Written Comments

Breakdown by below categories

Remarks: Users’ comments are transcribed without editing except for privacy concerns. Users are welcome to contact us in person at the Information Counter on G/F of Mong Man Wai Library, by calling 29486653, or by email at libinfo@eduhk.hk to send us further feedback or to follow up with the Library responses.

Collection and electronic resources

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– Borrow electronic PhD thesis from other universities in shorter timeAlthough more and more thesis and dissertations are now freely available online, some are still restricted to the staff or students of the particular university. Users can locate some local and international thesis databases at “Database A – Z” page or contact us for assistance at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653)
– 1. If I want to borrow a book, the normal version is already being borrowed or there is no normal version, only the reserved version is not borrowed, I could not make HKALL requests for the book. It’s not very convenient because the reserved version have 7-days policy.
2. The textbooks that can be borrowed from 2F, such as the English textbooks, don’t have reserved or non-circular version, making it very inconvenient when we need one in urgent.
Based on mutual agreement, users will not be able to make HKALL request if there is at least one loanable copy at the home library.
If users note that there are course-required readings that should be placed at non-circulation reserve instead of the regular book collection on 2/F to 4/F, please contact library staff directlly or ask the course instructor to contact the Library immediately.
– There is a lot of paper in the online library system are invalid and brought me some troubles while I was doing homework. (I’m studying Greater China Study).By default, the Library iSearch system will display article information regardless whether the Library has online full text subscription or not. Users, however, can choose to limit the results to only include those records with online full text available.
If users have trouble accessing records indicating full text available, please contact us for assistance at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653).
– Many journal articles are shown in library’s search engine in the type of electronic collections, but without full text! It is so sad when you see a title of an article match perfectly with my research, but no full text available online nor on shelf.
– Hard to find full text article. It show full text link , actually no full text. So terrible.
By default, the Library iSearch system will display article information regardless whether the Library has online full text subscription or not. Users, however, can choose to limit the results to only include those records with online full text available.
If users have trouble accessing records indicating full text available, please contact us for assistance at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653) Eligible users can also make use of our Inter-library loans service to obtain the full text for free.
– 教科書唔齊, 好多時淨係得學生版, 無老師版,
又懶出版社唔送(牛津), 咁學校唔識問?
無教師版相等於我地d準教師唔會借, 或者借黎無用
其實學生版要黎無用另外d listening全部無碟, 得本書,
係咪唔識問, 或者向出版社購買返?
A few years back, Oxford University Press (HK) stopped selling its school textbook teacher’s edition to EdUHK Library because they found pirated copies being used by some tutoring centers that were originated from EdUHK Library.
After some negotiation, OUP resumed selling them to EdUHK Library for a while after we agreed to remove them from open shelf and making sure that they can only be borrowed by legitimate users at the Circulation Counter. Unfortunately, OUP insisted that the problem persisted and decided to stop selling the teacher’s editions to EdUHK Library since 2015.
– I cannot access the online resource through the link which provided by the library, please check the link is available or notComments noted with thanks. Please contact us for assistance at Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653)
– Some of the electronic books can only be viewed by one person while the others should wait until the user leave online. This is problematic that electronic books should be publicly used by registered EdUHK users. Isn’t it? Students had paid lots of fees to the EdUHK for high quality services.E-books are provided by different publishers on a number of e-book platforms, restrictions on the number of concurrent users may vary a lot based on the license agreement between the Library and e-book vendor. While some vendors allow unlimited access to their ebooks, others will charge a much higher price for multiple-user access.
Most publishers do allow users to download a limited number of pages of the ebook for off-line usage and we strongly encourage users to use the ebooks well ahead of the lecture or examination to ensure the access.
– too many book cannot downloadE-books are provided by different publishers on a number of e-book platforms, restrictions on the number of concurrent users or how many pages that could be downloaded may vary a lot based on the license agreement between the Library and e-book vendor. Some e-books can only be downloaded (with or without restriction) only by registered users for the particular platforms. Please contact us by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) or phone (29486653) for assistance if necessary.
– 中文學術文獻及相關數據庫不足,很難找到有用的內地期刊內容及數據資料作研究用途EdUHK staff and students are welcome to send their recommendations directly to the Library using the Online Recommendation Form. Meanwhile, the Library has also acquired or subscribed to various Chinese digital collections from major Chinese vendors such as 同方、方正、萬方、超星、華藝、Hyread、五南, etc. as well as a number of major Chinese research tools such as 中國基本古籍庫文淵閣四庫全書電子版四部叢刊電子版漢籍電子文獻資料庫晚清期刊全文數據庫民國時期期刊全文數據庫漢達文庫, etc. Users are welcome to contact us directly for assistance if necessary.
– The quality of accessibility of ebooks is only satisfactory when I am in the campusEdUHK staff and students should be able to access e-books remotely using VPN or proxy platform although the download speed may be slower than what they experience on campus. If necessary, please contact us at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) or / by phone (29486653)
– Please buy edatabase duxiu.com as soon as possible.Free trial of 「讀秀學術搜索平台」has been arranged before and it was not considered due to cost and copyright issues.
– 有些電子期刊網頁沒法使用,要註冊後才能使用的Many major publishers encourage users to register for their personal account to enjoy customized services such as citation tracking or email alert services but it is uncommon for publisher to ask for prior registration in order to access the articles.
Please contact us at the Information Counter, by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) or by phone (29486653) for assistance.
– The e-newspaper of South China Morning Post (e-paper edition) include the current newspaper only, not latest 30 days. Please check with SCMPSCMP e-paper archive is available under the menu option. Please contact us for assistance at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk)  / by phone (29486653)
– Please subscribe a journal called “Physical Review E”
This journal is subscribed in our school last year but this year, it seems that the subscription is stopped. It highly affect the process of research in my study.
Thank you for the report. We have continuous subscription to this journal “Physical Review E” and the access problem has been resolved after we reported it to the publisher.
– 希望將來的日子可以將所有實體書轉為電子書,這樣可以方便到未能親身前往圖書館借書的同工/學The Library has adopted an e-priority policy since 2013. If a book is available in electronic format, e-book will be purchased instead of the print version.
– 1. the icon for renewal library material system is not easy to locate while doing renewal.
2. more e-book provided and survey for the readers’ book interest
The renewal procedure has been changed with the implementation of the new Library system in July 2017 and the introduction of automatic renewal. Please refer to the iSearch user guide or contact us for assistance at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653).
– It seems to be less convenient to look up items already on the shelves inside the library. Sometimes I simply want to check out a music score and a recording to bring to class quickly, but it is more complicated and time-consuming to do so now. Online search is important, but it should not take over (hinder) the normal check out procedure. Users should be able to choose between the online items and the library collections right from the beginning. Some of the online items simply cannot replace the hard copies already inside the library.Users can easily limit the search results to scores, audio visual or other types of resources using the “Resouce Type” option in the iSearch results list. Please contact us for assistance at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653).
– 很多我想看的书都没有(小语种),希望能用知网资源。We have subscribed journal, dissertations and yearbook series of CNKI (中國知網) for many years. Please check it out at http://www.lib.eduhk.hk/cgi-bin/cnki-qingdao?CJNB
All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
– Though not all journals’ articles are available, I greatly appreciate the quite fast turnaround when article photocopies are requested.
When I need a book, sometimes it’s said to be available on HKALL but actually all the copies are electronic resources and not available to me. I can then order it through ILLiad, but I wonder if HKALL can be fixed so that it doesn’t say the book is available at other libraries when in fact I cannot order it.
Comments noted with thanks.
We have been with other local libraries in fine-tuning the wordings and results display in HKALL to minimize potential confusion by users.
– 可以多购买一些资料书,中小学教材, 有些书籍只有一本,不能供几人同时借阅。一些文献只有full-text unavailable online
– 收納書籍可以更為全面,有些書只有一本,很難借到,可以增加個別搶手書目的本數
– (1)增加香港中學文憑考試考試報告及試題專輯的冊數,現時每年份各科只得一冊,很多時候不在架上,宜各科每年份添至兩冊或以上;或各科每年份各存一冊於流通服務台,讓同學借閱數小時,限於館內使用。
Comments noted and will be considered in future review.
However please note that with limited budget, the Library must always try to strike a balance between buying more titles and varieties of materials against more copies of the same title.
– 6. I know some other University libraries have the practice of giving away outdated magazines (such as The Economist and others) or allowing them to be on loan, I hope your library can follow suit.Comments noted with thanks and will be considered.
– the adults borrowing materials are relatively old and less compared with public library
– 希望学校的馆藏图书能够定期翻新哦,专业课的学习需要新的理论支撑。谢谢啦!
Comments noted with thanks. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
Please also note that since the Library has adopted an e-priority policy for many years, most new purchases are available online and won’t be found on shelf.
– The amount of book is not enough such as some book only have one. If many student want to borrow the same book, it make some student cannot get that book.
– 某一些書籍的數量較少,而很多位同學輪用一本,不太方便。可按情況增加某些熱門借或常要催還的書籍
– 增加指定參考書的數量和各類型新書的數量
Comments noted and will be considered in future review.
However please note that with limited budget, the Library must always try to strike a balance between buying more titles and varieties of materials against more copies of the same title.
– please consider buying more NEW and UPDATED textbooks and supplementary exercises that are used in local schools.
many of the existing resources are outdated and not in acceptable conditions
Comments noted with thanks.
We regularly update the HK School Textbook Collection based on the Recommended Textbook List of EDB (https://www.edb.gov.hk/rtl/). Other supplementary exercises and readings are also added regularly as appropriate. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
– 更多館藏
– more popular English fiction
– Increase collections
– more leisure reading books
– 增加新藏書的數量和速度
Comments noted with thanks. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
– 可以多一点内地的书。
– few collections about non-educational resources, whilst many of them are non-circulating.
– Not adequate enough
– may the lib please purchase new and up to date reference textbooks and workbooks? eduhk students need them for reference materials during teaching practice
– Papers are heavily centered around education. As the University offers other courses and to promote diversified readings, a more diverse subject range journey should be offered. Compare to Athens access (from previous university), the amount of journey can be accessed is significantly less. Also should have more electronic textbook available for reading.
Comments noted with thanks. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
– some of the e-library’s references are too old, especially the Early Childhood education area.
– 更多有關心理學的文獻
– The collection is not enough , especially the resources of soc sci
– More reference books about English language education should be introduced.
– Although I know there are already many resources are bought by the library, I think the variety can be more, e.g. about history
– 1. please buy more updated books and textbooks, e.g. the library version is 2007, but the secondary/ primary schools are already using the 2018 version.
2. please replace old book/ books that are not in good conditions with new one
– 購買更多與Social Sciences/ Political Science相關期刊,無需每次透過系統從外校申請journal articles.
– If you could include and purchase more database for postgraduate and research students it would be better
Comments noted with thanks. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
– The collection of e-books and e-journals are far from satisfactory when compared to other local universities.
– can buy more databases in art and cultural aspects.
– E journal is good enough. More e book would be more preferred
– Very unsatisfactory x 10000; should increase the number of electronic resources ASAP, especially Journals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
– we need much more updated journal articles
Comments noted with thanks. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
– 宗教研究書籍不能跟上時代的步伐,我個人較關心基督教書籍,我認為此方面的書籍日新月異,如果有關的館藏仍然停留於80-00年代的書本,學生難以在宗教研究上有緊照時代的的學習。Comments noted with thanks. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at  to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
However, there are actually thousands of books in EdUHK library collection on Christianity studies that were published in 2001 and after. A subject search using “Christianity” in iSearch will show a list of over 4,500 books — over 3,500 of which were published after 2000. Since EdUHK Library has adopted the e-priority policy for many years, please note that most of our new books come as e-books rather than paper books. Please contact library staff at the Information Counter / email libinfo@eduhk.hk / phone 29486653 for assistance.
– 欠缺/更新設計與科技的館藏, 只有三數本書是2010年後出版Comments noted with thanks. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
Since EdUHK Library has adopted the e-priority policy for many years, please note that most of our new books come as e-books rather than paper books. Please contact library staff at the Information Counter / email libinfo@eduhk.hk / phone 29486653 for assistance.
– Scientific Journal database is not enough, too limited.
– The scientific journal articles available are not sufficient. Older journals are often not accessible. The range should absolutely be broadened or else it will cause lots of inconvenience in my future honours project research.
– Some electronic resources unavailable
– 能不能有多點online resources的資源?!每次上次library都可以搜索到,然後想每次覺得有用想打開就會顯示online resource unavailable?!這資料也太少了吧??!
– Please add SciFinder (https://scifinder.cas.org) service for us. It is an essential tool for scientific research and available in ALL other universities in Hong Kong.
Please also subscribe to well-known scientific journals such as those from American Chemical Society (ACS) and Royal Chemical Society (RSC). Currently the University only has subscription to some journals from Wiley, but those from ACS and RSC are equally popular and highly cited.
– A wilder range of international journal collection is needed
More newly published books are needed
– 希望可以增加電子期刊藏量,也期望教大的期刊可以有ONLINE VER.
Comments noted with thanks. Since we have to take consideration of both the cost and the user population size, we cannot always purchase everything.  All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
– 電子書成日load唔駛頁數出黎
– Some platforms of e-books are not accessible. The link leads me to the page but then it requires me to log in but actually I don’t have an account for that platform ( I have tried to use eduhk account to log in).
– The library website for searching books and journal articles is very slow and it always lacks for a long time even though I am using a desktop computer.
Comments noted. Please report the case to the Information Counter or email us (libinfo@eduhk.hk) so that we could investigate the problem immediately.
– 大埔兒童館藏有好些書available但找不到
– Sometimes, the books shown “available” in the system cannot be found on the indicated book shelf.
– 有時電腦上顯示在某處有某本書,但是在那個地方並不能找到書。
– 經常找不到書,小學教課書好難找
– 书的分区有些让人迷惑,有时看到书在图书馆但找不到
Please contact counter staff for immediate assistance if users have trouble locating particular items in the Library.
– Too much resources
– good.
– most of the research materials are available in the online system. it really helps. thx!
– 教大兒童圖書的質和量都很好!
– 資源算是比較豐富,雖然有些文獻是缺乏的
– OK
– Excellent. Thank you.
– no
– nil
– no
Comments noted with thanks.

Space and facilities

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– Model of the piano keyboard provided at the music production centre on 3/F is way too basic. A high-end workstation or synthesizer should replace it.Comments noted and will be considered.
– Coffee renting machine always out of service
Some chairs on 4/F are noisy and disrupting
Comments noted and have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up.
– 座位寬闊,設備使用愉快,但在學期末討論桌上的標記筆容易沒顏色而沒及時更換Comments noted. Please report problems to library staff for our follow up actions and assistance.
– 4樓 自修間 請考慮增設更多有電腦的位置We have recently added desktop computers to over a dozen Study Carrels at the Research Commons on 4/F.
– Not necessary to have too many rubbish bins in 4/F.Comments noted with thanks. We shall review the addition or removal of garbage bins based on the actual usage.
– Suggested better air-conditioning and quiet environment for 4th floor Research Zone.Comments noted and have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up.
– The air condition temperature is too low
– the air-conditioning system is extremely cold, especially during some cold days. It might be a good idea to not be so cool as in summer.
– 只有一天建议,图书馆二楼的空调真的太冷了!温度可以稍调高一点吗?谢谢!
Comments noted. A lower temperature is required for better storage of library collections. The current temperature is already higher than international standard and we have found a large number of molded books most likely because of the higher than standard temperature.
– It is a bit hot on 4/F especially in the summer & sunny days.Comments noted and have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up.
– 充電設施位置非常不user friendlyComments noted and will be further reviewed..
– Sterilizing the table on study quarrel 4/F regularly will be very good. Some are dirty.Comments noted and will be followed up. Users may also contact counter staff for immediate assistance as necessary.
– Install more More iMac ( higher level with software) for students
– More personal computers for 7-24 areas. And also more computers for printing if possible.
Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
– 2. 建議為所有圖書館的電腦配備滑鼠,以方便使用,包括所有1/F及創作坊的手提電腦。Comments noted with thanks. However, this may not always be feasible due to limited desktop space at Creative Lab.
– The G/F computers can only use 1 USB and if i have two to transfer data is not available. May the library replace them with 2 USB ports?Comments noted with thanks. We have make some adjustments and the new PC’s on G/F are now provided with 2 available USB ports.
– G/F 創作坊的電腦是新的,卻經常壞,資料經常因電腦「死機」而流失。Comments noted. Please report problems to library staff for our follow up actions and assistance.
– pls offer more study places with PCComments noted. We need to look after the different needs of users and to provide sufficient seating, shelving space and various facilities for quiet studies, group discussion, teaching and relaxed reading. It is not easy to meet all user needs at all time with limited physical space. The Library will continue to monitor the needs and usage on different areas and make adjustments if necessary.
– import method should include mandarinVarious Chinese input methods including phonetic and Pinyin are installed in all public PC’s in the Library. Please contact counter staff for assistance if needed.
– 增設更多discussion room
– 更多討論桌
Comments noted. We need to look after the different needs of users and to provide sufficient seating, shelving space and various facilities for quiet studies, group discussion, teaching and relaxed reading. It is not easy to meet all user needs at all time with limited physical space. The Library will continue to monitor the needs and usage on different areas and make adjustments if necessary.
– G/F has less desks.Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
– 上層不少書櫃之間都設有ipad,但本人嘗試使用時ipad反應極慢和遲鈍,用自己電話反而更方便,增設ipad的位置給人感覺作用不大而且使用率低,請考慮更新ipad及把ipad設在當眼處會較方便讀者使用。Comments noted. Please report problems to library staff for our follow up actions and assistance.
– Some “strange smell” in the 1/F library lounge. Is it because of the coffee or what?Please approach counters for assistance if special attention is required.
– The Lounge is smelly. Need frequently vacuum cleaning and please also clean The sofa.Cleaners have a very tight schedule starting from 7:30 am everyday. Please approach counters for assistance if special attention is required.
– There are not enough table in the Lounge area on G/F. The sofa is comfortable and adequate, but the tables are small and insufficient for all sofa area. I see empty sofa very often because their is no table in front of it, so the sofa is wasted in this case.
– More tables for the lounge as the tables are not enough to satisfy the demand
Comments noted and will be followed up.
– The sleeping chairs in the lounge are right next to the coffee machine which can produce a lot of noise. It’s better to rearrange the location of those chairs so that people can really rest.Comments noted and will be further reviewed. However, due to limited space and diversified needs, it may not be easy to provide a quiet resting area in the Lounge.
– 希望增加可以飲食的地點,因為休憩廊內桌椅的數量並不太足夠校內學生使用。
– Lounge里有的座位长期占位,而且座位不够。希望可以有所增加。很多同学都喜欢在有沙发的casual一点的地方看书,会更认真,希望能开辟一个跟lounge差不多但不能讲话的地方。因为很多同学说话声音太响不知道注意,会干扰正在放松身心的同学。
– The resting area in G/F don’t have enough tables & sofas for students. It’s only toward the middle of the semester at the present, and it’s already very hard to find a place to sit.
– 休憩廊位置總是不夠使用。
Comments noted. We need to look after the different needs of users and to provide sufficient seating, shelving space and various facilities for quiet studies, group discussion, teaching and relaxed reading. It is not easy to meet all user needs at all time with limited physical space. The Library will continue to monitor the needs and usage on different areas and make adjustments if necessary.
– concerning the long table at lounge area clearly observed that tables are always occupied by books and laptop . It is unfair to students who really need to use the table. Highly recommend that booking system should also apply to the lounge areaSix sets of High Back Benches at the Lounge on G/F have been made available for online booking since late March 2019. Please visit https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/lounge/ for details.
– My main issue with the library is there isn’t enough tables. I personally study over long periods of time so I want to be able to snack and drink but I can’t do that upstairs. The lounge barely has any free spaces because people place their books on them and leave, if I move their belongings to the side and begin to study they come back an hour later and tell me I’m in their spot which is unfair. Also when I do study upstairs I want to book consecutive sessions for the same carrel but it is impossible, I always have to switch carrels or leave and come back when one becomes free.Comments noted. Users are not allowed to occupy seats with unattended belongings. Please contact counter staff for assistance and follow up action.
– 1. 好似每個學期無時無刻各樓層都有工程進行,令不少外人在圖書館出出入入,並在過程中產生嘈音影響使用者,請善用學生假期等較少人流時間進行工程。Comments noted. We have been and continue to work with the Estates Office to minimize the disturbance by facilities enhancement works at the Library.
– It is too noisy recently because of those decoration and I wonder if all of them are necessary.All works conducted inside the Library are not solely for decoration but with genuine operational and functional needs. Most of them are for improving services for library users.
– 2014/15 年入學 year 1, library 搬野,書好亂好難找-
之後library 每年都有工程,天天都嘈,
今年 last year 又整厕所,每天轟轟轟,無日安静.
希望library 在sem2的餘下日子可以给我一個安静的 library.
Comments noted. We have been and continue to work with the Estates Office to minimize the disturbance by facilities enhancement works at the Library.
– 2. 另外,Print & Go的電腦也太少,應該考慮增加Print & Go的電腦數量。
3. G樓的部分電腦滑鼠靈敏度極低,請考慮為在枱面增設滑鼠墊。
Comments noted and have been forwarded to OCIO who provides and operates the Print-N-Go system and all Print-N-Go stations.
– May increase the number of photocopying machine and printer on the ground floor
– 2. 建議蒙民偉圖書館增加彩色掃瞄器和影印機的數量。
Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
– Too few color copier and scanner.Comments noted. Quite a number of Octopus operated colour printers with scanning function are installed on different floors of the Library. Please visit https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/photocopying/ for details.
– 复印机及时维修,尤其是G floor.Comments noted. Please report problems to library staff for our follow up actions and assistance.
– The scanner of printers are always not working and the no. of color printers are insufficient. Please offer more as soon as possible.Comments noted. We have been replacing older machines with newer ones with better functionalities including color printing and color scanning in batches every year.
Please visit https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/photocopying/ for details. Please report the scanning problems to library staff for our immediate follow up and assistance.
– Dirty facilities
Not enough space for discussion
Not enough printer, need to wait for a long time and should has at least  have three printer in each floor
Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
For cleaning issues, please report problem to library staff so we can follow up immediately.
– please seriously consider extending the period of 24-hour opening for 2/F of the MMW Library.
there are more and more students study in the library and thus not enough spaces
– more study spaces will be better,
may think about 24-hour opening for 3/F during exam period
may think about lengthening the 24-hour opening for 2/F during normal school days given the increasing demands of study spaces
Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
– 可增加自修座位Comments noted. We need to look after the different needs of users and to provide sufficient seating, shelving space and various facilities for quiet studies, group discussion, teaching and relaxed reading. It is not easy to meet all user needs at all time with limited physical space. The Library will continue to monitor the needs and usage on different areas and make adjustments if necessary.
– More study spaces should be open for 24 hours during normal term period, toilets are dirty even for the renovated ones.Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
For cleaning issues, please report problem to library staff so we can follow up immediately.
– 四樓自修室可開24h,同是否可以多一些空間擺放自修長桌,如G層非休憩區靠窗位置的桌
– more self-learning seats like those in 4/F are wanted.
Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users. Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
– uv 消毒機很好
– good
– The self borrow and return books service is really convenient, thank you so much!
– Ok
– Lovely new setup for the library. Greatly appreciate this central heart for the campus being so well kept-up and beautiful.
– Perfect. Thank you for the detailed consideration.
– I have studied for three years and I see changes in the Tai Po library constantly. Every change is out of care for the users. This is highly appreciated. Thank you.
– Fine
– Excellent
– The facilities (discussion area, 24 hours opened area, the free coffee provided, etc.) are all very nice! The computers in the new creative lab all equipped adobe software such as AI and Photoshop which is so convenience for students! Thank you so much for making change!
Comments noted with thanks.
– The 4/f study desk area are very good
– 非常欣賞4樓自修空間
– no
– No
– No comment
– None
Comments noted with thanks.
– Very unsatisfactory x 10000; small small samllComments noted. Please report problems to library staff for our follow up actions and assistance.
– 新廁所設計好差,成日去去下自動沖廁
– The auto flush system of the renovated toilets is not very effective, it always flush at an inappropriate timing.
– The hand dryer in the toilet can be changed to make our hands dry more quickly.
– It is very inconvenient to use the toilet !!!!! Always in reconstruction!!!
– D人用到個toilet/computer 好髒
– the new toilet is not necessary to renovate at all, the old one is ok.
– 厕所仍是又污糟,仲臭過以前
– 希望可以在洗手间贴告示说请不要蹲厕!!!因为每次都被弄得很脏..
– 新的洗手間的裝置, 不停自動沖水,而地板也濕滑欠衛生。
– 女厕所太脏,没有人及时清扫。
– 2. If i remember correctly, your newly renovated toilets tend to flush too readily, before one completes the entire “process”. It is disruptive at times, and an enormous waste of water at most.
3. Most of your staff members are very friendly and eager to help — my appreciation.
– 女洗手間衛生情況有時比較不理想,潔手液和抹手紙未有及時補充
– 自動沖廁系統十分浪費,無限自動沖廁,衍生環保及衛生問題。咖啡供應不足,而且管理有問題,即使是8:15開始也經常無咖啡提供,一時無人添加服務,一時遲了添加。
– 1. 翻新後的洗手間狀況未如理想,例如部份樓層的廁所廁板安裝並不穩固;洗手盆的水龍頭與自動梘液感應器距離太近,導致不停洗手的時候會噴出梘液;男廁的站立式小便斗去水時,廁所水易於噴灑至小便斗外。
– 新廁所空氣好焗,無抽風,好嗅
– 覺得十分不能理解為什麼要將原來的衛生間全部裝修整改。其實覺得以前的衛生間雖然不是很新,但是質量很過硬(除個別一些廁所廁板有問題)。不滿原因有二。其一,現在的衛生間的洗手池的自動水喉和出洗手液的地方離的過於近,導致每次洗手都會不小心觸碰到洗手液,浪費很多洗手液。並且水喉的感應系統不是很好,每次洗手都很不方便。 其二,不是很能理解在衛生間安裝聲控系統是為了什麼。每次上洗手間上到一半燈就會全部熄滅,第一次遇到這種情況,我和我朋友都感到十分害怕,還以為遇到什麼突發事故。此外感覺新翻修的馬桶廁板質量非常差,尤其是1F的衛生間,已經壞了很多個了。
– 2樓已裝修好的洗手間, 雖然很新, 但清潔度欠佳
– 修整卫生间期间自习室真的太吵了。希望尽快完工哦!
– The newly renovated toilets start to go malfunction very soon after the renovation. The number of the toilets seats on GF is too limited.
– 2樓的廁所比1樓的廁所更美觀,懷疑一樓的廁所可能有裝修工人中飽私囊,一樓廁所的部分廁板是重用翻新前的發黃廁板,馬桶形狀亦與舊廁板不同,對使用洗手間造成不便,而二樓的廁所馬桶和廁所板也是全新的
不明白[personal description removed]學生為什麼要拆爛廁所板,破壞翻新了的廁所。請圖書館盡快維修,謝謝!作為學生,看到[personal description removed]生如此破壞公物實在痛心
– renovated washrooms look better than before, but the cleaners should clean the washroom seriously. they are found to be chatting with friends, rather than doing cleaning. they seldom clean the desks on quiet zone as well (instead, they walk pass and chat with library staff/ colleagues from the other end of the library)
may organise courses teaching the students [personal description removed] how to go to the toilets “correctly and responsibly”
– New female toilets are smelly. Esp G/F has bad smell in 24 hrs.
– 1.蒙民偉圖書館地下女廁翻新後比翻新前更差,所有廁所的尺寸不像是給成人使用,像兒童尺寸和矮小,十分不方便使用,廁格窄和廁格內的設施經常壞而沒有維修、而女廁的環境很惡劣和髒,尤其是在晚上更為嚴重,女廁的整體清潔度和可用性比翻新前更差。
All comments were noted and were discussed with Estates Office.  Improvements have been made in the following areas:

1. The auto flush system was replaced by “wave to flush” sensors in all the toilets on all floors.

2. Ventilation system has been enhanced.

3. Unsatisfactory toilet seats have been replaced by better quality ones.

4. Automatic soap dispensers were installed in better positions on 2/F to 4/F.

5. Another type of soap liquid is used to match with the automatic soap dispensers.

6. A better type of floor tiles was used in toilets on 2/F to 4/F

7. Urinal partition boards will be installed in male toilets. In addition, cleaners’ duties have been re-rescheduled and enhanced.   However, cleanliness of library still requires the cooperation of library users.
– 翻新洗手間的水龍頭水流太細
– 新廁所啲水龍頭啲水壓好細。。。
EO replied that they are  Eco-friendly faucet (環保水龍頭).   The current flow rate is the maximum.

Services and management

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– 1. cleaners manner is yet to be improved. when they are using the cleaning trolley, some of them park in right in front of the lift and when the lift door opens, they immediately push the trolley into the lift WITHOUT the awareness of there are people coming out of the lift. I was hit by that trolley several times, esp in the morning. And the most horrible part is that they NEVER apologize as if I was wrong and they were always correct to hit others. Please do not say they the cleaners do not know their trolley has hit others, they always have eye contact with me and keep pushing the trolley in even though they know I am finding a way to get out of the lift.Comments noted and have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up.
– 1. may consider open the 2/F even during non-exam period as the study spaces of G/F and 1/F are not enough
2. though the renovated toilets are nicer, higher quality cleaning services are expected (i.e. hope the cleaners are really cleaning the toilets during the scheduled time for cleaning it, instead of chatting with another cleaner inside the toilets)
3. the tables are dirty and covered with dust, the cleaners seem never clean them
3. sometimes, there are died insects on the tables on G/F, 2/F, 3/F and 4/F, more “real” cleaning is expected, because holding the towels and walking pass the tables / placing the towels on the table for 0.5 seconds DO NOT mean you have cleaned them. The working attitude of the cleaners can be greatly improved. Please do NOT shelter them.
Extension of opening hours on different floors will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
Comments on cleaning issues have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up.
– 請問你們的清潔人員的職責是甚麼?為什麼圖書館二丶三丶四樓的書枱都佈滿或多或少塵灰丶有的甚至有不同種類的昆蟲死屍?建議聘請真正做清潔的清潔人員,並考慮讓他們於圖書館開門前半小時或開門後半小時至一小時之內先清潔書枱。不然,同學丶老師們都在使用,他們就只會拿著抹布巡遊一圈,從來不用清潔丶也沒有抹枱。就這個問題我已致電information counter 數次,每次回覆”會留意”。”留意”完,清潔人員照舊在quiet zone 高聲聊天丶拿著抹布當道具在館內散步一圈,態度散漫。有的則在洗手間(~2-3pm) 講電話,沒廁紙不換丶垃圾筒滿了不處理…講完電話發覺自己誤了工作時間,就匆匆用很濕很濕的地拖草草拖一次,弄得地下非常濕就當做完了清潔工作,工作態度惡劣。Comments noted and have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up.
– the e-library’s auto-logout system is inconvenience, it will log out the account automatically in a short period even though we are using the personal computer (which has a lower risk for others to steal the information etc.). Students always do their assignment for few hours, so we need to sign in again and again for couple of time.Comments noted. Please contact us for assistance at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653).
– 各樓層的飲水機也給人不清潔的感覺,有些飲水機還出現生鏽,請考慮引入如學校其他地方的新式飲水機。Comments noted and have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up.
– Awkward that the library’s each floor has water dispenser installed yet users are not allowed to drink except the lounge. Hydration is very important to users especially under cold or hot climate in winter and summer.Water in spill-proof containers is allowed anywhere in the MMW Library and the TKOSC Learning Commons. Spill-proof containers include bottles with twist-on lids, sport bottles and thermos bottles. Please visit Food and Drink Policy for details.
– No bringing food into the library is not a policy that make any sense, sometimes students will be hungry and they have to get some food. Biscuits, chocolate, etc. should be allowed be bring inside the library but only students have to get out of the library to eat.Comments noted. Please note that hygiene issues and pest problems because of users eating and drinking in the Library has gotten worse over the past months. Subsequently we have to tighten up enforcement of our Food and Drinks Policy.

– The library should not allow any eating and drinking IN the library except water. If students need a place to drink, eat, and sleep, then the university should arrange other places for this function rather than using the library.Comments noted.  The Library has considered carefully the pros and cons of different drinking and eating arrangements, and have consulted different user groups.  As a result, the Lounge on G/F of the Mong Man Wai Library has been designated to be the only area for food and drinks consumption.  It has instantly become the most popular place in the Library and is well received by our students.  We will closely monitor the usage, and we believe our students are considerate and will make proper use of this new facility.
– The new library policy don’t allow students bringing any food and drinks into the library even put it in our own bags. Once I was using the library computer and didn’t know the new policy, there is a librarian peeped my bags and discovered there was a pack of cough sweet. the librarian required me to leave or go to the other side of the library. I know there are many students eating in library and making everywhere so dirty, but the new policy is going too far! Putting some food in my bags really does’t mean I am going to eat it in the library. What is more, if the students want to eat secretly in the library, they can still hide the food in their pocket. There is no way to check everyone’s own belongings. This policy is unwise and the behavior of the librarian peeping my bag is rude.
If library hope to stop people eating in the library, i would suggest to catch in act and forbid the offenders using the library service.
Comments noted and we have reminded library staff that intrusion of user privacy is strictly forbidden.  Please note that hygiene issues and pest problems because of users eating and drinking in the Library has gotten worse over the past months. Subsequently we have to tighten up enforcement of our Food and Drinks Policy  which are not new regulations.

– The 24-7 area was in bad hygiene, sometimes smelly and feeling itchy. And the G/f toilet is horrible dirty. The light and water sensor are not functioning in order.
– the sofa of the lounge area are filthy!change or clean them!!!
Comments noted and have been forwarded to Estates Office for follow up.
– Some measures should be taken to punish the absence of study carrels after booking. For example, You can’t use the booking service for one week after 3 times absence.Comments noted. The Library Booking System is set up to avoid abuse of facilities. A booking session will be cancelled automatically by the system if a user failed to check-in within the compulsory check-in period. The seat will then be released for booking by other users within that timeslot.
– 經常有人未有預約但霸佔了4樓自修閣座位,希望職員可多加監管Library users may use empty Study Carrels on walk-in basis but they could be asked to give up the seats if someone else book the Study Carrels with the Library booking system. Therefore we encourage all users to make advanced booking before using library facilities even though booking is not compulsory.
– 1) Suggested the reservation period starts from 00 instead of 30 to eliminate our workload to memories such a special setting.
2) Suggested to make each reservation time from 2 hours to 3 or 4 hours per slot to avoid oversight especially when we are indulged in writing thesis or proposal which taking a long time in working on 4th floor.
The booking hour is set at 9:30, 11:30 and so on instead of 9:00, 11:00, etc. because the classes normally starts at half-past the hour at EdUHK.
We shall further review the length of each booking session. But based on past survey results, majority of our users prefers to keep 2-hour booking session.
– 4/F check in time can be shorter in order others wait for those late-coming people too long
– It would be better if the seats in 4/F can be booked every hour (not two hours now) and at the same time, the system allows users to check in for two hours in one go. Because the booking system now is not good for students who have classes between, for example, 14:30-16:30.
We shall further review the length of each booking session. But based on past survey results, majority of our users prefers to keep 2-hour booking session.
– Some students are chatting or even discussing for a long time at the quiet areas sometimes. It would be better if there are staffs who can warn them to be quiet.Comments noted and we have arranged regular patrols of the Library. Library staff will warn users who are found making noise except in the designated Discussion Zones.
However, maintaining a quiet study area will require cooperation and self-discipline of all library users. When assistance is needed, users can contact Library staff immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. Library Regulations have also been revised for better management of library facilities.
– A library should be a quiet space. However, i used the EdUHK MMW library since January to March, 2019 and found most of the time full of noise pollution, predominantly from the users. For example, some users often talk to others with loud voices and disrespectful attitude. A vivid example is that most of the [personal description removed] students are quite annoying when they speak in the library space without concerning others’ feelings. These should not happen in a library, especially a university library should be professional and well-managed. Lamentably, some of them had used headsets to listen songs. But most of their headsets cannot truly cover the sounds and thus disturb the users.Comments noted and we have arranged regular patrols of the Library. Library staff will warn users who are found making noise except in the designated Discussion Zones.
However, maintaining a quiet study area will require cooperation and self-discipline of all library users. When assistance is needed, users can contact Library staff immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. Library Regulations have also been revised for better management of library facilities.
– 图书馆宁静区,还是会有人说话也没有人管,甚至还会有人带东西去吃。
– 有時候在G/F的寧靜區不斷有電話鈴聲和有人傾電話,管理員可幫忙提醒或加強使用者寧靜地使用該地方的概念
– 4/F is spacious but sometimes, students held discussion there.
– Stricter rules should be implemented in quiet zones. Some users can be loud. It will be great if staff can intervene and keep the order in there.
– 寧靜區依然有人大聲討論或說話
– When there are students who are talking in the quiet zone, now staff came up and stop them and no report system.
– There are usually students talking in quiet zone when others are studying.
Comments noted and we have arranged regular patrols of the Library. Library staff will warn users who are found making noise except in the designated Discussion Zones.
However, maintaining a quiet study area will require cooperation and self-discipline of all library users. When assistance is needed, users can contact Library staff immediately so that appropriate action can be taken. Library Regulations have also been revised for better management of library facilities.
– the opening period can be longer
– 增長其他樓層非考試時間開放時間
– 考试期可以延长
– (1)可考慮圖書館一樓作24小時開放,方便同學討論研習,現24小時開放的區域多為寧靜區。
– make more space for 24 hours
Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
– 到了第二学期期末啦,希望二楼尽快24小时开放哟!感谢!Comments noted and 2/F was open 24 hours during the recently ended Examination Period.
– The opening time of the study carrels on the fourth floor of Mong Man Wai Library can be extended to 19:00 on Sunday evening.
– Longer opening hours, especially for 1/F, is recommended to be open 24-hour or till midnight.
Comments noted and will be considered in future review based on the actual usage and needs of library users.
– The staff always walk around 4/F. Why no staff take care 1/F . There is so many students eating. Out of library control.
Why so different?
Comments noted and we have arranged regular patrols of the Library regarding eating in non-designated areas.
– There are often books cannot be found even the status is available ,and I try to find it for a whole week but it never at the place that it suppose to be.
– The books, especially the non-circular textbooks in 2F, are always not putted back in it’s place, not convenient for finding. It would be better if they are managed more often.
– 兒童圖書館書本不整齊,找不到書
– 兒童圖書館書籍編經常混亂
Users can request for a “tracing service” at the Circulation Counter and they will be informed once the requested item is found. Users may approach counters for assistance if “available” items are not found on bookshelves or sorting shelves.
– 兒童圖書館應該以中英分類,並且將小學及幼兒圖書分開擺放,再以不同主題分類。Comments noted and will be considered.
– Some staffs are really harsh as we don’t drink coffee but she didn’t allow us to bring it to the library. It’s an instant coffee pack. My backpack is in the library and I got it from my friends but the staff didn’t allow us to bring it in so we have to dump it. It’s a waste. And you should be more flexible.Food and drinks are not allowed to be brought into the Library other than areas designated by the Librarian. Please note that hygiene issues and pest problems because of users eating and drinking in the Library has gotten worse over the past months. Subsequently we have to tighten up enforcement of our Food and Drinks Policy.
– 2. almost all the staff are helpful, except for [personal description removed] seldom wears her name card, while all her colleagues wear theirs. I went to the borrowing-books counter, she rudely asked me to leave the counter and use the borrowing machine instead. If her duty is only to ask library users to leave the counter when they were already at the counter, please fire her to save money, posting a notice saying “pls leave the counter and use the machine” will be fine. That [personal description removed] staff was on duty at the borrowing-books counter afternoon and evening using computer B.
She also scolded to a person at the other side of her mobile phone in the 4/F and G/F toilets for a long time.
– 1. library staff (esp. those who are responsible for putting the books back on the shelves) chat loudly in the quiet zone in the morning
– 管理合理,部分工作人員態度惡劣。
Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff.
– Sometimes I have a feeling about being monitored by staff which makes me anxious and I feel some staff’s emotions or attitudes may be a little terrifying that possibly leads low emotional problems to students emotional disease originally.
– There was a few times when I queue to use the circulation counter (as there were errors in the self-return machine), I was asked to wait and those queuing behind me were being served first. They were students who ate and drank in the library.
I feel very disappointed that there are so many students who do not respect the very basic rules of a library. Although it is important to warn them, I don’t think they should be served with priority when other library users who have true needs are waiting.
Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff.
– Staff:
Very poor & impolite attitude
Not helpful
Very rudeThe [personal description removed] staff unauthorized opened my bag and take out my things. It is very unacceptable.
– Staff won’t stop inappropriate behaviours even when they SEE them i.e. [personal description removed] students chatting loudly, [personal description removed] students laughing continuously and loudly in non-discussion areas. but if the same happens to [personal description removed] students, staff will verbally remind them. please upgrade staff’ language skills in order to maintain the order of library in a fair manner
[personal description removed] staff is very impolite to students. [personal description removed]she rudely ordered students to leave the circulation counter and use the self-checkout machines instead. [personal description removed]
Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff.
– The staff at borrowing counter is not helpfull. They always refer my question to next counter. They surf internet, talking but not pay attention to student need.
– Staff were not friendly and helpful. Was being rude by members of staffs several times.
– 個部消磁機勁慢, 如果一次過借得多, 要等好耐好耐
有次我借十幾本書, 佢一副唔想做既樣,
有出糧請佢返黎, 叫佢做份內事,
佢真係[foul language]完全唔想做,
[personal description removed]其他的職員大部份都好好, 好感激佢地幫忙
有時我留左d書, 星期5我離開學校先通知我拎
星期六日唔會返黎學校, 拎唔到本書
有個[personal description removed]女職員,好好咁話可以幫我搵返本書比我借, 非常友善
Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff.
– The staff are helpful.
– 職員有效快速處理問題
– 圖書館職員十分好, 友善,專業,十分欣賞!
– 態度好,及時給予協助
– 工作人員態度很好,樂於幫助學生,謝謝!
– Greatly appreciate the friendly and helpful staff with positive attitudes.
– Circulation desk staffs are very helpful
– 圖書館職員十分有禮貌!!!!
– Staff are helpful and friendly 🙂
– The staff are very friendly and always super helpful and take an interest in what you want to do. Thanks.
Comments noted with thanks.
– True light returning book but the system is backlog to show the record around 2 working day (Saturday and Monday). It caused confusion…Comments noted with thanks. Due to the limited size of serving population and physical restraints at the Kowloon Tong Satellite Centre, daily delivery of books to and from the Tai Po Campus cannot be arranged at present. We shall further study on cost-effective measures to reduce the delay.
– Suggested to host more technical and soft research skill workshops, e.g. NVivo, interview skills, etc.
Suggested to enhance the access right of e-books or articles, especially in the off-campus
Although we have various books, multimedia and online resources covering topics such as NVivo and other research skills / tools, the Library is not in the position to provide workshops on these research topics.
Please contact us for assistance on off-campus access to online resources by visiting the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653).
– very good service, very innovative equipment (e.g. UV-light book sterilization machine)
– 不错
– OK
– good.
– very good and professional service regarding the book request process. really thanks!
– 4. Your “WhatsApp a librarian” is very helpful, and your staff members always respond promptly. Again, my appreciation.
Comments noted with thanks.
– 1. Sometimes students tend to talk too liberally in the Learning Commons on the Ground Floor. I enjoy in particular your free coffee.Comments noted with thanks. Please report problems to library staff for follow up actions and assistance as necessary.
– Perfect
– Very good, efficient and kind-hearted service!
– Locker service is too good to have especially when I am holding some reserve books and I need to go out for lunch.
– Courteous and generally excellent!
– Fine
– Thank you very much for your service. Especially, I wish to thank a security guard of the overnight shift. I once lost my mobile phone and she was the one helping me to contact the person who picked my phone. Unfortunately, I do not know her name. However, I still remember that she has short hair and wear no glasses. Thanks a billion, madam!
Comments noted with thanks.
– Very unsatisfactory x 10000Comments noted. Please report problems to library staff for our follow up actions and assistance.
– no
– no
– None
Comments noted with thanks.

Borrowing and related regulations

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– Some books are written with words especially the past paper from HKEAA. Staff can check before they return the books. It is very annoying to read books with words written.Comments noted. Although Library staff will check the physical condition of those books borrowed or returned at the Circulation Counter, it is not possible to check every page of a book or to identify who made the markings. Maintaining the good condition of library materials will require cooperation and self-discipline of all library users. When assistance is needed, users can contact Library staff immediately so that appropriate action can be taken.
– 现在有些书、期刊本科生没有借阅的权限,希望可以拓宽。Comments noted and will be considered in future review.
– Academic staff should be able to keep books they have requested to be bought for teaching aids indefinitely unless there is a special request made to borrow them.Comments noted and will be considered in future review. Please note however that academic staff can already keep a regular book loan item for 360 days if nobody else requests for it.
– 圖書館出現書本管理上的嚴重問題。以本人經驗而言,本人曾經借讀七本教科書,其中六本附有光盤,而本人並沒有全部借出,僅借四張。本人在歸還書本時,發現系統沒有將光盤借出記錄錄入系統,單靠一書一光盤的方法記錄,導致歸還時出現糾紛,圖書館指出本人借出五張光盤。浪費本人時間,而今尚未有效處理。這種糾紛根本不可能在電腦管理下的圖書館出現。與其將資金投放於洗手間中,倒不如全面整頓有關系統。Please contact us for further investigation if the matter has not been resolved already.
– the “auto-renewal” service is very good
– Automatic extension of loan period is well- appreciated when no request of the book is placed
– 自動續借系統和自助借書系統很好用和方便。
– 5. Books called via HKALL are always delivered promptly, largely due to the efficient handling of your staff members —- i believe — as this is not often the case with other University libraries.
Comments noted with thanks.
– I tried to request a book online as you don’t have it on the MMW library but I don’t know what to do after I requested. I have to cancel it and borrow it from other university. It’s a little bit waste time.Comments noted. Please contact us for assistance at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653)
– 借的書有更長時間,可以遲多一星期才還書
– The loan time of some books can be extended, not just for 2 weeks or so.
– 延長借書期
– 若在無人借的情況下,可延長書本續借的期限
After wide consultations with students and staff representatives of individual programmes, and as endorsed by Library Management Committee, we have already increased loan quotas for students and academic staff in 2016. It was also agreed that there was no need to change the loan periods.
Please note that we need to balance the needs of different types of users. Any changes that seems beneficial to a user may cause inconvenience to other users under different circumstances.
– better to have a shorter loan period for more students to access the resourcesAfter wide consultations with students and staff representatives of individual programmes, and as endorsed by Library Management Committee, we have already increased loan quotas for students and academic staff in 2016. It was also agreed that there was no need to change the loan periods.
Students could also make use of the Request/Recall service under which the loan period of a checked out item may be shortened under specific conditions.
– 可延長借書期限After wide consultations with students and staff representatives of individual programmes, and as endorsed by Library Management Committee, we have already increased loan quotas for students and academic staff in 2016. It was also agreed that there was no need to change the loan periods.
Please note that we need to balance the needs of different types of users. Any changes that seems beneficial to a user may cause inconvenience to other users under different circumstances.
– 有些书预定要1个月才能拿到,学生可以缩短到半个月When a book is being requested by another user and the original due date is longer than 14 days, the due date will be shortened to 14 days. However, sometimes the requestor still needs to wait for a long time if the current borrower does not return the book on time even though the due date has been shortened.
– Wish the quota for borrowing books could be a little bit increased, but I understand its already a lot.
– 希望可以增加每人的借書數額,有很多書是很小很薄一本,很容易會過額
After wide consultations with students and staff representatives of individual programmes, and as endorsed by Library Management Committee, we have already increased loan quotas for students and academic staff in 2016. It was also agreed that there was no need to change the loan periods.
Please note that we need to balance the needs of different types of users. Any changes that seems beneficial to a user may cause inconvenience to other users under different circumstances.
– 如果留左書, 你星期5黃昏先通知, 可唔可以當比多個工作天, 星期一先拎?
因為星期6日學生無堂唔會返學校, 根本唔會為你一本書特登入多次黎大埔
Users may send a request to extend the hold period, but the request may not be entertained if the item is in high demand and there is another hold being placed.
– We can understand that to occupy the seats without using it is a really inappropriate behavior, especially in the exam period. But the policy of removing the unattended stuff over fifteen minutes seems a bit gone too far. Hope you can reconsider it because sometimes we don’t mean to ‘occupy’ the seats, and fifteen minutes is really a tight limit.Occupying seats with unattended personal belongings is not allowed. It is not fair to a user waiting for a space to wait over 15 minutes to get a space that nobody is using.
– 然後,那個自助借書機,真的是有病嗎?!每次想借reserved book,貪圖方便就想直接過去借就好了。每次都是我把書放上去,拍卡,然後它顯示借閱不了(也就是貌似給你借了,但其實並沒有借成功,因為後面什麼單據都沒打印出來)。很好,那我去counter人工借,然後給我說句什麼,你剛剛2分鐘前已經在借過又還了一次了,reserved book要起碼隔半個鐘才可以在借一次。[foul language],我就是在那台破機器借不到才過來和你借的,我還要特意上午就來還書晚上才來再借的??你居然說我的書兩分鐘前已經一借一還了,reserved book還不能馬上續借 還要再繼續等上多起碼半個鐘有多??!麻煩真的,改進一下那台機器吧,用的真的扯火。Comments noted with thanks.
Since the Reserve Collection are course-related readings in high demand, we need to prevent one user holding on to an item continuously by returning and then borrowing the same item again using the Self-service Stations. Please contact counter staff so we can further investigate and provide proper assistance.
– Why not set a table on the third floor to unlock the videos.Comments noted. Since the safety boxes were set up for security reasons, we cannot set up a self-service table for users to unlock the videos. With limited library space and manpower resources, we currently have no plan to set up a new counter on 3/F just to unlock the videos.
– 自助還書服務的機,在借書時候經常有問題。Comments noted. Please contact counter staff so we can follow up and provide immediate assistance.
– 图书上架时间有点慢哦,很多次明明是可借状态却找不到书。谢谢啦!Returned items will normally be shelved back within 3 days’ time. Users may approach counters for assistance if “available” items are not found on bookshelves or sorting shelves.
– Very unsatisfactory x 10000Comments noted. Please report problems to library staff for our follow up actions and assistance.
– The Self-service Borrowing Stations are very useful
– good
– ok
– good.
– 很好,借還系統有提醒,及時跟蹤
– Perfect.
– so far so good
– Very good
– Very generous.
– no
– Nil
– no
– None
Comments noted with thanks.

Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons

User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– 若能不入閘就還書更佳A bookdrop is available outside Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons, near the TKOSC General Office. Users can return books there during the TKOSC opening hours.
– many part-time ECE students in TKO Campus, but not enough new and good ECE book resource for us to finish the assignment.
– 太少書
Additional bookshelves have been set up and new acquisitions have been made for TKOSCLC in the past few years. However, its shelving capacity is still limited by physical space. On the other hand, most new additions are in e-format which can be accessed anywhere at all time. Users can also request for items available at MMW Library to be delivered to TKOSCLC and return at either MMW or TKOSCLC.
– 1. 建議更新電腦設施及最少一部電腦裝置有多媒體應用軟件如adobe CC等軟件。
2. 增加指定參考書、期刊及新書數量。
1. Comments noted and will be followed up.
2. Additional bookshelves have been set up and new acquisitions have been made for TKOSCLC in the past few years. However, its shelving capacity is still limited by physical space. On the other hand, most new additions are in e-format which can be accessed anywhere at all time. Users can also request for items available at MMW Library to be delivered to TKOSCLC and return at either MMW or TKOSCLC.
– 希望將軍澳圖書館的開放時間可延長,或增設24小時開放的學習自修空間(類似大埔圖書館7X24的形式)
– It will be perfect if it opens on Sunday.
– suggested to open in long holidays to facilitate students in Hong Kong/Kowloon side if possible.
– I hope the centre can be opened on Sunday.
Estate Office replied that in view of existing manpower and effective management of resources, the current official opening hours of TKOSC remains unchanged while designated venue such as Learning Commons G01A could be extended to 10:30 p.m. on weekdays and 6:30 p.m. on Saturdays for accommodating after-class group discussion on a need basis. Students may approach TKOSC counter if required.
– 缺乏人手安排,電腦及打印機服務嚴重短缺(經常無墨、紙),經常出現技術問題(故障和錯誤),而圖書館人員欠缺專業,不能即時解決問題,要自行通知其他部門處理,配套不完善。Altogether there are 4 printers/copiers at TKOSCLC, including two Print-N-Go printers operated by OCIO. Your comments have been conveyed to OCIO for their follow up.
– TKO library- as the above self loan service issue, I haven’t printed the receipt. Yet the books weren’t successfully loaned. I proposed to your staff to check my bag. Your staff treated me as a book stealer with very impolite manner!!!!!Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff.
– Once I was in TKO using the self loan service and as save the paper without printing the receipt… it showed loan successfully… well, actually it wasn’t!!! As the exit alarmed was on!!!Comments noted. Please contact counter staff for follow up and assistance.
– ok
– good
– Never use
– no
– I have not used. No comments.
– no
– 没去过
– 未使用過
– Nil
– None
– Have not used.
Comments noted with thanks.


User’s commentsLibrary’s responses
– Please communicate more proactively about soliciting book suggestions from departments. I also wonder if there is an arrangement to accept book donations and how that system works. Thank you! Comments note. Latest new book selection lists are being sent to the Library Liaison Officer of academic departments by electronic or print format on regular basis. Please feel free to contact us at the Information Counter / by email (libinfo@eduhk.hk) / by phone (29486653) or contact the corresponding Departmental Librarian  if additional arrangements are desired. For donation issues, please feel free to contact our Gifts and Donations team by email libgift@eduhk.hk / by phone (2948-6589).
– 服務台可以去到9:30就關,9:00-10:00基本上都冇人用,就要等到10:00先關,一黎浪費資源,二黎staff又遲收工……重點係冇咩必要…Comments noted with thanks. There are substantial counter activities after 9:30 pm on weeknights especially when there are part-time evening courses.
– 3. suggestions: could the library please offer masks in different floors? as some library users ([personal description removed] students ) cough non-stop, annoyingly loud and for a long period of time WITHOUT having the awareness to cover their mouths or to lower their noise. Masks can be for non-patients to wear to avoid being infected.Face mask can be obtained on request from counter staff during library opening hours.
– While doing research and looking through the stacks I encountered considerable dust and/or other allergens from the pages of older books causing me to cough and aggravating my throat for the rest of the day. The library appears very clean already so I’m uncertain of what might be done about this other than warning people to wear dust masks when doing extensive research with older books.Comments noted with thanks. Please contact counter staff for assistance if necessary.
– 建議圖書館在每一層都提供口罩予有需要的同學,即使帶菌者([personal description removed]尢多) 不願戴口罩,其他使用者也可以保障自己 有部份 [personal description removed] 學生經常在圖書館2樓和3樓進食,卻又不清潔食物碎,恐惹來昆蟲 Face mask can be obtained on request from counter staff during library opening hours. We will further review the cleaning schedule with Estates Office. However, cleanliness of library still requires the cooperation of library users.
– may consider provide alcohol towel for library users to self-clean the desks if the library shelter idling cleanersComments noted with thanks. Tables and PC’s are generally cleaned once daily in the morning. Cleaning alcohol is provided at the Information Counter on G/F (near the staplers area) for self-served cleaning.
– 7. Please consider organising a Book Club in the format after CUHK’s and HKU’s, which will not only broaden our participants’ horizon but will raise the University’s profile in the long run.Comments noted with thanks.
– the poster (with big roaches) on “food-not-permitted” is very disgusting and annoying, particularly sticked inside a closed and small room/area (e.g. inside lift). Comments noted and we shall further review. Please note that hygiene issues and pest problems because of users eating and drinking in the Library has gotten worse over the past months. Subsequently we have to tighten up enforcement of our Food and Drinks Policy .

– Very unsatisfactory x 10000, like a public library onlyComments noted. Please contact counter staff for follow up and assistance.
– In the 4th floor study carrel, there is always a guy who never stop hit his face and this make a lot of noise. I complained this to the library already several times . But the staff just go and look to him and asked him everything is ok? Then he just stop hitting for several minutes. When the staff leave, he started to hit again. This situation already last whole the year. It really made people feel annoying.Comments noted and we will follow up.  
– 2. Pairs of [personal description removed] love flirting each other inside the library and they make noise too. This causes other library users feel uncomfortable, and this kind of activities are not suitable in the library.
– 很多[personal description removed] 學生在圖書館內親熱丶互摸不同身體部分丶自以為很細聲其實很大聲地跟異性伴侶在寧靜區聊天,騷擾之餘亦行為不檢。有的[personal description removed] 學生因為情緒問題,會伏在男性同學懷裏抽泣數小時,而[personal description removed]男同學亦會出言安慰數小時;有的[personal description removed] 學生則身體欠佳,在圖書館寧靜區內不停大聲咳嗽而沒有戴上口罩,散播細菌之餘,對其他圖書館用者造成嚴重滋擾。
Comments noted. Please contact counter staff for follow up and assistance.
– It may be a good idea to encourage readers in library to wear a face-mask if they have cold. Some of them did not do any protection which could be harmful to public health.Face mask can be obtained on request from counter staff during library opening hours.
– Good
– Very good service & user-oriented!
– Thanks for organizing Lib Tour for our guests from China.
– Thank you so much. Our library is so spacious and clean. The staff are great. The online catalogue is excellent. Thank you for all your hard work.
– no
– no
– 無
– None
Comments noted with thanks.
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