Discussion Booths

The Lounge, G/F and Discussion Zone, 1/F, MMW Library

Nine discussion booths are set up at the Lounge, G/F and 1/F of MMW Library. Each booth is for 2 to 4 eligible users. The booths (DB1 to DB5) at the Lounge (G/F) open 24 hours daily; and the other four booths (DB6 to DB9) on Discussion Zone (1/F) open for use when 1/F is in service. Advance booking is provided for EdUHK students and academic staff with EdUHK accounts via Library Booking System.

Booking of Discussion Booths (DB1 – DB5) at The Lounge on G/F

Booking of Discussion Booths (DB6 – DB9) at Discussion Zone on 1/F

Eligibility of Booking

EdUHK students and academic staff. 
Booking should be made by one group member on behalf of a group of 2 to 4 eligible users . EdUHK username of 1 more user must be provided at the time of booking.

Length of Booking Session

2 hours

Seating Capacity

Booth DB 1 – 2 on G/F and DB6 – DB9 on 1/F : 2- 4 users;
Booth DB 3 – 5 on G/F : 4-6 users

Compulsory Check In Time

The user who made the booking must check in on-site together with at least one more group members within 15 minutes after the start of each session, otherwise Library has the right to cancel the booking.

For continuous booking, check in is required for each session.

Booking Quota

No more than 6 active or booked sessions of any library facilities at the same time.

Period of Advance Booking

7 days in advance

Opening Hours

Discussion Booth DB1 – DB5 at The Lounge (G/F) are available on 24-hour basis. Discussion Booth DB6 – DB9 at Discussion Zone (1/F) are open for use when the 1/F of the MMW Library is open. Please visit library opening hours.

Equipment Highlights

A monitor with HDMI/Type C input installed in DB6 and DB7.

Rules for Using the Discussion Booths

  1. Library users eligible for usage and booking: EdUHK Students and academic staff.
  2. Seating capacity: Each set of booth can seat 4 users. Each group using a booth must have at least 2 users.
  3. Length of book session: 2 hours.
  4. Compulsory check-in time: The member who made the booking on behalf of a group must check in on-site together with at least one more group members within 15 minutes after the start of each session, otherwise Library has the right to cancel the booking.
  5. Booking quota: No more than 6 active or booked sessions of any library facilities at the same time.
  6. Bookings cannot be transferred to other users.
  7. Users should keep the voice down in order to minimize the disturbance to other users.
  8. The Library does not accept responsibility for any loss or damage of personal belongings unattended in the premises.

Enquiry and Assistance

Please contact Library Circulation Counter at 2948 6658 or email libcir@eduhk.hk for assistance.

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