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Coverage: Varies
Factiva is a valuable research tool for many disciplines, including political science, media studies, business, technology studies, social science, journalism, the arts, and more. The comprehensive database allows users to browse through a collection of global content sources from 200 countries, in 26 languages – including newspapers, continuously updated newswires from Dow Jones and Reuters, journals and magazines, websites, blogs, and multimedia. [6 concurrent users only]
Films on Demand consists of 16,000+ videos, archival films and newsreels in humanities, social sciences, health, science and business & economics. It is the result of decades of careful curating with a single guiding principle: providing every academic department on campus with the most essential video titles for their field of study. Always on the cutting edge, Films On Demand’s platform provides users with the content, tools, speed, and performance that today’s online experience demands.
Coverage: Varies
Provides over 25,000 encyclopedic entries covering a variety of subject areas.
「FunPark 童書夢工廠」包含「Fun故事」、Fun刊物」和「Fun學習」以互動操作方式讓3至12歲兒童透過互動及遊戲方式輕鬆學習,培養閱讀興趣和語文能力,內容涵蓋數學邏輯、品德教育等。上述電子書可供網上閱讀或下載到流動裝置(需安裝流動應用程式)。 請選擇「香港教育大學」登入。
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