2022 User Survey Written Comments

讀者意見 Written Comments (Questions 48)

收集所得的意見共 182 項 (不包括無意見項),其中包含對圖書館服務的正面評價,摘錄如下:
Total 182 written comments including appreciations were received and extracted as below. Those marked “Nil” were excluded.

  • 圖書館職員願意協助學生
  • 图书馆工作人员服务态度都很好,而且有耐心,谢谢🙏
  • 服务态度好
  • 服務quite good 管理員很好
  • 服務人員態度友善,欣賞有良好的管理層才有好的服務。
  • 欣賞支援教學的support service人員,使教學實施更順暢。
  • 欣賞近年圖書館設施的更新,能符合教育發展需求
  • 欣賞館藏室能作教學用途
  • 很好
  • I am very thankful for the library staff who are quick to respond to questions related to the library collection and interlibrary loans of e-journals that are not in the EdUHK library. Many of the e-journals were sent to me within 2-3 working days after I had requested them. That is efficiency and I and very grateful. The staff members are also additionally helpful during the pandemic period when physical visits to the library have not been possible.
  • A Good environment for study / group discussion , with fast and easy to use photocopiers
  • I really like the service at EdUHK library.
  • I think the provision of drone and 360 degree camera for students is a very nice service.
  • nothing also quite good overall
  • So far so good ; quiet environment for studying and feeling safe
  • Thank you for opening during the pandemic
  • The circulation staff have always been very good. I have no complaints.
  • very convenience
  • Both are perfect.
  • excellent
  • All good.
  • Very good
  • Good
  • satisfactory
  • Thank you!

Other written comments are broken down by below categories

館藏及電子資源 Collection and electronic resources 59 (32.42%) 空間及設施 Space and facilities 47 (25.82%) 服務及管理 Services and management 32 (17.58%)
外借及有關規例 Borrowing and related regulations 21 (11.54%) 將軍澳教學中心學習共享 Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons 10 (5.49%) 其他 Others 13 (7.14%)

註:除了出於保障個人私隱而作出刪改外,讀者意見一欄內的文本皆為原文轉錄。如果讀者希望向圖書館提供更多意見或者對圖書館回應作出跟進,歡迎親臨圖書館諮詢服務台、致電 29486653或電郵至 libinfo@eduhk.hk

Remarks: Users’ comments are transcribed without editing except for privacy concerns. Users are welcome to contact us in person at the Information Counter on G/F of Mong Man Wai Library, by calling 29486653, or by email at libinfo@eduhk.hk to send us further feedback or to follow up with the Library responses.

館藏及電子資源 Collection and electronic resources

讀者意見 User’s comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
強烈建議增加館內HKDSE中文高中課程的補充練習以及相應的教學資料。在HKDSE已經推行這麼久的情況下,館內的補充練習以及教學資料依舊停留在2016年-2018年,信息非常滯後。並且在高中教科書上,也是乏善可陳。例如啟思的高中教科書是缺乏其配套的文言精篇的教科書,需要前往中文大學的崇基圖書館才能借閱,讓本人難以就高中課程進行備課。本校作為香港教育大學,除卻幼兒教育以及小學教育,更應當撥出資源給予中學教育當中。在小學中文教材已經佔據三大排圖書架上的時候,中學中文教材卻只在其中一棟之中,且多是早就被淘汰的舊版,應添置更加嶄新和與時並進的高中中文教材以及練習。Please note that both 《文言增潤單元》and 《指定文言經典精編》teacher supplement of 《啓思新高中中國語文》 2nd Ed (http://www.lib.eduhk.hk/permalink/record?21247900420003410) are available at EdUHK Library. Based on request from the publisher, however, all teacher books of Oxford University Press school textbooks must be kept in closed stack and will be available only to EdUHK staff and students by request at the Circulation Counter. Please seek assistance at the Information Counter, by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk or call us at 29486653 if necessary.

Meanwhile, Library regularly disposes and replaces the old supplementary exercises. Library will continue to select relevant supplementary exercises and teaching materials to support teaching practicum. All EdUHK staff and students are also welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library..
Reply from Library last year: “”If department has already endorsed for a journal subscription recommendation and there is enough funding in the departmental library materials budget allocated by the Library from the Library Budget, the Library normally will not reject the journal recommendation request. Please contact us via your departmental Library Liaison Officer on specific cases or send an email to libacq@eduhk.hk with further details for investigation.””

No, the Library has always been unsupportive about journal subscriptions. Even though the departmental library materials budget is available and the department has already endorsed the subscription recommendation, the Library will, through the Library Liaison Officer, highly recommend NOT to subscribe to new journals but to use the budget for purchasing books.
Subject-specific journals subscribed by the Library are based on departmental recommendations. When Library staff receives journal recommendations from academic staff, they will send the recommendations to corresponding departments for consideration. Other than providing the costs and other basic information, Library staff will not give their own opinion and all decisions are made by Library Liaison Officer and/or Head of each department. However, it is the Library’s responsibility to remind all departments that, unlike book acquisitions, journal subscriptions are continuous expenditure and they may have impacts to the library materials budget allocated to them in future.

If the Department recommends to subscribe the journal and the cost is within the library materials budget allocated to them, the Library will always follow the Department’s decision and make subscription. Individual colleagues are advised to discuss with their Library Liaison Officer or Head of Department should they need clarifications on their recommendations.
服務欠佳, 特別是購書及館藏發展尤其差劣。負責審核購書的圖書館職員極不專業, 每每阻撓購書建議, 影響本校學術自由。建議圖書館增聘極教研傾經驗的專家, 專門負責審批本校教職員的購書建議, 以免不學無術之徒以有色眼鏡品評同事的建議。All library materials recommendations made by academic staff will be routed to Library Liaison Officer or Head (for expensive items) of their department for review and endorsement. Individual colleagues are advised to discuss with their Library Liaison Officer or Head of Department should they need clarifications on their recommendations.
建議圖書館增聘極教研傾經驗的本地專家, 專門負責審批本校教職員的購書建議, 並發展本校數碼圖書館, 以免不學無術之輩阻礙本校學術發展。
Lack of Journal resource and difficult to request for the online review as well.All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to recommend specific journal which will be passed to the relevant Department for consideration. Users are also welcome to use inter-library loan services (https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/ill/) for articles not available in the Library
比較多人借閱的館藏可預備至少兩本以上Depending on the class size, we are already purchasing up to a maximum of 10 copies of required textbooks and 5 copies of recommended readings for EdUHK courses. In addition, we have adopted an E-Priority Policy and we would purchase e-books online for course readings whenever possible.
some course-related books and textbooks don’t have enough quantity, sometimes there is no assigned book left, especially during midterm and final periods.
I never knew library has a service to borrow electronic materials from other universities. Although I still find many electronic journals are not available online, it is not a problem that cannot be solved with this service (just take some time). As a staff I didn’t find this out until I seek help from the information counter. It would be great this function is promoted.Comments noted with thanks. Library has included information about inter-library loans in its orientation information for new academic and research staff as well as new students. We shall review and find more ways to promote the service.
bokaThe Library is already providing a number of e-book and e-magazine platforms to our users, including Scribd, HyRead, PressReader, Super Book City, etc. We shall continue reviewing additional e-book and e-magazine platforms regularly.
Many books are only available on the shelves, but because of the epidemic, physical books cannot be obtained that easy. so I hope to get more access to the electronic version of the booksThe Library has adopted an E-priority policy since 2013. If a book is available in electronic format in the market, e-book will be purchased instead of the print version.
因疫情關係, 最好有多些電子書方便學生閱讀
希望可以再多啲電子版資源,特別因疫情不是太方便經常回校, 但大部分書籍都只有實體/網上版可閱/下載quota太少
搵電子書嘅時候有啲繁複 有啲參考書目上online睇又睇唔到只係available 喺實體書
There are some books in need of ebook version but only can find physical books in our library or even only available by using HKALL. Under the pandemic situation, it’s highly suggested to buy both versions.

The Library has adopted an E-priority policy since 2013. If a book is available in electronic format in the market, e-book will be purchased instead of the print version.

For course readings, Library will also acquire at least one print copy for each title.


希望多一點電子故事書,比較少All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
由於現灰疫情,未能到圖書館,做功課時需用網上資料,但學校電子書選擇小,特別與幼兒教育有關的,例如不同學者理論(皮亞傑、維哥斯基等),從而較難於其他網站尋找參考資料。或是電子書籍是有的,而是我們未有搜尋正確。 We have a significant amount of e-books and online articles on early childhood education. Please contact our Information Counter for assistance in literature searching.

EdUHK staff and students are also welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
Many journals are not part of the electronic databaseAll EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to recommend specific journal which will be passed to the relevant Department for consideration. Users are also welcome to use inter-library loan services (https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/ill/) for articles not available in the Library
More electronic collection should be included. When I access to some of the journals online, I found that they are not accessible because EdUHK did not subscribe to the database.
please provide journals that can be accessed on the internet in the online library as many articles i have tried to access are not actually available or hidden behind a paywall
To be honest, some of the journals could not download in e- library
more and more e-books, database
電子資源太少, 很多期刊沒有訂閱
I hope to get more resources online.
Subscription of more electronic journals and databases
can access to more electronic journals
請盡快購買愛如生公司旗下所有電子資料庫, 以保障本校師生有充足資源從事各類教研活動。We have already acquired 《中國基本古籍庫》 from 愛如生 and EdUHK staff and students can also access various Chinese research databases such as 《文淵閣四庫全書》, 《四部叢刊》, 《漢籍電子文獻資料庫》, 《中華再造善本資料庫》, 《漢達文庫》, 《尚儀近代華文書籍暨圖像資料庫》, 《民國時期期刊全文資料庫》, 《晚清期刊全文數據庫》etc. from different publishers. Due to budget limitation, Library can only review 愛如生 products title by title.
expand the electronic resource collection such as WileyThe Library is already subscribing to Wiley Online and provides EdUHK staff and students online access to full text articles from over 1,650 Wiley journal titles. Please contact our Information Counter at 29486653 or email libinfo@eduhk.hk for assistance if needed.
some electronic resources are no longer availableLibrary will regularly review and may cancel some databases with low usages after consultation with the relevant departments. Please contact our Information Counter at 29486653 or email libinfo@eduhk.hk for assistance if needed.
在網上圖書館中,部份電子期刊有搜尋結果,但按進連結後發現沒有該期期刊。希望能新增電子教科書,明白有版權的問題,但電子教科書比較方便閱讀,亦方便在疫情期間使用資源。In 2020, we have conducted a special project to review our collection and purchased e-book copies for those course required readings that we have only got print editions. However, not all readings are available in e-book format; and more and more publishers are selling e-textbooks to students requiring individual login accounts instead of selling them to the Library. Please contact us by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk if you have trouble accessing course readings and we shall try our best to find a solution.
There are not so many books for other languages such as Japanese, Korean, and French.Library has been purchasing language learning materials for various foreign languages such as Japanese, Korean and French. However, it is difficult to build up a comprehensive foreign language collection and we have been seeking advices from Library Liaison Officers of relevant departments. Please feel free to send us your recommendations at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ or contact libacq@eduhk.hk if you would like to set up a meeting to discuss with Library acquisitions staff.
大部份電子資源都沒有整個版本,若每次都要request, 有些麻煩,可將大部份電子資源scan 上網頁Please contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide more details on the items that you need, or send us your recommendations at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/.

Please note that due to license agreements and copyright restrictions, there may be download limits and other restrictions posed by various database and e-book providers.
The access button is not direct to the specific article, APA format is not correct.Please contact our Information Counter at 29486653 or by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk to provide more details about the problem.
1)搜尋引擎經常找不到相關文獻 (明明在 Google scholar 和其他學術網站找到)
3)找到文獻後按下網站後經常顯示 :
The Education University of Hong Kong Login Service -Unsupported Request
The application you have accessed is not registered for use with this service.
Please contact our Information Counter at 29486653 or by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk for assistance if you have trouble finding what you need.
It is very important to maintain and develop the collection of physical books. It is clear from the events of the last 10 years that people prefer to read whole books in hard copy. As long as monographs are in e-books only, they will mostly go unused. Also, the use of e-books undermines the HKALL system. I can only get books from other university libraries if they have physical copies.The e-priority policy adopted by the Library aims at allowing more users to access required information more efficiently anywhere anytime. However, academic colleagues can indicate on their purchase recommendations with justification to purchase print copies instead of electronic ones for particular titles.

We are regularly monitoring the usage data which indicates a steady growth of both e-book and e-journal usage over the past decade.
It would be great if you can include more general books published in simplified Chinese; Establish a e-collection of Cantonese teaching materials for self-motivated learnersComments noted and we shall look for more Cantonese online teaching materials. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.

Purchase recommendations are mostly evaluated by the subject contents and cost. Whether it is published in simplified Chinese or the place of publication generally do not play any major role in the evaluation process.
減少購買簡體字書本,請多選購外國的參考資源,大學圖書館應該是國際化Purchase recommendations are mostly evaluated by the subject contents and cost. Whether it is published in simplified Chinese or the place of publication generally do not play any major role in the evaluation process.

All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
art movie and documentariesComments noted. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
provide more updated academic reference books
too limited with the resources about business, politics, society, and hard to access some external articles and e-database
可考慮加入兒童繪本電子書Comments noted. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.

In addition, we have also purchased over 200 children picture books from 晶晶教育出版社 in 2020.
The collection of e-journals might expand beyond the topic of education to include resources for medical sciences such as database of [Up-to-Date], e-journals of Nature, Lancet, and Neurology. These resources are helpful for learning, teaching, and research activities related to education plus. Also, I understand the library does not subscribe to database such as Web of Science ( WoS) anymore, and I wish to restore a similar database for researchers who rely upon using WoS.The Library has already subscribed Arts & Humanities Citation Index and Social Sciences Citation Index on the Web of Science platform. We shall continue to enhance the digital collection as far as recurrent budget can support.
有些90年代的台湾期刊查不到资源Please contact us at the Information Counter / by phone at 29486653 / by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk for assistance if you have trouble finding what you need.
I wish there could be more copies for university textbooks. In this way we don’t have to battle with classmates XD. Thank you~Depending on the class size, we are already purchasing up to 10 copies of required textbooks and 6 copies of recommended readings for EdUHK courses. In addition, we have adopted an E-Priority Policy and we would purchase e-books online for course readings whenever possible.
在家中電腦使用Eduhk Library的時候,閱讀書籍時間久了/閒置一會兒後,回到介面搜尋書籍資料便登入失效,需要不停重新登入,相對不便。未知會否有其他辦法可以解決?Normally the inactivity timeout is set to 30 minutes or more for most databases. Even when the user is reading a PDF file or scrolling up and down on a web page, it may be treated as inactivity because there is no new command / online transaction between the user’s computer and the database server.

Users may contact us and provide further details so we can work with the database vendor and extend the inactivity timeout duration if necessary. 

空間及設施 Space and facilities

讀者意見 User’s comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
The percentage of space given to stacks has dropped in the last few years, and then the library says they can’t get hard copies of books because they don’t have the shelf space. Well, they don’t have the shelf space because they have decided not to have the shelf space. I think a larger percentage of space should be given to stacks.Thanks for your comments. Library facilities and space utilization are being reviewed based on actual usage and we shall continue to balance the different library needs for quiet study space, discussion area, relaxed area, computing facilities, learning and teaching spaces, shelving, etc.
Many headphones in PC area are useless.We shall review and consider to increase the frequency of equipment checking.

Users are also encouraged to contact counter staff immediately on equipment problems so that we can replace the faulty equipment right away.

It is recommended to install dual monitor in some workstations in G/F, 3/F and 4/F, to help user to do research work easier.A workstation with dual monitors will be set up at Quiet Zone on G/F..
1) 圖書館一樓長期很污漕,枱椅很黑。強烈建議實地考察
Comments noted and will be conveyed to Estates Office for their follow up.
You need to clean the studying space ahead of the time.Cleaning of library public areas has been arranged daily before Library opens. However, it is not always possible to finish cleaning of the whole library building before it opens.
1.More group discussion rooms should be created
2.Discussion rooms should be opened to students for 24 hours
3.The booking time of facilities in MMW Library should be adjusted to 8:30-10:30,10:30-12:30.12:30-14:30,14:30-16:30,16:30-18:30,18:30-20:30,20:30-22:30
Due to space restriction and the need to cater for different library use requirements such as group study space, quiet study places, equipment and facilities, shelving, etc., currently there is no plan to increase the number of Group Discussion Rooms. Users may consider to use Groups Discussion Tables for group discussion. Meanwhile, please note that there is a Meeting Room at EI Hub on LP/F which is open 24 hours.

Library facilities and services, including facilities booking schedule, are being reviewed and considered according to actual usage and resource available. We have asked users about the library facilities booking hours in a previous survey and most users prefer to keep things unchanged.
I hope the places for discussion room can be more. There are limited rooms for discussion. Sometimes students book a discussion room for a whole day but they are not discussing there. They just want to find a room to study or have a rest. When I really need to talk and discuss or have a meeting to say something privately, I cannot find a appropriate place.Due to space restriction and the need to cater for different library use requirements such as group study space, quiet study places, equipment and facilities, shelving, etc., currently there is no plan to increase the number of Group Discussion Rooms. Users may consider to use Groups Discussion Tables for group discussion. Meanwhile, please note that there is a Meeting Room at EI Hub on LP/F which is open 24 hours.
I was often unable to book the discussion room at main library as they were always full. Some users kept booking them. It is suggested to issue a limitation in time or frequency for booking to help improve fairness.Currently most library facilities and rooms can be booked one week in advance and each student is restricted to reserving only six concurrent sessions at any time. Group Discussion Rooms are among the most popular library facilities and they are often fully booked in the afternoon during term time. Users are encouraged to plan ahead and book in advance. Based on our experience, most users can successfully book Group Discussion Rooms if they book it a few days in advance.
the discussion room can be used for a longer time or even service 24 hoursOpening hours of various library facilities are being reviewed based on usage and available resources on regular basis. All floors of Mong Man Wai Library are also opened at least till midnight during Exam Periods when both discussion spaces and quiet study spaces are in high demand.

While there is currently no plan to extend opening hours of the Discussion Zone to 24-hour, users can still use discussion facilities at Creative Lab on G/F and EI Hub on LP/F, both of which are open 24 hours every day.
The discussion room(1 F)should set more plugs.Comments noted and will be followed up.
小组讨论室数量偏少,经常预约不上Currently most library facilities and rooms can be booked one week in advance and each student is restricted to reserving only six concurrent sessions at any time. Group Discussion Rooms are among the most popular library facilities and they are often fully booked in the afternoon during term time. Users are encouraged to plan ahead and book in advance. Based on our experience, most users can successfully book Group Discussion Rooms if they book it a few days in advance.
獨立的房間無法一人預約,家裡環境太嘈,想在學校圖書館拍攝自己試教影片的功課,需要圖書館獨立安靜而附有電視可投影ppt和可以講說話的房間,卻因為最少預約人數3人以上才可以預約!希望圖書館能了解學生的需要,不要只局限房間用作於小組討論的用途。The 5 Group Discussion Rooms are primarily set up for group discussion and are in high demand during term time. Thus, currently there no plan to repurpose them for video production.

Students may now book the new Visual Arts Studio inside Creative Arts Room on G/F for video shooting. They may also consider to use LTTC and OCIO facilities dedicated for video production:
prefer more comfortable chairs ( but i understand this may not be available as students will nap a lot) and more outletsThanks for your comments. The Library has already set up 6 easy chairs for student to take naps. It is technically and physically difficult to set up more in other areas due to space, safety and hygiene limitations.

Hundreds of power outlets have also been added in the public area and study tables on different floors over the past years. Please contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide more details regarding your suggestions.
閱書的環境可以設計更多舒適區/休閒區Thanks for your comments. Library facilities and services are being reviewed and considered according to actual usage and resource available. In order to balance the different library needs for quiet study space, discussion area, relaxed area, computing facilities, shelving, etc., there is currently no plan to expand the Lounge inside the Library.
Sometimes I encounter facilities that are broken, such as laptops, which can affect me a lot. I wish there could be some regular checks or places where we can report damages. Thank you~We shall review and consider to increase the frequency of equipment checking.

Users are also encouraged to contact counter staff immediately on equipment problems so that we can replace the faulty equipment right away
I hope it can be easier to get the booking on the facilities.Facilities of high demand such as Study Carrels at Research Commons on 4/F and Group Discussion Rooms on 1/F are often unavailable for same-day booking during term time. Based on our experience, however, users can successfully book these facilities by making reservation a few days in advance. Please feel free to contact our Information Counter at 29486653 by email libinfo@eduhk.hk for assistance if needed.
For the quiet spaces, there are still some students discussing with thei peers. It is so annoying, but no staff came and stopped them.Please report to the Counters for immediate assistance. Users repeatedly violating Library Regulations may be asked to leave the Library to avoid disturbing other users.
It’s hard the manage the quiet zone. Many students talk and discuss at the quiet zone. When you stop them and remind them to be quiet, they stop for a few seconds and continue without hesitation. If you ask for staff for help, staff come and see nothing happens and nothing can be done to prevent things happen.
等𨋢嘅時候等得有少少耐、 行樓梯反而種花多啲時間 ; 一樓 討論桌 每次都好多人 人流較密集 有時一啲內地 實習生 講野好大聲非常滋擾:DThe two lifts in the Library will be replaced in 2022.

While students can talk and discuss at Discussion Zone on 2/F, they should still be considerate and not speak too loudly and disturb others. Please contact counter staff for assistance if necessary.
大埔校舍圖書館的寧靜區常有同學在小組討論功課,甚至在上網課(zoom),這會影響到其他想安靜地自修的使用者。圖書館的電腦十分慢且舊,希望可作提升Please report to the Counters for immediate assistance. Users repeatedly violating Library Regulations may be asked to leave the Library to avoid disturbing other users.

The Library regularly replaces its computing equipment by phase and by area. In addition, high-speed notebooks and desktop PCs are available at PC Area Creative Lab on G/F, Makerspace at STEM Room on 2/F and Media Production Lab on 3/F.
I like all the service at EdUHK Library. Is it possible if the discussion zone (1/F) is open 24h/7 everyday or open till 12.00 am as I found it convenient to study in this zone. Thank you.Extension of opening hours on different floors will be considered in future reviews based on actual usage and needs of library users.

All floors on Mong Man Wai Library are open till mid-night during Examination Period to meet the high demand. 
無法列印檔案!Please report to the Counters for immediate assistance.
the photocopy charge is way too expensive, especially for color copy/ print – per my understanding, meter charge cost of color print is usually around $0.2-$0.35 per side, and cost is around $0.06 for a piece of A4 paper, and $0.14 for A3 paper. For example, the cost of a double-sided A3 color print is at most $0.9 + (around 10% octopus charge) = around $1. However, the charge of a duplex A3 color print is $6. The charge is six times the cost, and is way too expensive.Please note that Library’s photocopy services are operated on a self-sustained model and therefore printing charges must cover all costs involved such as labours, paper supply, maintenance and replacement of machines, etc.
When I returned a book on self-service station at the ground floor of the main library, the system reported that book had been returned. But before that I had kept that book for months. So, I borrowed the book again and returned it quickly to keep the record. I think the system may have some fault.Please contact counter staff so that we can follow up and provide immediate assistance.
There are some areas on G floor without sockets for charges.Thanks for your comments. Hundreds of power outlets have also been added in the public area and study tables on different floors over the past years. Please contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide more details regarding your needs and suggestions.
更多空間Please contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide further details on your comments and suggestions.
空間嚴重不足, 圖書難以尋找。Please contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide further details on your comments and suggestions.

Please contact counter staff for immediate assistance in locating library materials if necessary. Users are also advised to install the App “”EdU LibMap”” on their mobiles which is an indoor positioning app showing the locations of individual users and library materials.
个人学习空间可预约位置较少Due to high demands for Study Carrels at Research Commons during term time, users are encouraged to make their bookings a few days in advance. They may also consider to use the quiet study areas on 2/F and 4/F.
空调温度不要太低了。A lower temperature is required for preservation of library materials. The current temperature is already higher than international standard and we have found a large number of molded books most likely because of the higher than standard temperature.
1/F smells AWFUL!!!!!! All ac are not working well, I do understand 25c is eco friendly but the humidity here is just making everything smells so horrible and easy to get mold….Air temperature and quality are regularly monitored by Estates Office. Users are also welcome to report any specific problems to counter staff for immediate follow up.
Too hot and poorly ventilated, especially when we need to wear masks.
坐位上也安置Usb線,多幾層24小時開放空間Since many users will bring their own cables, it is more environmental friendly and cost-effective to borrow the right kind of USB cables from the Counters than for us to provide different kinds of USB cables for every seat.
可否更新白板檯,因為經常擦不乾淨、有白板筆跡Comments noted and damaged whiteboard films will be replaced.

服務及管理 Services and management

讀者意見 User’s comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
借书服务十分低水準,服务員不願工作。要求学生使用自助借书机。We have tried our best to keep the Library open during the 5th wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, manpower shortage due to various causes such as staff inflected, mandatory testing and quarantine, WFH arrangement, etc. have inevitably disrupted library operations, especially level of counter services. Normal services were eventually restored on 21 April 2022.
Circulation desk and help desk should prolong their working hours at least to 7PM
I am appalled at the attitude of the woman in the circular desk in the Tai Po library. I have asked her in several instances over the years for assistance and she barks rudely back at me continuously speaking in Mandarin when I have told her numerous times I can only speak English. I had to go ask the information desk instead as she was unwilling to help.Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff.

Users may also contact us by sending email to libinfo@eduhk.hk on such matters in the future so that we can follow up accordingly.
Poor staff attitude. I usually witness staff asking the visitor who brings food and drinks to the library to leave disrespectfully, even the visitor does not have any impolite act. It is reasonable to invite visitors to leav the library if they violate the library regulations (i.e., bringing food into the library); however, it should be in an appropriate manner. It is shameful and regrets to witness such a situation in a university library, better training on the people is needed.Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff.

Meanwhile, no food and drinks are allowed during the Pandemic. Users are not allowed to bring in any food and drinks because food packages, fruit peels and coffee cups are often found in the garbage bins on different floors, attracting and feeding all kinds of pests. Rats were also discovered inside the Library on multiple occasions. We have also received complaints from users who were annoyed by smells and odours of food and drinks during their stay in the Library,.

We hope that all users would be considerate and respect other users of the Library. Until then, we need to uphold the policy for the good of both library users and library collections. Although some of our measures may cause inconvenience to some users, we hope users can understand our concern.
本人於一月二十五日還書,因還書機系統有誤,因此本人到服務臺還書。一位圖書管理員上前[personal description removed],態度十分惡劣,本人沒有作出任何無禮之舉,但被其惡劣態度對待,實在不快。在還書時已三番四次指出是還書,不是借書,但他沒聽進耳內。做還書手續時跟我後面的人說話,令我以為手續經已完成,打算取回學生證時卻被他大聲無禮且不耐煩地阻止。全個過程指示不足,無禮,實在令人髮指。Comments noted with thanks. We shall provide proper training to ensure the service quality of counter staff.

Users may also contact us by sending email to libinfo@eduhk.hk on such matters in the future so that we can follow up accordingly.
希望可以多举办一些读书活动Comments noted with thanks and will be further considered.
The current check-in process is to log on student account by using the desk-top in the library. It is a little bit not convenient, because every two hour, students need to rush to a computer to check in. It can be better, if we can tap the student card as check-in method. In this way, we don’t need to log on our student account every time.
The sensor for front door is slow.Due to sound-proof requirements, the doors at the Library entrance are heavier than usual. Thus, according to the supplier, the opening / closing speed cannot be further sped up for safety reasons.
the computers at the media zone sometimes do not function well.Please report to the Counters for immediate assistance.
廁所經常很髒!能看出女廁的地板並沒有仔細打掃(固定地方固定垃圾一直存在),廁板上經常有尿漬,且有人便後不沖水。希望有提醒廣播或文明如廁貼士。Comment noted and will be conveyed to Estates Office for follow up.
1. Thank you for your compliment.

2. Comment noted and will be conveyed to Estates Office for follow up.
I don’t know if it falls under this category, but previously i was really looking forward to the 3D printing introductory workshop because I believe its a skill I really want to learn. However it was cancelled because of COVID. Instead of cancelling, perhaps the library can reschedule? Also i was a bit puzzled as to why I needed to sign up to it a few months beforehand? I am just curious as to why it needed so long for the period of sign-up to commencement?We regret that two face-to-face workshops (laser cutting and 3D printing) were cancelled in February and April respectively because of the pandemic. Since these workshops which requires on-site demo and practice, we believed that it was not ideal to be conducted online. We will arrange these workshops again once face-to-face teaching resumes on campus.
I could find no one to ask for help (I could not find the book which was supposed to be on the shelf) twice during working hours in G/F MMW.When the pandemic was reaching its peak in HK, Library counters have remained open but operated on a call-for-service mode. Signs have been put up at the counters to inform users that library staff were working at the back office with the phone number to call if they need help.
希望可提升每年的免費影印額,因影印費用實在比較昂貴Print-N-Go service with free print quotas is operated by OCIO. Comment will be conveyed to OCIO for their consideration.
無法列印文件!Please report to the Counters for immediate assistance.
非常一般Comments noted with thanks. Please contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide more details of your comments and suggestions so that we can follow up.

外借及有關規例 Borrowing and related regulations

讀者意見 User’s comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
請增加電子付款方式,例如信用卡等Comments noted with thanks. The Library already accepts WeChat Pay, AliPay and credit card payment at Library counters. Online payment with credit card will be available soon.
I need the interlibrary request only available to final year students before my final year. should have it open to non-final year students.Users eligible for inter-library loan services are based on ILL arrangement mutually agreed by the borrowing and lending libraries.In addition to borrowing books via HKALL, students of all years can request for journal articles and book chapters via inter-library loans. Please seek assistance at Information Counter, by phone at 29486653 or by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk if needed.
ok, but I need the interlibrary request only available to final year students before my final year.
After graduation, the reader card or borrower card holders cannot use the ILLiad service. Also, they can only use selected electronic databases but not all of the e-resources as the current student. However, for those doctoral graduates, they may still want to do research, they need to use database and ILLiad service for reaching the latest journal articles. And they can still publish under the name of EdUHK. However, the current library policy set a restriction to them. I suggest that EdUHK library offer the database and ILLiad service to doctoral graduates with reasonable price. This policy can encourage doctoral graduates to produce quality research outputs under the name of EdUHK.HKALL and inter-library loans services are based on mutual agreements between borrowing and lending libraries. Only current students and staff are covered. This also applies to licences of all electronic resources subscribed by the Library, access of which is limited to current students and staff only, except for those Alumni access has been paid separately by the Library.

Alumni may apply for Library Alumni Membership and access databases in person at the Library. Remote access for a limited number of databases paid by the Library are also available. For details, please see: https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/alumni-eresources). 
希望可以多一些借書目,例如20本,因為幼兒教育要很多故事書Library regularly reviews the loan quota as well as other library services and policies. At present, there is no plan to change the loan quota for students in self-funded non-credit bearing programmes.
The Recall System is in place to speed up the circulation of seasonally high demand items, and is a common practice in local university libraries. If a book is being recalled, users will still have at least 10 days to keep the book before it should be returned. If we shorten all loan items from the current 30-day or 90-day to a 10-day or 15-day period as suggested, it will generally create more inconvenience to users.

Many kits or game items will become unplayable or unusable even if a single item is missing and it is often impossible to replace these missing pieces. In order to maintain these items in usable condition and avoid potential arguments in who should be responsible for a missing item, we have to maintain the current practice both at check-out and check-in.
借出来还没看完 未到期限就被其他同学召还 这个有些不合理The Recall System is in place to speed up the circulation of seasonally high demand items, and is a common practice in local university libraries. When a book is recalled and loan period shortened, users will still have at least 10 days to use it before returning.

A general book may be borrowed for up to 90 days. If loan periods of recalled items remains the same, the users who recalled the items may be frustrated if they still have to wait for months.
疫情情況,未能還書,續借次數能否增加During the 5th Wave of COVID-19 pandemic, we have made adjustments that, except for HKALL items and items being recalled by other users, all other loan items with loan period of 14 days or more were renewed automatically and overdue fines accured during the affected period were waived. This special arrangement was kept until 21 April 2022 when normal library services resumed.
應延長借還時間For items with 14-day loan period, users may keep them for up to 56 days if nobody recalls them. For general books in Circulation Collection, they can be kept for 240 days by students or no limit by staff if there is no recall.

The maximum loan period has already been reviewed and extended by Library Management Committee in 2021. Currently, there is no plan for further changes again this year.
如續借日期不正, 圖書館職員未能第一時間理解職員的現有合約期會影響借書期Library staff certainly understand the situation. But unfortunately the due date for any loan item cannot be set beyond the expiry date of the user record in the Library system. There is nothing much we can do until after the user record is updated by other administrative units.
遲咗少少續借電腦, 還嗰陣話唔使比錢ok, 過幾日突然間話要收錢… 點解電腦冇得自動續借, 借書都會自動延遲日數Please contact our Circulation Counter at 29486658 so that we could investigate the details of your case.
書本上架速度可以加快些We have tried our best to keep the Library open during the 5th wave of COVID-19 in Hong Kong. Unfortunately, manpower shortage due to various causes such as staff inflected, mandatory testing and quarantine, WFH arrangement, etc. have inevitably disrupted library operations, especially level of counter services. Normal services were eventually restored on 21 April 2022.

將軍澳教學中心學習共享 Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Learning Commons

讀者意見 User’s comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
太偏僻Comment noted and will be conveyed to Estates Office for their considerations.
Too far
有啲殘舊 有少少昏昏欲睡嘅感覺
The opening hours should be prolonged
希望將軍澳圖書館可以長期開放,因為住的比較近。另外,可以有安靜區,提醒同學不要一直在自修區打電話,吃飯等Comment noted and will be conveyed to Estates Office for their considerations.

Please also note that TKOSC Library cannot open beyond opening hours of TKOSC.
希望圖書館內可以印彩色打印Octopus card operated colour printers are available at the Library. Please approach Counter for assistance.
影印的電腦登入需時5分鐘,能否改善Comment noted and will be conveyed to OCIO for their review.

其他 Others

讀者意見 User’s comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
Chinese citation requirement should align with APA requirementCitation requirements are not set up by the Library and different instructors may have different requirements. Individual students are advised to their instructors or advisors on this matter.
不準飲食告示版雖然有阻嚇性,但同時醜化空間Comments noted with thanks and will be considered.
圖書館嘅security喺十點鐘之後叫我哋( 佢聲稱清場 )態度有啲差Comments noted and will be conveyed to Estates Office for follow up.
图书馆四楼经常有人食野或饮野,建议再加强监督Please approach counter staff for immediate assistance.
其他樓層開放時間增加或24小時制Based on usage data, there is no plan to further extend 24-hour opening to additional floors.
I would really appreciate it if staff can be more serious to remind the students in the library who do not wear the mask. Otherwise, it is quite dangerous studying in the library during the pandemic.Please report to counter staff for immediate assistance.
There are some users who do not wear masks appropriately, and there is no staff supervision on this. It is too dangerous under current situation.
可以幫同學買一些軟件的liscen供同學下載到自己電腦使用,好像台灣一些大學的圖書知也借提供endnote liscen供同學下載使用Comments noted and will be conveyed to OCIO who manages computing software licenses on campus.

Instead of EndNote, EdUHK users can use RefWorks (https://libguides.eduhk.hk/refworks) which is a powerful cloud-based citation and bibliographic management tool.

Meanwhile, EdUHK staff and students may also use a limited version of EndNote called “EndNote Online with WOS”. Users can access Web of Science (WOS) subscribed by the Library at http://www.lib.eduhk.hk/cgi-bin/WAMConnMgr?sid=isiwos, click on the “Products” button on the top right corner, and select “EndNote” to register for a free account.

For assistance, please contact our Information Counter at 29486653 or email libinfo@eduhk.hk.
This may be a bold request. Is there any possibility that you can manage some internships or volunteer work, so that students can experience being a librarian? (I am a bit interested in being a librarian.)  Students interested in library services may consider taking “CSL2044 Promoting Digital Citizenship at Secondary Level”, a Co-curricular and Service Learning course co-organized by Department of MIT and Library to gain library experience. Library will also hire part-time Student Helpers via iWork throughout the year.
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