Written Comments

讀者意見 Written Comments (Questions 48)

收集所得的意見共 215 項 (不包括無意見項)
Total 215 written comments received (excluding those marked “Nil”)

Breakdown by below categories

註:除了出於保障個人私隱而作出刪改外,讀者意見一欄內的文本皆為原文轉錄。如果讀者希望向圖書館提供更多意見或者對圖書館回應作出跟進,歡迎親臨圖書館諮詢服務台、致電 29486653或電郵至 libinfo@eduhk.hk

Remarks: Users’ comments are transcribed without editing except for privacy concerns. Users are welcome to contact us in person at the Information Counter on G/F of Mong Man Wai Library, by calling 29486653, or by email at libinfo@eduhk.hk to send us further feedback or to follow up with the Library responses.

館藏及電子資源 Collection and electronic resources
User’s comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
Comments noted. All EdUHK staff and students are also welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
Electronic resources are often not accessible, or most of the time with blank pages. Few choices of electronic database. The resources might have covered for uni required materials, but difficult to research/explore something new.
Please buy more e-book
Include more books in the electronic library
Expand the coverage and scope of journal databases
Could buy more databases
Not enough journals
Could be included more leisure collection, not only academic Journal
insufficient of media resources
A wider variety of more than western and Chinese viewpoints.
hope to have more books on neuroscience
The more use of e-books is a great help during this time of pandemic! Thank you. The collection related to medicine and neuroscience is quite limited. As more staff members are doing research in these areas, there is a need to increase.
add more books and other multimedia sources from other countries
more resource from other countries / location rather than PRC and TW
Have a wider range of new resources
很多書籍都太舊了, 不知道是太多舊書還是新書不足, 很怕資訊已過時了 Comments noted. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
Users should also note that the Library has adopted the E-Priority Policy and most of the new purchase are only available online. Users are encouraged to check the Library collection via iSearch and filter by publication dates if needed.
out dated
Extremely limited amounts of journals, Library recommended Departments to subscribe to journals on their own but rejected all recommendations on journal subscriptions afterwards If department has already endorsed for a journal subscription recommendation and there is enough funding in the departmental library materials budget allocated by the Library from the Library Budget, the Library normally will not reject the journal recommendation request. Please contact us via your departmental Library Liaison Officer on specific cases or send an email to libacq@eduhk.hk with further details for investigation.
希望可以增加多些近期出版的兒童繪本, 很多在圖書館都找不到。 Library is now working with ECE Department on enhancing the Children’s Literature Collection. All EdUHK staff and students are also welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
To provide more new releases in children’s books (both English and Chinese)
部份 Citation 格式不正確 Machine-generated citations could be limited by the accuracy of the metadata stored in the databases and users are advised to double check if there are any errors. Please check out the Library Guide on Citing Information at https://libguides.eduhk.hk/citing-information for more information.
學術期刊太少,特別是流行文化研究、媒體研究系列,據說購買昂貴但使用的人少。沒辦法啊,我可能是少數幾個文化研究學者之一,但我們有無數科是流行文化相關啊。這方面的投資是值得的,研究和教育切忌用資本主義邏輯衡量。 Please send your suggestions via the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform/


However, please note that departmental support must be obtained and there must be enough funding for journal subscriptions in the departmental library materials budget allocated by the Library from the Library Budget. As a general practice, we will provide the annual usage data for department review and to make their decisions on journal subscriptions.

should have more local weekly magazine for reading inside library, like 東週刋 , 新假期, IT/technology-related magazines, etc. and the collection available now is not updated…… the latest PCM available there is Oct 2018, eZone is last year…. needs to provide current issue every week! Some magazines such as 新假期 are available in online graphics format via PressReader.  We have checked and the latest issues of eZone are all in place. Users can contact Library counter staff for assistance if needed. For PC Market (PCM), the latest issue on shelf is actually Oct 2020 and not Oct 2018. It was cancelled in Oct 2020 due to low usage. We have since added a note at the magazine shelf to indicate that to avoid confusion.
沒有教師用書, 只有學生版. 職員說不在架上, 要向counter 問, 好奇怪的館藏., 教師用書放出來ohh. Teacher books and teacher editions are kept at close stacks as required by publishers’ in response to abusive usage in the past, including excessive copying and redistribution of illegal copies.
購買「讀秀」 Trial of 讀秀學術搜索平台 had been arranged before and it was not considered due to copyright issues. We have arranged trial again to see if there are improvements to the copyright issues.
Please subscribe 讀秀. The alternatives recommended by librarians (eg 萬方, 知網, 華藝, Chinamaxx, 尚儀) CANNOT serve the purpose.
強烈推薦圖書館盡快投入更多資金,用於購買特別優秀的人文研究數據庫,如「讀秀」,或用於購買更多並發用戶數量,如「中國基本古籍庫」(目前並發用戶量僅為「一」)。 Trial of 讀秀學術搜索平台 had been arranged before and it was not considered due to copyright issues. We have arranged trial again to see if there are improvements to the copyright issues.


With limited budget, we always have to balance between acquiring more new contents or getting more copies of existing resources. Considering the high cost, we currently have no plan to purchase extra license for 中國基本古籍庫.

圖書館的書籍被調動、重新整理及排列,但指示不足找不到想要的書籍,要先在網上搜尋… We are sorry about any inconvenience caused because of various collection relocation due to library construction and renovation works. We have tried our best to display temporary signage during the relocation process. Users are encouraged to contact counter staff for immediate assistance as necessary, or to use the Library’s indoor positioning app “EdU LibMap” which will display the approximate location of individual items on the user’s mobile phone.
宜恢復很多年前曾有的china info bank 數據庫。香港幾間大學圖書館都擁有。再者,此資料庫有助中國研究課程的研讀。 We have arranged trial of China Infobank for further review.
希望可以有平台給學生給建議圖書館購買什麼書籍 All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
It would be much better if a wide variety of the reference books can be provided, such as the law reference book. Thank you. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
Users looking for law-related reference materials may check out Westlaw Asia subscribed by the Library at http://www.lib.eduhk.hk/cgi-bin/WAMConnMgr?sid=westlaw 
希望添加不同出版社的數學教科書的試題集 Comments noted with thanks and will be followed up.
很希望G层的指定参考资料藏书量能更大 (同一种书有多份copy)。 Depending on the class size, we are already purchasing up to a maximum of 10 copies of required textbooks and 5 copies of recommended readings for EdUHK courses. In addition, we have adopted an E-Priority Policy and we would purchase e-books online for course readings whenever possible.
指定參考書目是否可以有更多可外借的copies,又或者,是否可以製作成電子書?(我明白有版權問題,但是否可以採用在線圖書的形式或其他辦法解決?) In 2020, we have conducted a special project to review our collection and purchased e-book copies for those course required readings that we have only got print editions. However, not all readings are available in e-book format; and more and more publishers are selling e-textbooks to students requiring individual login accounts instead of selling them to the Library. Please contact us by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk if you have trouble accessing course readings and we shall try our best to find a solution.
希望能增加館藏,在我查詢雄仔叔叔的故事集時發現我校沒有館藏 Library already has five books under the 雄仔叔叔故事集 book series (by 螢火蟲文化事業 2002) and three books under the 雄仔叔叔講故事 book series (by 慢慢走故事坊 1997). We are also ordering a 2015 title 雄仔叔叔故事集 (by Kubrick).
the library can consider to buy more new books and have corner to introduce new books for staff and students Please check out the “”New materials list”” under “”Services & Facilities”” under the library homepage (https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/new-materials)Highlighted new materials are also displayed at the Information Kiosk in the lift lobby from 1/F to 4/F of Mong Man Wai Library.
It may be useful to readers if there is a list of newly purchased books / reading materials (either put on website or display them physically at the Library).
希望可以購置更多hyread的電子書,例如有關考取牌照的書籍。 Please provide additional information or send your specific suggestions via the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform/
Buy more books and documents especially those related to school libraries and education, e.g. ALA: An Introduction to Collection Development for School Librarians https://www.alastore.ala.org/content/introduction-collection-development-school-librarians-second-edition Thanks for the recommendation and we have placed order on this title. Please use the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform/ to send us your suggestions in the future.
Very convenient to borrow items. The library should make available all relevant journals through the online database. The Library has adopted an E-Priority Policy since 2013. If a book / journal is available in electronic format in the market, e-book / e-journal will be purchased instead of the print version. All EdUHK staff and students are welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recomform/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
作為教育大學,班級經營等書籍BU和HKU藏書更多,應檢討 We actually have as many as, if not more, titles on this topic when comparing with other local academic libraries. Please contact us at the Information Counter for assistance if necessary. EdUHK staff and students are also welcome to use the Online Recommendation Form at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/ to send specific purchase suggestions to the Library.
增加online assess的數量。在網課的情況下,很多學生不會回學校。他們大多通過網上查閱資料。 We are closely monitoring online usage and access denial data and acquire additional copies if necessary.


However, students are still encouraged to access their online readings well before the lesson or the examination to avoid potential problems.

應加入等權威機構的文章庫,不只限期刊供應商的內容 Comments noted with thanks. Please feel free to contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide further details of your suggestions and comments or send specific recommendations to us at https://app.lib.eduhk.hk/recommend/
The library has been very efficient and responsive in attending for requests for purchasing ebooks and electronic resources. This really facilitates the work and study of staff and students. Comments noted with thanks.
Please negotiate with ebooks providers to allow more pages for print/ save.
Very good.  Well.  Enough.  Good.  NOT MANY BUT ENOUGH.  Sufficient.  好

空間及設施 Space and facilities
讀者意見 User’s Comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
not enough room and space for group discussion At present, there are already 5 Group Discussion Rooms and 21 Group Discussion Tables on 1/F that can be booked 7 days in advance; plus more tables in Flexi Zone on the same floor, Creative Lab and The Lounge on G/F and EI Hub on LP/F that users can use for discussion with or without booking. In order to maintain a balance between shelving space, provision of various facilities and user needs for quiet studying, group discussion, computing and leisure reading, room for further expansion of Group Discussion Rooms is really limited. Users are encouraged to make reservation as early as possible because they can often succeed by making the reservation three or four days in advance.
我係校友, 而家返來讀 5 weeks in services courses. 圖書館唔同哂, 好多玻璃間房.
全部空空無人用, 只有一樓討論室有人用, 但一樓空間細, 人太多, 二樓三樓好少人, 好奇怪的設施. 將二樓三樓改成一樓的討論窒 la.
G層Printer有時失靈:選了彩印但還是黑白;有時印不了多頁數。 Please approach counter staff for immediate assistance.
希望獨立的學習房間可以供個人預約,因為現時的房間都需要多於一人才可預約。 Students can reserve a Study Carrel on 4/F for quiet study. Group Discussion Rooms on 1/F are designed to be used by 3 to 7 eligible users for group discussion purpose.
幼童書搬上二樓,空間細左,沒有幼童可走動的地方。枱椅太迫,請搬走中間的矮書架。 The Library’s top priority is to support teaching and learning of the University. Other facilities such as children area will only be provided if space allows and as appropriate. On the other hand, reading space of the new Children’s Literature Collection area is comparable to its previous location. This area is set up for reading but not for physical activities. The current set up is suitable for reading and story-telling purposes.
Add some usb port in power socket in 4F in MMW study carrels Comments noted with thanks and will convey your message to the Estates Office for their considerations.
可以增設一個洗手台在圖書館附近,因為公眾圖書經多人接觸會有很多細菌,有洗手台就可以加強衛生。(with洗手液) Hand-sanitizers are already provided on every floor.
圖書館2樓充電樁全部壞左,從來無人修理 The charging table on 2/F has been fixed and those on all other floors have been checked and confirmed to be operating normally. Users are encouraged to inform counter staff directly on faulty equipment so that they can be handled promptly.
The movable bookshelves are quite hard to move and found it’s quite dangerous to find a book when walking into the movable bookshelves Safety locks and safety bars have been installed to safeguard users’ safety when using the compact bookshelves, please approach counter staff for assistance or demonstration on how to use the safety bar if necessary.
Creative Lab not big enough for conducting classes The STEM Room on 2/F of the Mong Man Wai Library has a seating capacity for over 40 students and it is ideal for conducting STEM courses. It is one of the seven classrooms under the EdUHK Future Classrooms Project. Construction of the other future classrooms are on schedule and they are expected to be available in the 1st Term of 2021/22.
add some drinking water equipment on different floors. Drinking fountains are available on all floors from G/F to 4/F of MMW Library. Please refer to this icon on the Floor Maps or contact counter staff for assistance if necessary.
碎紙機!碎紙機!碎紙機! Comments noted and will be further reviewed. However, please note that facilities or equipment that are not directly relevant to teaching and learning will be considered with lower priority.
希望G层休憩廊能够有更多位置。 Comments noted with thanks and will be reviewed. However, please note that it may not be feasible for us to increase the seating capacity while maintaining the same level of comfort.
影印機列印有待改善 (增加影印機數量) We regularly review the usage data of various facilities and equipment in the Library. Based on the usage statistics, there is no need to increase the number of photocopiers / printers.
希望影印機和scan機多一點,而且影印機經常沒有紙 Papers are being refilled on regular basis for all photocopiers. If users find the machines out of paper, please contact counter staff to refill.
VR 創作器材及空間 Please access https://www.lib.eduhk.hk/facilities-equipment/vam-centre/ for details on VR/AR/Media production equipment and facilities available at the Library.
創科教室可開放給所有教大職員預約使用嗎? STEM Room is a centrally time-tabled classroom. EdUHK staff can make reservation via the iBooking system.
希望可以增設較多書本消毒機在借書處附近 5 UV book sterilizers have already been installed on each floor from G/F to 4/F of Mong Man Wai Library plus another one in Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library. Based on the usage data, there is currently no need to install additional ones.
可以換些木櫈 Comments noted.
空間不錯 Comments noted with thanks.
提供了多間創新的教學課室,供同事在教學上需要上及方便的使用,支援課堂的工作人員kevin親切,在G/F Future classroom 給予課堂上視像教學的支援及幫忙。感謝
VERY satisfy with the PCs and color copiers on G/F, that allows user to work 7×24 in library
The Library environment has been improved after the renovation, e.g. more seating space, high quality color photocopiers. Appreciated it!
Excellent. Keep the high quality of 24/7 studying area is important for hard-working users.
挺好.   非常好!   Well.  Enough space.  Acceptable.  GOOD.  好.  很好.  Good.  很好.  滿意

服務及管理 Services and management


讀者意見 User’s Comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
The loading time of the website is a bit slow. A revamped Library Website is scheduled to be launched in the next academic year to improve user experience.
the search engine is poor An enhancement project for the Library Website and iSearch is scheduled to be launched in the next academic year to improve user experience.
希望能提早開始考試季的開放時間,另外,小組討論室預約長期爆滿,難以預約 At present, there are already 5 Group Discussion Rooms and 21 Group Discussion Tables on 1/F that can be booked 7 days in advance; plus more tables in Flexi Zone on the same floor, Creative Lab and The Lounge on G/F and EI Hub on LP/F that users can use for discussion with or without booking. In order to maintain a balance between shelving space, provision of various facilities and user needs for quiet studying, group discussion, computing and leisure reading, room for further expansion of Group Discussion Rooms is really limited. Users are encouraged to make reservation as early as possible because they can often succeed by making the reservation three or four days in advance.
It is very unsatisfactory that library do not allow student to bring any food into the library due to the prevention of COVID-19. I agree that no eating or drinking in library but I don’t think the policy of not bringing food in is needed. Before COVID-19, food and drinks were also strictly not allowed in Library other than the Lounge and EI Hub. This restriction is extended to the Lounge and EI Hub due to COVID-19. We do not allow bringing in any food and drinks, regardless they will be consumed or not, because complaints were received from users who were annoyed by smells and odours of food and drinks during their stay inside the Library. Food packages, fruit peels and coffee cups are often found in the garbage bins on upper floors, attracting and feeding all kinds of pests. Rats were also discovered inside the Library on multiple occasions.
We hope that all users would be considerate and respect other users of the Library. Until then, we need to uphold the policy for the good of both library users and library collections. Although some of our measures may cause inconvenience to some users, we hope users can understand our concern.
Some librarians in the circulation counter are really not friendly. Smiling is not a must in any case, but I expect a reasonable degree of courtesy.
Another thing is the rule of forbidding users to bring along food, whether it’s opened or not. I am well aware of the rationale behind this regulation, but unfortunately it makes no sense to forbid the bringing of food across the board(and ask users to leave just because the librarians catch sight of food).
We do not allow bringing in any food and drinks, regardless they will be consumed or not, because complaints were received from users who were annoyed by smells and odours of food and drinks during their stay inside the Library. Food packages, fruit peels and coffee cups are often found in the garbage bins on upper floors, attracting and feeding all kinds of pests. Rats were also discovered inside the Library on multiple occasions.
We hope that all users would be considerate and respect other users of the Library. Until then, we need to uphold the policy for the good of both library users and library collections. Although some of our measures may cause inconvenience to some users, we hope users can understand our concern.
洗手間ok lo, 加強清潔, 有清潔工人在冼手間看住更好. Comments noted and has been forwarded to Estates Office. Apparently, it is not practical and affordable to have cleaner station at each toilet all the time.
流通服務台的職員普遍很有禮貌及樂於協助讀者。但於疫情間不時發現貴館一位職員在正常工作時間在奧海城一帶購物,敬請留意 Comments noted. When WFH, our colleagues could leave home in day time for different reasons, including meal break, evening shift, annual leave, time-in-lieu of over-time worked, etc.
真的有很多學生把鞋子脫了,襪子都不穿的把腳丫子放在可以飲食區域的圖書館。真的太惡心了。主要是外國學生。給圖書館前台反應多次,他們也無能為力。真的太惡心了!能不能規定圖書館內不能脫鞋把腳放在凳子上啊!因為這個情況得不到解決,我現在很少去圖書館。 Library staff have action after receiving the complaint. Will take action again whenever needed.
有人在g層可以飲食的區域,摳腳,脫鞋,尤其是鬼佬學生,真的很髒。給圖書管理員反應多次,他們也不管。` Library Staff have taken action. Will take action again if needed.
a bit difficult to locate items since there seemed to be some work being done ? some items have been moved to another level. I found out only when I asked the staff. Please approach counters for assistance if necessary, or use the Library’s in-door positioning app “EdU LibMap” which will display approximate locations of individual items on a mobile phone.
改善了很舒適的卓椅,但為何圍封著4樓的休息椅呢? The sofas on 4/F are closed for social distancing purpose. They will be re-open when situation allows.
放寬幼童可由成人陪同 ,如家傭(不單是父母)進入圖書館。 The University Library is set up for students and staff of the University. Some facilities may not be suitable for use by young children alone. Parents have sole and full responsibility for the safety of their children inside the Library. Thus only parents will be allowed to accompany their children inside the Library.
畢業生証能使用的電子資源有限,不少只能於圖書館內使用,有些可惜 We are providing alumni members with remote access to online resources as long as we are permitted by the copyright owners. However, most database vendors have explicitly restricted remote access to current EdUHK staff and students only.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the self-study place available After the library is closed is really lacking. The 24-hour G/F seats are, to be honest, not a good place for self-study (a stark contrast to the 4/F seats). I know that the 2/F is open for 24 hours during the examination period, and it would be great if the library can implement this practice outside the exam period as well, which I am strongly convinced will be very beneficial to students or other library users in need of a decent studying/research environment outside the library opening hours.
Another thing is the library computers are really not functioning well. I mean, I once tried turning on computers on 2/F but for various reasons they didn’t work, and it turned out I had to try like 3 or 4 computers before I could use one. I suggest regularly checking the state of computers to ensure they are working properly.
Extension of opening hours on different floors will be considered in our regular reviews based on actual usage and needs of library users.
The Library regularly replaces its computing equipment by phase and by area. Computers on 2/F will be replaced by end of this year.
希望把2或3樓設為24小時開放的空間,因為G樓的空間私隱度太低。 Extension of opening hours on different floors will be considered in our regular reviews based on actual usage and needs of library users.
四楼自习室太难预定 应该 设置信誉标准 如果有人超时或者absent应该 减少 给予的时间配比 或者 给予每个学生固定的学年 四楼预定时间 Comments noted with thanks and will be considered in future reviews.
4F自修間使用期間,經常有同學未有booking 就佔用。 Library users may use empty Study Carrels on walk-in basis but they could be asked to give up the seats if someone else has booked the Study Carrels with the Library booking system. Therefore we encourage all users to make advanced booking before using library facilities even though booking is not compulsory.
I hope administrative staff members would able to use Study carrel at 4/F MMW Study spaces are primarily set up to support learning and teaching needs of students and academic colleagues. Non-academic colleagues are free to use any library facilities which are not booked or in use at anytime.
I am a part-time lecturer, I hope that my kid can get a library card to enter the MMW library, especially to the 1/F. Children’s Literature Collection (CLC). Since Dependant Cards are not issued by the Library, please contact Human Resources Office directly on the eligibility.
空調溫度需要提高。至少兩度。 A lower temperature is required for preservation of library materials. The current temperature is already higher than international standard and we have found a large number of molded books most likely because of the higher than standard temperature.
之前試過致電Circulation counter及Information counter查詢進度,但因負責校友証職員2次都在家工作而需要等候回覆。
很抱歉勞煩了Circulation / Information counter 的職員把本人的電話查詢轉交相關職員跟進。若能提供校友証負責人的直接聯絡電話 / 電郵會比較方便
Thank you for your comments and understanding. Due to data security and privacy issues, the sudden shift to work-from-home model posted a lot of challenges and delays for some of our regular routines.
allow to book easier Please contact counter staff or send an email to libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide further details for your suggestions.
借還書台工作好遲缓,職員解釋是系統有問題。可升级嗎? ocio .經常幫我們升级PC 呀。 The Library system used by EdUHK is the same cloud-based system shared by all eight UGC-funded university libraries and it has been generally been very stable with less than 0.1% downtime. In some rare occasions, however, the circulation process may be delayed due to various reasons such as network problems, faulty RFID tags, etc. We shall continue to work with various parties to enhance the stability and performance of the various library systems.
email with renewal link would be good Under current policy and arrangement, Library will renew loan items for users automatically four days before the item is due (excluding HKALL items) if it is not being recalled or requested by other users.
If we add a renewal link in the notification email, users may find it confusing when they click the renewal link but only to find out that the item is already being renewed or that they cannot renew it because it is requested by other users.
For MMW Library G/F 24-hour open space area, sometimes some people talk very loudly, which is really quite disturbing. However, I have never seen any librarian staff to intervene and remind them to talk softly. I understand that it is a space allowing for group discussion and talking, but the volume should still be limited, not at the expense of other users. Please approach counter staff for assistance should similar case happen again in the future.
圖書館網頁的版面設計,最好能容易察覺及看到,使更快捷地進入。 A revamped library homepage is scheduled to be launched in the next academic year to improve user experience.
For a photocopy resource requested via ILLiad, if possible the material can be saved in text pdf instead of in the form of the photo will be more convenient for the user. Most of the articles or documents obtained from other libraries via inter-library loans (ILLiad) are already in text pdf although there are exceptions due to reasons such as preservation or conservation of materials. It is difficult for our Library to give specific instructions to other libraries for text format only. Should users encounter problems in viewing those articles, please contact us by replying the ILLiad notification email for assistance.
Thank you. I use the interlibrary loan service all the time to find e-journals that are not in our library collection. The service is always quick. However, because the e-journal is borrowed through the interlibrary loan, many of the e-resources ( appendix, such as sound files, videos) attached to the original journals could not be found. It is helpful for researchers to have access to these resources. Sorry that your request can’t be entertained for we have to follow the services policy of host libraries, most libraries restrict the loan of AV materials to their own users only. Please contact the Information Counter on G/F of Mong Man Wai Library, call 29486653 or email libinfo@eduhk.hk so we can find out whether there is anything further we could try.
I found it is difficult to search the books I want to borrow via the online platform, the searching engine is not so user-friendly. Comments noted with thanks. Please approach Information Counter staff or email us at libinfo@eduhk.hk for assistance.


Meanwhile, an enhancement project for the library homepage and iSearch is scheduled to be launched in the next academic year to improve user experience. 

For the isearch service, sometimes we got kicked out from the search too early that we have to keep on re-signing. Ideally, if the system can keep the login for a longer time will be better. The iSearch session timeout is already set to 30 minutes which is the maximum allowed by the system
Should consider re-opening the spaces in LP floor for 24 hours; should also consider allowing students to reserve the Creative Lab as well. The L/P Floor has been temporarily closed for infection control during the peak of the pandemic but it has been resumed normal since then.


If students need to use the Creative Lab for teaching and learning related activities, they could seek assistance from the instructor to make a reservation. Students can feel free to use the computers in the Creative Lab when there is no class. 

有些同學在 7×24 揚聲開 Zoom,可能不知該處是靜音區,建議廣播可加插「請同學保持安靜」 Comments noted with thanks.


In the future, please report the case to Counter staff for immediate action.

better noise management or arrangement during construction Sorry for inconvenience caused. Noisy works have been scheduled to be carried out at weekends as much as possible.
May provide quota to students for printing so that they can print without charges Printing quota for students is already provided by OCIO with the Print-N-Go system.
論文的搜查系統時常有一些明明有連結卻不能用的情況發生 Please contact us at the Information Counter / by phone at 29486653 / by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk and we will further investigate.
5 weeks 已經對圖書館查書好失望, 查出來千萬個, 真的頭暈.
上次survey 已經表達, 沒有絲毫改善, 今次survey 再表達, library 有無睇 lol?
Please contact us at the Information Counter / by phone at 29486653 / by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk for assistance if you have trouble finding what you need.
Will try to enroll in library course via zoom Noted with thanks.
提供更多紙質的paper Please contact us by email at libinfo@eduhk.hk or contact counter staff directly and provide more information about your suggestion.
Sometimes I couldn’t find children storybooks on the shelves that are “available”. Users may approach counters for assistance if “available” items are not found on bookshelves or sorting shelves.
sometimes cannot find the books according to their tag numbers searched from the system. Please contact counter staff for assistance if necessary.
可以把布造椅子換成皮/假皮的嗎, 可以定期抹一抹更好!!! Comments noted with thanks and has been forwarded to Estates Office.


Estates Office replied that chairs are regularly cleaned every six months.  Additional cleaning will also be arranged depending on the actual situation of the chairs.  Other than the usage and material type related to the cleanliness condition, it should be noted that some users may not properly use the chairs.  Estates Office will continue to closely monitor the cleanliness condition.

dirty Comments noted with thanks and will be conveyed to the Estates Office. Facilities and equipment in the Library are cleaned on regular basis. Please contact counter staff for assistance if necessary.
椅子是用布的, 座位很多污漬, 潔癖的我看到很難受?盡量不敢坐, 但有時跟同學小組討論的時候沒有選擇, 要強迫自己坐下去, 呀!好辛苦 想起都很想立刻洗澡
Comments noted with thanks and has been conveyed to the Estates Office.  Please contact counter staff for assistance if necessary.


Estates Office replied that chairs are regularly cleaned every six months.  Additional cleaning will also be arranged depending on the actual situation of the chairs.  Other than the usage and material type related to the cleanliness condition, it should be noted that some users may not properly use the chairs.  Estates Office will continue to closely monitor the cleanliness condition.

Better communication Comments noted with thanks. Please feel free to contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide further details of your suggestions and comments.
Some staff are suggested to learn Putonghua as more and more mainland student’s needs. Comments noted with thanks.
staff at circulation counter are nice n helpful, comparing to the opposite counter
The librarians are always helpful. You are always quick to reply and try to help with different problems I have encountered including interlibrary loans and extension of loan period during the pandemic. The library staff members are always pleasant in their communication. Thank you.
friendly and helpful staff
Circulation counter大部份職員都很友善,對書籍的新位置很熟悉
Clean and neat.
Great workshop and zoom class
Thank you for the good services
Very helpful staff
Excellent services
Thank you for the services provided!
thank you for all your work ?
Thank you so much!
Excellent. Fine.  Good and excellent.  Good services.  Very ncie.  好.  很好.  很好!挺好.  滿意.  非常好!

外借及有關規例 Borrowing and related regulations


讀者意見 User’s Comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
Admin staff members (non-regular) aren’t allowed to borrow those reference materials that are read inside the library for 3 hours. It’s not convenient as I really need them for my job. Maybe you can let HRO know. Department may send request for special loan request to Access Services Librarian for consideration.
特殊時期(新冠肺炎)外借及相關條例應視學生情況彈性處理,而非武斷罰款。 During COVID-19 pandemic, special library services and fine waive arrangements have been imposed repeatedly until the situation improved. Please contact our Access Services Librarian should follow up is required.
Hope that all magazines or books in the MMW Library – 1/F. Children’s Literature Collection (CLC) can be borrowed out. Most books in the Children’s Literature Collection can be checked out. Journals and magazines are short readings meant to be used or circulated in a faster flow and hence can only be read in the Library.
why some materials are available for teaching staff, but not students? Other than “University Archives” and “EdUHK Collection”, most library materials are available for student use. Restrictions may also be imposed by publishers, e.g. some psychological tests or counselling materials. Should students have needs to access restricted materials for their study, please send written request to Access Services Librarian for consideration.
HKALL書籍,如無人預定書籍,應可延長一周的限期 Renewals of HKALL books provided by other libraries are governed by HKALL policy as well as host library’s loan policy and their actual needs at that time, which is beyond the authority of EdUHK Library.
should have more collection of kids’ weekly magazines (兒童週刋) for borrowing, not limited to reading inside library Same as journals and newspapers, magazines are short readings meant to be used or circulated in a faster flow, and therefore can only be read in the Library.
老師建議的書藉只可會1星期太短 Books at the Reserve Collection are course-related readings and usually in high demand. Based on our E-Priority Policy, we shall purchase the online e-book as well whenever possible.
希望可以外借時間增長 Thanks for your comments and will be considered in future reviews. At present, the maximum loan period for all items with a loan period of 14 days is at least close to 2 months (ranges from 56 to 360 days)
手提電腦借還時間可延長至4小時 Comments noted and will be taken into consideration in the future review.
有些圖書不應限制不能借出 Comments noted with thanks. Please feel free to contact us at libinfo@eduhk.hk and provide further details of your suggestions and comments.
預約書本的系統可加入指引,讓人更易使用網上預約書籍。 Please provide more details on your suggestions by email to libinfo@eduhk.hk for our consideration and follow up.
May borrow tablets to students with longer duration Thanks for your suggestion and will be considered in future review.
Loan period is very generous and flexible. Comments noted with thanks.
非常好!  Excellent.  Well.  滿意.  Reasonable.  OK.   Good. OK fine.   好.  Fine.  很好

將軍澳教學中心圖書館  Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library


讀者意見 User’s Comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
can extend the opening hour if possible Comments had been forwarded to Study Centre. They replied that in view of effective management of resources, Sunday’s operation would be beyond their existing manpower capacity, so the current official opening hours of TKOSC remains unchanged.
It would be great if Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library also open on Sunday because part-time students need to work from mon to sat, opening on Sunday gives us more chances to stay inside the library.
离主校区太远了 虽然有自习安排 但是 还是不够方便 校车班次太少

Comments noted with thanks and has been forwarded to Estates Office.

Estates Office replied that in view of the current usage of Inter-Campus Shuttle Bus Service between Tai Po Campus and Tseung Kwan O Study Centre, there is no plan to provide additional bus trips, but will continue to closely monitor the usage.

Resource is too limited Additional bookshelves have been set up and new acquisitions have been made for TKO in the past few years. However, the shelving capacity at TKOSC Library is still limited by the physical space. On the other hand, most new additions are in e-format which can be accessed anywhere at all time. Users can also request for items available at MMW Library to be delivered to TKOSC Library and return at either MMW or TKOSC Library.
Good. OK.  好 Comments noted with thanks.

其他 Others


讀者意見 User’s Comments 圖書館回覆 Library’s Responses
希望可以為公共圖書館的兒童及青少年閱讀計劃蓋章, 因為很多教大的兒童圖書是公共圖書館沒有的, 希望教大圖書館也支持這活動, 以鼓勵閱讀。 Due to manpower consideration and service priorities, there is currently no plan for us to support the Reading Programme for Children and Youth organized by the HK Public Library and verify the reading and borrowing records of young readers.
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