2024 User Survey Written Comments

讀者意見 Written Comments (Question 55)

收集所得的意見共 407 項 (不包括無意見項),其中包含對圖書館服務的正面評價,摘錄如下:
Total 407 written comments including appreciations were received and extracted as below. Those marked “Nil” were excluded.

外借及有關規例 Borrowing and related regulations
  • 很好 / 挺好 / 满意 / 良好 / 還可以 / 都Ok / 非常满意
  • Good / Great / Satisfactory / Very good / Excellent
  • 30 days of load is reasonable and I found a wide variety of books available in abundant quantities.
館藏及電子資源 Collection and electronic resources
  • 可以唔錯 / 可以有推送 / 很好 / 良好 / 還可以 / 足够使用
  • 很欣賞圖書館的教科書館藏
  • 我覺得挺豐富的了
  • Abundant / Enough / Excellent / Good / Very good / Great / Satisfactory
  • Great collection of resources. Children literacy area is great.
  • Very good for electronic resources
服務及管理 Services and management
  • 很好 / 滿意 / 都接受 / 非常好 / 非常满意
  • 很好,工作人员很热情
  • 我覺得不錯~
  • 很滿意圖書館的服務,職員的態度 / 服務太道好
  • 服務台職員的態度較良好,又願意幫忙讀者。
  • The counter staff are polite and nice and able to answer my questions.
  • More cordial / Great people here are all nice and helpful / staff are helpful and polite
  • Very good service. Staff are very helpful and responsive.
  • [personal name removed] Thank you for all the help in our workshops!
  • Convenient / Excellent / Good / Great / Very good / Satisfactory / It is good. / Gr8
  • The library offers impeccable service to look for journal articles that are not in EdUHK collection.
空間及設施 Space and facilities
  • 已很不錯 / 很好 / 整体挺好的 / 滿意 / 非常满意
  • 圖書館的影印機很方便使用
  • 圖書館的電腦,影印機性能良好。四樓的自修座位亦提供了理想的學習空間。
  • 很大目前认为非常好
  • 欣賞空間和設施的配置更多,輪候時間大幅減少
  • 十分喜歡4/F自修間,私隱度算高,座位也尚算舒服。
  • All good / Excellent / Good / Great /
  • appreciate the lounge area – good place to relax
  • Even though I didn’t utilize this particular facility, I found great comfort and joy while passing through these areas. The library’s exceptional lighting and well-organized spacing between each facility are its highlight.
  • Excellent. Although I did not use some of the facilities such as future primary classroom, I visited them. The Library staff, [personal name removed] and [personal name removed], were so kind to introduce those rooms and their function to me. I can not wait to use them.
  • Nice furnished area
  • self-borrowing services via RFID is very convenient
  • the Future Classrooms inside library are great!
將軍澳教學中心圖書館 Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library
  • 很好 / 滿意
  • Excellent / Good / Great / Satisfactory /
其他 Others
  • 感謝圖書館對畢業生及在職教師的支援。教大圖書館的館藏很捧!
  • Everything / Excellent / Good
  • Library is the best service unit at EdUHK.

Written comments are broken down by below categories

館藏及電子資源 Collection and electronic resources 100 (24.57%) 空間及設施 Space and facilities 101 (24.82%) 服務及管理 Services and management 107 (26.29%)
外借及有關規例 Borrowing and related regulations 52 (12.78%) 將軍澳教學中心圖書館 Tseung Kwan O Study Centre Library 26 (6.39%) 其他 Others 21 (5.16%)

註:除了出於保障個人私隱而作出刪改外,讀者意見一欄內的文本皆為原文轉錄。如果讀者希望向圖書館提供更多意見或者對圖書館回應作出跟進,歡迎親臨圖書館諮詢服務台、致電 29486653或電郵至 libinfo@eduhk.hk

Remarks: Users’ comments are transcribed without editing except for privacy concerns. Users are welcome to contact us in person at the Information Counter on G/F of Mong Man Wai Library, by calling 29486653, or by email at libinfo@eduhk.hk to send us further feedback or to follow up with the Library responses.

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