 | Please check or contact the Information Counter staff for further assistance. A mobile app will be released in Semester 1, 2018/19 assisting users to locate a particular item within MMW Library. |
– 希望圖書館能積極考慮我的意見,我很用心寫的。希望教大圖書館變得更好!謝謝。 | Thank you very much and your comments are much appreciated. Please rest assured that we will consider each and every comment carefully and seriously. |
– 可考慮多舉辦文化活動, 例如中文大學圖書館, 增加人文氣息。 – exbibition of writers / other featured exhibitions will be nice | Comments noted and will be considered. |